Monday, April 12, 2021


BAND NAME: Slammed Into Oblivion
GENRE: Gorenoise / Goregrind / Death Metal
STATUS: Active
LOCATION: Milford, Connecticut



3 Track Demo (February 4, 2020, Independent) (Digital)

1. Merciful God 0:10
Sometimes I forgot the mercy of the LORD above.
He is always forgiving.
We're washed by His blood.

2. Forgiveness 0:19
You are always forgiven by the neverending undying love of the LORD above.
Lift your voices to His holy name and praise Him from your body of flesh that your soul possess.
All praises to Him are holy and all songs for Him are another win for the kingdom of God.

3. God Bless You 0:18
Deus benedicat vos (God bless you)

3 Way Split (February 8, 2020, Independent) (Digital)

4. Slammed Into Oblivion - Untitled 0:26
5. Slammed Into Oblivion - Untitled 0:24
6. Slammed Into Oblivion - Untitled 0:45

2 Ways Of Goreship Split (February 29, 2020, Independent) (Digital)

3. Slammed Into Oblivion - Slammed Into Oblivion 4:57

Washed By His Blood (single, March 2, 2020, Independent) (Digital)

1. Washed By His Blood 2:45

Crucifying Demons (demo, March 7, 2020, Independent) (Digital)

1. Beyond Understanding 0:54
We live in a world that's beyond understanding
Our concept of reality is bound by
Our human minds
It's hard to comprehend something that's greater
Than the power that we hold as humans
I'll take that leap of faith
There's no harm in doing so
My God is one of mercy
Doesn't matter how you are, you can stay who you want to
'Cause God is always loving
Don't feel like you need to change who you are
Because God's glory is for all
And just remember this
That there's nothing you can do
To have God not love you

2. Inverting Hell 0:37
Satan is a coward, his casts of misfortune don't scare us.
I'm not scared of him, 'cause I know he's scared of us.
We will turn his place of torment against him.
He tries to strike us down, but we fight back.
Satan's laugh will turn to crying.
Satan should be scared of us.
(I will fight for the Lord)

3. Hell Will Fall 0:07
Hell will fall

4. Mutilate Demons 0:22
Prayer is the best way to mutilate demons
Prayer is the best way to mutilate demons
Screaming hallelujah and God bless
Screaming praise God is so powerful
Demons cry in pain at the sight of worshippers
Praise God

5. Revenge For Christ 0:07
Satan will be crushed

6. Severely Mangled Demons 0:39
Demons will be crucified in the pits of hell,
I myself in flesh and blood am ready to rip and tear,
Destruction reigns the pits of hell, we will destroy his lair.
Hell will be inverted, blood and guts will fly.
And at the end of our glorious crusade, Satan will be crucified.

7. Words Like Blades 0:29
My brothers please listen closely to what I have to say
Remember deeply that it will always be a struggle in some way
You are strong though, keep Satan labeled as a coward!
'Cause marking Satan with this claim will only give you power
Continue praising the Lord with amens and hallelujah!
For these words are like blades through the hearts of demons

8. Bless You All My Brothers 0:31
Praise the LORD!
Bless you all
My brothers of flesh
And my believers in Christ

Amen (single, March 22, 2020, Independent) (Digital)

1. Amen 4:47

King Of Kings (EP, March 25, 2020, Independent) (Digital)

1. Satan Whimpers 0:13
Death on a stake for Satan
Laugh at his whimpers
Satan's a wussy
I'm not scared of what he throws
Eyes pop out the skull
His death is unavoidable
Try to keep faith in Christ
We will end Satan in a violent night
Keep faith in Christ
We'll win the fight

2. Satan Is The King Of Cowards 0:17
Prayer will mutilate demons
Coward, Satan is a coward
Keep your faith in Christ
This will scare Satan

3. Lucifer Is Weak 0:21
I laugh at the pathetic attempts of Lucifer
He is a weak, penny being
I make a mockery of his life
And will make a mockery of him in his grave
Satan is a coward's vermin
Amen in the name of Christ, for his power is mightier than comprehensible
Satan is a coward

