Saturday, April 10, 2021


BAND NAME: Long Suffering
GENRE: Grindcore
STATUS: Split-up
LOCATION: Norwalk, California

Ray Banda - Everything




2006, Independent (Digital)
August 10, 2020, Coleiosis Records (Digital)

This was claimed to be a 9-track demo, yet a video uploaded to Ray's YouTube channel only shows 7 tracks, with track 8 uploaded individually.  It is suspected that track 9 is another song uploaded titled "Go Beyond The Call Of Duty".

1. Sing To The Lord 1:57
2. Mother Ruth 0:57
3. Ancient Of Days 0:46
4. Give It To The Lord 1:15
5. 1 Corinthians 15 3:04
6. Steadfast 0:36
7. Great Is The Lord 0:40
8. You Your Trespasses 1:14
9. Go Beyond The Call Of Duty 1:24

4-Way Noise Explosion (split)

April 22, 2008, SewerSound Records (CD-R)
August 2009, SewerSound Records (CD)

1. Long Suffering - Sing To The Lord 1:57
2. Long Suffering - Mother Ruth 0:57
3. Long Suffering - Ancient Of Days 0:46
4. Long Suffering - Give It To The Lord 1:15
5. Long Suffering - 1 Corinthians 15 3:04
6. Long Suffering - Steadfast 0:36
7. Long Suffering - Great Is The Lord 0:40
8. Long Suffering - You Your Trespasses 1:14

Inherited Corruption (split)

October 26, 2009, Sewersound Records (CD)
January 20, 2021, Coleiosis Records (Digital)
September 3, 2022, Coleiosis Records (CD-R)

9. Long Suffering - Intro 1:06
(Isaiah 53)

10. Long Suffering - O Lord Most High 1:10
O Lord most High
O Lord most High
O Lord most High
O Lord most High

He who dwells
In shelter
Of Most High
Will abide
In shadow
Of Almighty
I will praise the Lord Most High
I will say
To the Lord
My Refuge
And Fortress
Most High God
Who I trust
I will praise the Lord Most High
O Lord Most High
El Shaddai (God Almighty)


11. Long Suffering - Generational Deliverance 0:50
O Lord we come to You
In the name of Jesus the Christ of Nazareth
Lord we're asking for forgiveness
This is a generational deliverance

If My people
Who are called by My name
Will humble themselves and pray
And seek My face,
And turn from their wicked way,
Then I will hear from heave,
And will forgive their sins
And heal their land
Generational deliverance
Generational deliverance

12. Long Suffering - Jesus Christ 0:40
Jesus Christ
Is my Lord
Jesus Christ
Is my King
Jesus Christ

13. Long Suffering - Mother Ruth 0:43
Mother Ruth
Mother Ruth
God spared her life
For His purpose and glory
Against all odds
She survived
Now she lives to glorify God

14. Long Suffering - Bishop Ralph 2:28
Father thank You for Your servant
Bishop Leon Ralph
Father thank You for Your servant
I'll never forget
The teachings
I'll never forget
Thy loving kindness
Lord I'll never forget
Your servant
Thank You for him
Bishop Leon Ralph
Thank You

15. Long Suffering - My Son 0:39
My son
Do not despise the chastening of the Lord,
Nor detest His correction;
For whom the Lord loves He corrects
My son
Do not despise the chastening of the Lord,
Nor detest His correction;
For whom the Lord loves He corrects

16. Long Suffering - Hosanna 0:36

Thank You Father God
For all the abundant blessings You put upon my life
I will never be able to thank You enough
For all the things You have done for me

17. Long Suffering - Karin My Love 1:55
Karin my love
Karin my love

We are the blood covenant
We dedicated our lives together
We shall abide
I love her
Karin my love

The Bible says "Husbands, love your wives,
Just as Christ loved the church
And gave Himself for her"
I love her
Karin my love

18. Long Suffering - Touch The Hem Of His Garment 0:41
A woman hemorrhage 12 years
She endured
Spent all her money on a cure
But nothing worked
She heard about Jesus
She said
"If I only touch the hem of His garment
I will be healed"
Jesus turned and said
"Take heart, daughter
Your faith has made you well"

19. Long Suffering - Slaves Of Righteousness 0:49
Walking in the flesh
Was a slave of sin
Heart of stone
Darkened mind
Chained to sin
By demonic forces
God help me
God save me
To sin no longer a slave
By the grace of God

20. Long Suffering - Cast Your Cares 0:38
I take all my worries and cares
And give it to the Lord

21. Long Suffering - Blessed Be The Lord Jesus Christ 0:37
Blessed be the Lord Jesus Christ
Blessed be the Lord Jesus Christ

22. Long Suffering - Put To Death The Deeds Of The Flesh 0:55
Put to death the deeds of the flesh
Which are on the earth, fornication, uncleanness,
Passion, evil desire, covetousness
It's idolatry

By the Spirit you put to death
The deeds of the body
You will live

Amazing Grace (collaboration with Dead Risen)

March 2011 (unknown if it was available for download or listen-only)
August 15, 2020, Coleiosis Records (Digital)

Ray played drums and vocals while David Chimes played guitar, with Ray's wife on guest vocals on track 4.
The bottom artwork was added on August 23, 2022.

1. The Voice Of The Lord Is Powerful 1:12
2. Don't Deny The Messiah 0:42
3. Their Bodies Were Scattered In The Wilderness 1:07
4. Righteous God 1:33

Discography (compilation, January 22, 2023, Coleiosis Records) (CD-R)

Tracks 1-9 are from "Demo 2006".
Tracks 10-23 are from "Inherited Corruption".

1. Sing To The Lord 1:57
2. Mother Ruth 0:57
3. Ancient Of Days 0:46
4. Give It To The Lord 1:15
5. 1 Corinthians 15 3:04
6. Steadfast 0:36
7. Great Is The Lord 0:40
8. You Your Trespasses 1:14
9. Go Beyond The Call Of Duty 1:24
10. Intro 1:06
11. O Lord Most High 1:10
12. Generational Deliverance 0:50
13. Jesus Christ 0:40
14. Mother Ruth 0:43
15. Bishop Ralph 2:28
16. My Son 0:39
17. Hosanna 0:36
18. Karin My Love 1:55
19. Touch The Hem Of His Garment 0:41
20. Slaves Of Righteousness 0:49
21. Cast Your Cares 0:38
22. Blessed Be The Lord Jesus Christ 0:37
23. Put To Death The Deeds Of The Flesh 0:55

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