Friday, April 9, 2021



BAND NAME: Flesh Incineration
GENRE: Grindcore
STATUS: Active
LOCATION: Washington

Luke Brown - Everything



Somewhere around 2009, 9 tracks were recorded but never released as part of a discography.  We can only guess they were loose tests.

18 Years Ago Today
OWWW!!! (Safeguard cover)
Repulsive Abhorrence Emanating Actuation
Not Your Saint
BNilla (Pt. Two)
Sophie's Song
Pus Infested Laryngeal Estuary

Moar Nukes Plz (single, 2012, Independent) (Digital)

1. Moar Nukes Plz 1:16
Guns don't kill people
People kill people
Inanimate objects don't kill people
People kill people
Nuclear weapons don't kill people
People kill people

So... when can I get a registered nuke?

Concealable small arms,
And nukes
These are the things that I NEED
To protect myself
And kill that deer

2. Conservative Compassion 0:36
"Holy" but not holistic
No compassion for the masses
Selective understanding
Conservative compassion

Rooted in a love of money
And pride in "morality"
A lens of selfishness
Conservative compassion

3. Double Edged Casualties 0:37
You want to wield your Bible
Like a literal sword
But that second edge of the blade
Keeps catching your face
You're starting to look like a monster
And no one wants to listen
To your ugliness
No one wants to listen

The Funeral Grind (split, May 12, 2012, Iron Guardian Industries) (10" vinyl)

When Flesh Incineration had his songs on his Bandcamp he titled track 1 as "Disgust Me" and track 3 as "PxIxLxEx".

Side A:
1. Flesh Incineration - Repulsive Abhorrence Emanating Actuation 0:30
Remind me
Of the ways that I never want to be
Remind me
Of the choices I never want to make
Remind me
Of everything that I hate

Motivate me
Inspire me
Disgust me

2. Flesh Incineration - Not Your Saint 0:07
I will not save you

3. Flesh Incineration - Pus Infested Laryngeal Estuary 0:40
[Does a spring pour forth from the same opening both fresh and salt water?]

4. Flesh Incineration - Closed Minded 0:12
Closed minded, you act like a god
Closed minded, you are a pawn
Closed minded, you have no relevance
Closed minded, you don't belong

5. Flesh Incineration - OWWW!!! (Safeguard cover) 0:32

Nescient Atrophy (album, May 14, 2014, Independent) (CD-R, Digital)

1. Waste Of Time 1:23
The goal was healthy discourse
Forward Motion to create understanding
But you're only here for you
And now you're on the attack

Verbal jabs and emotional stabs
Defensive placing of false blame
No substance or merit to your words
Pure denial and ignorant claims

Self inhibiting twisted opinions
Sowing seeds of discord and lies
Dismissive distortions
That don't warrant reply

You and those who tag along
Can believe what you desire
Your lack of awareness
And attachment to self-image

May convince those
Who think of themselves
But it won't convince those
Who think for themselves

2. Hell House 1:37
As they do
May your kingdom come
As they do
May your will be done

Casting out devils
By the prince of evils
Unholy invocation of fear
By the righteous


Satiating your own
Fear driven need
To spread 'the news'
As if it were a plague

Infecting, corrupting
Poisoning, putrefying

Expecting a blossom to bloom
From destructive works you will reap
A fool's yield birthing offspring
Twice the children of hell you are

As they do
May your kingdom come
As they do
May your will be done
On earth as it is in hell

3. Derogatory Diction 0:49
Piling on
Bigotry and hate
The marginalized
And oppressed you equate
With anything
You dislike
Derogatory diction
Disgusting trait

Somehow we're
supposed to believe
That it's okay
When you say
"That's gay"
Irrationally justified
"It's just a word"
"It's just humor"

Derogatory diction
Disgusting traits

Whatever your "morals"
Whatever your "values"
It's an identifier
For a group of people
You dehumanize
Degrade and belittle
Making them synonymous
With your petty dislikes

4. Talk Is Cheap; Violence Is Worthless 0:22
Embracing violence because
Cheap talk's too rich for you
Showing you're weak
Immature and insecure
Big man, though guy
Ready to fight
Frightened animal
Backed in a corner
Over cheap words you can't handle

5. Wild At Heart 1:22
It was the clothes she was wearing
The looks she was giving
The way her body is shaped
You "couldn't help it" or

"She was the one who brought it on"
Judging women as immodest, seductive
Living walking stumbling blocks

The only stumbling block here
Is the blame you use as an excuse
To defend the corrupt beliefs
That you hold at your core

That women are primarily sexual objects
Or "holy" reproductive incubating machines

That catcaller says take it off
And masquerading as moral
You say cover it up
You're both the same

Equally sexualizing
Attempting to control

Everyday the same beliefs are used
To say it was her fault
She should dress, act,
Talk differently

Lies that she's to blame for sexual assault
Men's accountability swept under rug

"Modest" or "immodest"
Dress is irrelevant
Your beliefs, words, actions
Dehumanize, and abuse

6. Why So Threatened? 0:50
Frightened by ideas
The consideration of equality
Cuing the brutish reactions
Of fearful oppressors and cowards

Not looking to lose
Their power, comfort, or image
Silencing those who ask questions
Attacking those who disagree

Distorted belief that only the oppressor
Has the right to free speech
Protecting that "right"
By threatening the freedom of others
Who ask questions and disagree

7. Sinsational 1:42
Exaggerated fear of "sin"
So powerful you're on the defense
Thinking fearfully,
'How will this tempt me?'

Making "sin" so wrong you hide it in shame
Cover it up and let is fester
As you mourn your weakness
In the face of "sin's power"

You fall over and over again
To an illusion of fires on the horizon.