4. Praise 0:07
Praise be to the King of Kings

5. Christ Is Eternal 0:17
Praise Christ the almighty LORD
Christ will crush Satan
Satan's end is written in blood
Yet Christ is eternal

6. The Anti-Christ's Death 0:09
When the anti-Christ comes
Its blood will be spilt on the floor

7. Make A Mockery Of The Anti-Christ 0:16
Do not fear the anti-Christ
For that will give it power
Instead, make a mockery of the anti-Christ
Then all its power shall mean nothing
Laugh at the face of the anti-Christ
That will make it angry
That will make it feel powerless

8. Worthless Anti-Christ 0:27
Worthless anti-Christ
The anti-Christ is a coward
Do not fear the anti-Christ
For the LORD is more powerful than the anti-Christ shall ever be
The anti-Christ's death is marked

9. Demons Disfigured 0:14
Demons disfigured
Ripped to shreds
Nothing can save them
From their fate
From their fate
From their fate

10. Praise God 0:11
Praise God the King of Kings almighty
Praise God, for He is the LORD of LORDS

11. Incomprehensible 0:19
Endless, eternity
Incomprehensible by the human mind
That there'd be something else
Forces explainable
In a different plane of existence
I feel these forces are real

12. Satan's Pathetic 0:04
Satan's pathetic

13. Mutilated Anti-Christ 0:14
Mutilated anti-Christ
Pathetic anti-Christ
Death to the anti-Christ
Its arrival I do not fear

14. Blessed Be The LORD Of Lords 0:56
Blessed be to the King of Kings
Blessed be to the Lord of Lords
Hallelujah, amen, hallelujah, amen
Christ loves you

The LORD Most High (demo, April 3, 2020, Independent) (Digital)

1. Mightiest Of All 0:22
Amen, I praise the LORD on high
The LORD is the mightiest of all, I praise his name on high
All will fall to their knees in the presence of his holiness
Praise the LORD on high

2. Beware Of Pharisees 0:26
Modern Pharisees roam the earth
Judging of other believers
Thinking thou holier than others
Beware of the filthy Pharisees
For thou shut the door to the Kingdom of Heaven in people's faces

3. Bury The Antichrist 0:13
Rotting antichrist in an unmarked grave.

4. Greedy Pastors 0:27
Don't buy into large pastors who use the Word of the LORD
For their lustful greed, stealing from those in need
Don't allow the "greedy pastors" to steal your family's money
They use the Word of the LORD as a tool for gluts greed
Some won't spend the offerings of the church, but rather buy a private jet
Don't be fooled and don't "buy into it"

5. Prayer 1:11
O heavenly Father, I just wanna say a prayer right now for the world and for everyone that lives here
I pray that I will feel more connected to you Lord
And I pray that more people will feel your love, rather than feel judged and hated
There's a lot of people in the world that give off a very negative image of what you are
And I just pray
I pray to you that you will help others like you helped me
See that there's more to it, amen

Quivering Demons (EP, April 11, 2020, Independent) (Digital)

1. Who I Am 1:02
This is who I am
This is who I'll remain to be
I was never forced to be a believer, I want you to see
I feel like a lot of people get the wrong idea of me
I'm simply a believer, but I'm not one that is guiding
See I study for myself rather going to church listen to
Sermons made by humans when some of them can be total jerks
I get why you're upset and you feel like God is hating you
'Cause I feel the same sometimes and I'm not ashamed to confess this too

2. The Walls That Divide 0:45
I don't care what you see in me, I'm beaten down for my belief
I'm not sick or force-fed an idea
Sanity is shrinking
The walls that divide worlds
Are bleeding
Two worlds bound to collide
There's more to life after we die
Two planes of existence collide
They're as valid as the one that we're inside
From heaven to hell
People dwell
Realities beyond what we see
Life goes on after we stop to breathe

3. Demons Quiver 0:40
Demons quiver in the name of God
Satan is cowardly
Christ's the anti-anti Christ
Demons get disfigured by the name of God
Guts melt through the ribcage to release the putrid entrails
Of the BEAST
The God's will be done

4. Disconnected From The Flesh 0:52
Rotting carcass lies in the grave,
Spirit disconnected from it now,
The rotting body was the home of someone who once was.
No his spirit is set free from his flesh.
Dead carcass, slowly rotting away.
Flesh falling off the body.
While this body rots slowly, its spirit is set free.
The consciousness continues after your body,
Completely decomposed.
Not much of the body left.
But the soul is free.

5. Jesus Stands Up For Sinners 0:38
Christ said woe to the Pharisees, and He would do the same today
The Pharisees bring a prostitute to Jesus saying they must stone her
For her wickedness
But Jesus stood up for this sinner
Saying the first "Who hasn't sinned may throw the first stone."
No one could throw the stone
'Cause they all knew that they had sinned
But there are still Pharisees everywhere to this day
Thinking that a sin should mean someone is damned
And forcing them to change

6. Feel God's Presence 0:38
Feel the light, eternally.
Washed clean.
Feel the presence of the other reality.
We are free.
We are free.
There's more to life than what we see.
Have hope.
We are not alone on earth.
There's other forces.

7. I'm Not Scared Of You 0:38
I don't shelter myself in fear
I have no fear of this world
Try to come and strike me down
It only will make me grow stronger
They try to weigh me down and drown me out, but I'm still standing
Back off from me
I'm not scared of you
I am the one who's laughing
I do not fear Satan
Satan is a weak little rat
He'll be still when stricken down and he will remain just like that

8. The Lord Accepts All 0:32
Don't let the harshness of the Pharisees
Push you away from the Lord
The Lord accepts you, no matter what
So don't let them trick you into thinking
That there's something you can do to
Have the Lord not accept you
Pharisees are liars

9. Power Incomprehensible 0:43
God's power is so mighty it's incomprehensible
The mortal mind can't comprehend the might of the Lord
That's why demons fear His name
Satan is a coward and knows his end is marked
He knows that he will be stricken down by the Lord

10. The Divine Creator 0:31
Praise to the divine Creator of the world, all things created by His hand
Praise the almighty God

11. No Demon Shall Live 0:33
"Lake of fire, destruction of sin, no devil, no demon shall live"
No demon shall live

5 Ways Of Brutal Noise Split (April 12, 2020, Independent) (Digital)

13. Slammed Into Oblivion - This Track Melts Demons 0:15
14. Slammed Into Oblivion - Stomping On Demon's Skulls 0:12
15. Slammed Into Oblivion - Feasting On Locusts 0:12
16. Slammed Into Oblivion - Life Beyond Flesh 0:18

Simultaneously A Saint And A Sinner (EP, April 22, 2020, Independent) (Digital)

1. Reassured By Christ 2:09
My mind's a warfield, my thoughts deranged,
My flesh feels shaken, my thoughts split in two.
How can I be a man of God when I'm so pitiful?
Is it even right for me to praise your name?
Flickers of hopelessness, spikes of uneasiness,
Conscience hurts, running in circles.
Enduring all this pain.
Thoughts of another reality is silenced by,
Calling us insane and crazy but we will rise.
I'm a sinful believer, and that can never change,
But I'm reassured by the Holy One that I'm okay.
Put Satan the dastardly liar in his place.
Put Satan the dastardly coward in his fiery grave.

2. Death To The Wicked One 2:03
Brutal war arises
Bodies of the demons stack into a putrid pile
The undead burning, they hate you
Let's make this clear, Satan hates you
Satan's love for you is fake
Lies, manipulation, Satan is the king of liars
Desecration, fake love from the wicked one
Don't fall for the demon's trick, they try to draw you away from God
Their desperation should show it is true
Evil forces, don't let them
Get between you and the Holy One
God is loving, washed by blood
Death to the wicked one
Let God's Spirit lift you up
All hail the Creator!
All hail the Maker of all

3. Let The Agony Better You 1:39
Suffering strengthens you
Pain makes us stronger
Let the agony better you
Endorsing the pain will make you stronger
I've been through torment, I've crawled through
Painful times
I kept on running!
And made it out alive
Anxiety, depression, you can push through it all
If hard times consume you, stay here to watch the hard time fall!
Stay here to watch them crumble, stay here and grow in strength
For each miserable day that passes
Is another that you sharpen your soul
For every misery you endure adds
More toughness to the mind as a whole
Show you're stronger than the challenges that are thrown at you
Grab your misery by the horns and make that oxen black and blue

4. None Is Sinless 1:44
Demonic embodiments, our nature is evil
Human attempts to be perfect end pathetically
No matter how hard you try you will ungraciously fail
We are all wicked, not a single one is sinless
Some believers love to call out others for their imperfections
It's the most hypocritical thing I have ever seen
They wonder why less people will call themselves believers
It's because of people like these, making
Us feel ashamed to say we believe
We are all wicked, not a single one is sinless
We are all wicked, not a single one is sinless
Don't let these people draw you away from God
Spit in Satan's face

5. Blame Humans 1:42
We are all wicked people,
I don't shelter myself from the facts.
It's in a nature to be sinful,
You need to come to terms with that.
You say religion causes violence.
Of course it does sometimes, just like any difference.
It's in our nature to collide.
You act like if there's no religion all of the sudden,
Everything would be fine.
If that's seriously your mindset,
You are blind.
You act like religion's the only source of conflict.
Would you just open your eyes?
Race, disagreements, and politics just to list a few causes of wars all the time.
Religion doesn't cause violence, it's the humans that do.
Just how you wouldn't blame a gun,
For murder you'd blame the person who shoots.
So just accept the fact that humans are the ones to blame.
And don't pretend like if religion was gone everything magically be okay.
I'm not afraid to believe.
I refuse to pretend there's not a God.
Because our God is great, our God's an awesome God.
I'm not afraid to believe.
I refuse to pretend there's not a God.
Because our God is great, our God's an awesome God.

6. Mortal Men 1:44
Brutal death arises!
Backs need to be watched all the time.
You need to be ready to strike, I'm not scared to die.
Maggots eat the brains of the mass public.
Minds are rotting slowly.
Feeding off of gluttony.
You can't captivate me, but good luck with it.
I know you must hate me, 'cause I don't fear judgement.
If you wanna hate a man, go ahead and hate me.
I don't care what you think, go ahead and claim I'm crazy.
When will you understand I'm just a mortal man?
I am a sinner too,
I am not mad at you,
I'm not condemning you,
I am a sinner too.
We can all watch Satan fall.
We can all watch Satan fall.

7. God Is For You 2:10
Praise to the King of Kings
Praise to the Creator of all things
I bow to You my Lord I praise above everything
Not a creature, not a soul shall ever cast You out our lives
I lift my voice to You my God
Lord of Lords, the most divine
My God you are incredible, Creator of the world
I see the flesh I live inside, it makes my head whirl
I can't explain my interest, in all the fruits of life
That's why You are the Lord of Lords, the most divine
All hail Christ!
The most divine!
In case you haven't heard it with all that's on the news
In case you're feeling like this talk of God's not true
In case you hear me speaking and you think God's mad at you
I'm here to let you know God's not against, God's for you!

Burning Dismembered Demons (EP, May 6, 2020, Independent) (Digital)

1. Deathless Creations 0:50
Darkness surrounded
Living in a world of beauty and pain
Eyes open, witness chaos, from every living thing
I see the nature of this world
Imaging what we're not seeing
Deathless creations living inside
Different reality going on outside our reach

2. Satan's Slaves 0:41
Arise from the dead
The tomb was empty
Perfect sacrifice
The blood has been spilled
The imperfections paid
Satan's lair we raid
Buried at an unmarked grave
It arrives
I have no shame
I'm not one of Satan's slaves

3. Flesh Rots, Spirit Thrives 0:36
Buried deep
Deep in the ground
Our resting place
Our bodies in graves
Bugs eat the flesh
The worms crawl inside
Skin falls off us
Bones are revealed
Rotting in the ground
Our flesh that we possessed is left behind
While our spirits leave our flesh and thrive

4. Number Of The Weak 0:24
No fear for Lucifer
That name does not intimidate me
I have no fear for Satan
666, the number of the weak
Christ will crush Satan's skull
Shattered bones pacing the floor

5. Refuse To Denounce The Lord 1:06
We walk decaying slowly
Life, death, impending destruction
Bloodbaths await
Woes from other worlds arising
The Word of Christ, trying to be put into hiding
No, I won't allow this to happen
I refuse to denounce my Lord
I won't pretend to unfathom, the ruler of the world
Words being twisted, hypocrisy is a fashion
Words being used as a method of blunt force trauma
Bad examples
Using the Word of God as a threat
Judging others loudly, while they have imperfections in their breath
You must learn to not allowing these preachers of hate to taint the most divine

Power In His Name (EP)

May 18, 2020, Independent (Digital)
May 23, 2020, Coleiosis Records (Digital)

1. Forever With Christ 0:35
I'll carry my belief to the grave.
I don't care what people say.
Don't put words in my mouth when you haven't even met me.

2. Supreme Creator 0:21
Hail Christ the supreme creator!
All other idols will fall.

3. Always Prevail 0:21
Dark and painful, but we will always prevail.
Saint and a sinner, I don't think this was a fairy tale lining up slowly.
I can see the advanced creation made by something bigger than life.
I refuse to pretend this was an accident.
Praise the Creator of life.

4. Beyond Thinkable 0:14
Realms of existence are beyond our minds.
There's more to this life than just what meets the eyes only.
A fool would assume existence is only what we can see.

5. I Will Never Denounce Christ 0:42
I will never denounce my Lord.
Mightiest of all, unexplainably powerful to worship.
Any other figure would truly be ashamed.
Praise is in the might of God, the Creator of the universe.
Nothing can come close to his greatness.
Why would I ever consider worshiping something lower?
It's written in the text that the war is already won.
Why would I ever consider joining the other side?
They're trying to cover the light up.
People try to demonize us.
The media is corrupt, it only likes to do reports on the bad things 'cause hating christianity sells.
I am not a monster to me.
You are not a monster either,
'Cause I don't see my fellow members of flesh and blood as that.
I'm tired of the Pharisees tainting the Word of God, turning others away, saying God denies them.
It's almost like they're demons in disguise.
Don't let them ruin the image of God for you like they almost did for me.
Hail Christ!

6. Light 0:20
It's dark and cold.
The air is odd.
The things I see and feel,
Are glimpses of light in a bitter fog.

7. Power In His Name 0:48
Feel the power of the Holy Spirit.
Feel the power in His name.
Feel the power of the Word of God.
Feel the power and give Him praise.

Life After Dismemberment (EP)

June 4, 2020, Independent (Digital)
June 6, 2020, Coleiosis Records (Digital)

The artwork was eventually changed to the bottom one for censorship purposes.

1. Intro 0:11
2. After I Rot 0:24
3. Death Of 1000 Demons 0:39
4. God Of Glory 0:26
5. No Fear 0:19
6. Pale Horse 0:31
7. For The Kingdom Of God 0:40

Mezcolanza Mansa (split, June 7, 2020, Independent) (Digital)

2. Slammed Into Oblivion - Track 01 0:48
3. Slammed Into Oblivion - Track 02 0:28
4. Slammed Into Oblivion - Track 03 0:16
5. Slammed Into Oblivion - Track 04 0:19

The Coward Hiding In Flames (single, June 13, 2020, Independent) (Digital)

1. The Coward Hiding In Flames 2:24
I have no fear for your Lucifer
Why would I fear a coward's name
I have no fear for your anti-christ
That coward-like fool will be lit to flames
Pouring out all my disrespect
For the coward, hiding in flames
Disfiguring your "king of flames"
Stomping your worthless idol into the ground
Shattered pieces of skull scattered around
Brain fluids pouring out into the soil
We will rip apart your Satan
Your anti-christ is mutilated from side to side
We will never conform to your idiotic idol
No matter how hard you people try to bastardize
I have no fear for your Lucifer
Why would I fear a coward's name
I have no fear for your anti-christ
That coward-like fool will be lit to flames
I have no fear for your Lucifer
Why would I fear a coward's name
I have no fear for your anti-christ
That coward-like fool will be lit to flames
Tearing apart the wombs of the underworld
No devil, no demon shall live
Bashing baphomet's skull with a hammer
This is the end of your putrid anti-christ

Gorenoise Cristiano (split, June 15, 2020, Olivia Records) (CD-R)

12. Slammed Into Oblivion - Death To Satan, Let's Praise Christ
13. Slammed Into Oblivion - You Can't Kill My Christ
14. Slammed Into Oblivion - Above All
15. Slammed Into Oblivion - Why Worship Something Lower
16. Slammed Into Oblivion - No Fear Of Suffering
17. Slammed Into Oblivion - You Are Not Condemned For Sin
18. Slammed Into Oblivion - Praise To The Lord
19. Slammed Into Oblivion - Hail Christ
20. Slammed Into Oblivion - Power Above All
21. Slammed Into Oblivion - Beyond Thought

Feel His Power (EP, August 1, 2020, Independent) (Digital)

1. Heavenly Blessed 1:23
2. The Creator 0:14
3. Immortal Father 0:26
4. Praise To God 0:25

Aborting The Anti-Christ (single, August 21, 2020, Independent) (Digital)

1. Aborting The Anti-Christ 3:47
Abort his putrid worm of flesh that the most crooked be born into
Destroy this, Anti Christ's rancid flesh
Bury the flesh that Satan is born into
No more can he be

Our Horrific Reality (single, October 16, 2020, Independent) (Digital)

1. Our Horrific Reality 2:12
Coming to terms with our horrific reality
We've done such a good job at hiding ourselves
Life after life
Always collapsing
Mistake after mistake
We're always relapsing
We will never learn
We are sentenced to burn
Humanity bound to collapse on itself
And everyone is guilty of being a help
We are the result of the fall
We are the result of it all crumbling apart 'cause we are nothing but man
Fighting and drawing but we'll never find land

The Hour Of Judgement (single, December 8, 2020, Independent) (Digital)

1. The Hour Of Judgement 4:11
The hour of Judgement is quickly coming near
The ending of everything, your flesh ever held dear
The rancid stench of death will consume
All your surroundings, your life doomed
And there's nothing to do
(There's nothing you can do)
When your life is consumed
(When your life is consumed)
When you're under your grave
(When you're under your grave)
Will your spirit be saved
(Will your spirit be saved)
Oh how I weep for the future I see
For the story that's being told
Father you have my soul
Oh how I sweep for the future I see
For the story that's being told
Father you have my soul

Devoted To God (single, January 5, 2021, Independent) (Digital)

1. Devoted To God 4:31

Gorenoise Cristiano Volume 2 (split, 2021, Olivia Records, Limited Edition) (CD-R)

6. Slammed Into Oblivion - After Life

Death To The AntiChrist (EP, September 9, 2021, Independent) (Digital)

1. Satan Will Be Crushed! 4:14
2. Enemies Of Believers Are Enemies Of Me! 3:00
3. For The Glory Of God! 1:45

Christ Is Born (EP, December 25, 2022, Independent) (Digital)

1. King Of Kings 0:07
2. The Savior Is Born 0:16
3. The Lord Hath Come! 0:09
4. Praise Jesus 0:10
5. Hail Christ The King Above Kings, The Lord Above Lords 0:15

Eclipse 2024 (demo, April 16, 2024, Independent) (Digital)

1. E 0:17
2. C 0:33
3. L 1:08
4. I 0:48
5. P 0:10
6. S 0:17
7. E 0:27

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