What makes you think you'll ever
Get off the ground
While always looking down?
Focused on the fall
Instead of the goal

The mustard seed meant to move mountains
Now grows them
Water your faith
With grace and love
Not fear and scornful shame

8. Idolizing Idolatry 0:54
Mystic interpretation
Tangible idolatry

Once marked by graven image
Associated with rituals of harm
Now a "concept" of giving "too much"
To anything that isn't the church

Abstract intangible form
Broad and applicable to all things
"Idolatry" elevated
Demanding such attention in practice
That battling idolatry
Becomes an act of "idolatry" itself
Stirring paranoia and shame
Cultivating doubt and self hate

Mystic interpretation
Tangible idolatry

These are the fruits
Of idolizing "idolatry"
Paranoia and shame
Doubt and self-hate

9. To Hell In A Hand Basket 0:24
Universal human rights,
Global response to natural disasters,
Advocacy for the equality
Of the oppressed and minorities,

You think the world's getting worse?
Maybe you're part of the cause
Or ignorant of the real
Solutions to the problems

10. That Infallible Thing (Logic) 0:32
Stomping around proclaiming
Others are dumb, others are wrong
Your logic's superior
Your arguments are strong

Those who disagree
Illogical--making no sense
Your knowledge is flawless and complete
Any challenge is an offense

Incredulity has you blinded
Others may have studied
Things you've never considered
Or biasedly ignored

Making your logic
A logical fallacy

11. Mob Mentality 0:59
Afraid their rights are being violated
Time to find the nearest scapegoat
One that's not their race, orientation,
Religion, gender, or political party

Blind Vengeance
[U.S.]American Way

Lynch Mob
Mob of fury
Lynch Mob
Mob of fools

Too angry, lazy, and ignorant
To research the real source of injustice
All that matters is
Deliriously protecting immature self

Jaded filter of the 'truth'
Fueling tantrums of naive rage
Misinformed from the start
Joining in the mob

Blind Vengeance
[U.S.]American Way

Lynch Mob
Mob of fury
Lynch Mob
Mob of fools

12. Intro To GGH 0:17
13. Gory, Gory, Hallelujah 1:20
Entertainment, sensationalism, guilt
Exploitative violent imagery
Is that what you use to be relevant?
A whip, three nails, and a tree

What do you hope you're accomplishing?

A cheapening of what you adore
Appeasing those who thirst for gore
A further burdening on the depressed
Through worthlessness and guilt that you stress

Violent minds don't have need
For a violent haven
You forget no one asked
For a bloodied cross

For what was freely given
No blood can be
On any hands but God's
Besides, isn't he risen?

14. Errant 0:05
Your excuses are simply excuses
Your rationale is irrational

15. Let's Not Be Too Compassionate Now 0:56
Life and death
Life and death

Are in the power of the tongue
Yet from your 'shepherds' tongue I hear
'If we get sensitive about words
It will never end, so why care?'

Too sensitive
To what?
The power of
Life and death?

And the sheep say, 'baaa, baaa
That's just politically correct!'
Is it shallow to care about others
And the power of words

Or is it that
You're far too holy
Far too shallow
To care?

Life and death
Life and death

16. So Tough, So Violent, So Macho, So Incomplete 0:20
Worshiping at the throne of militarism
Your view of a "real man" glorifies weakness

Threatened, afraid
In need of a gun
Claiming it strength
To walk in fear

The need to fight,
Kill, and overrun
Your bullets are nothing more
Than hardened tears

17. Natural Order 0:47
It's not foreordained
It's not just how it is
It's not the way things work
We don't have to put up with it

What you see
What you hear
What you know
Social construct

Established by no order
But the ruling order
Stuck in comfort
Stuck in tradition
Stuck in privilege
Stuck in the fear of change

Constructs of fear
Deconstruct the order
With no fear rebuild

18. Citizen Meme 1:10
Sharing caustic pictures and captions
That you think say it all
This is how you take action
Irrational, unfounded, generalizations

Whatever appeals to your self-interests
If the wind blows in the right direction
You jump on board and set sail
Thoughtless and absent introspection

Never examining
Never digesting
Excreting the waste

Simple minded and blind
Regurgitating others' thoughts
Parading truth is on your side
Maybe mere broken fragments of it

Until you refine
The elements
Making them your own,
To embrace or disown,
And feed on diversity
Verifying validity
I won't take
Your parroting seriously

19. Egalitarianism Is A Big Word For You 1:18
Why do you say
In one breath
And dismiss the oppression
Of women, people of color,
And gays with the next?

Wanting to look and feel good
Embracing shallow compassion
Token efforts to be involved
Enough to feel like a saint
And maintain your right to be "right"
Helping 'those' people in 'that' country
No ownership of the oppressive systems
That you're part of daily

Using religion and charity
For twisted mental and emotional safety
Refusal to give up
Your image and privilege
Your egalitarianism is a sham

A big word not practiced
Is no shortcut to equality
Your dismissive tone is absurd
Weak attempts to escape accountability

20. You Will Bear What You Bear 0:06
All who draw the sword
Will die by the sword

21. Self Loathing 1:03
The love of self is not selfish
Pure self denial won't see you blessed
"Love your neighbor as yourself"
You cannot give what you do not possess

Death to the flesh isn't about
Being an empty, broken, vessel
It's refinement and betterment
Building up you the temple

Does one grow better starved and neglected?
Or healthy, tended to, and satisfied?

Personal neglect
Self abasing hate
Are not of love
Not of grace

The love of self is not selfish
Pure self denial won't see you blessed
"Love your neighbor as yourself"
Rest care for yourself when distressed

22. Poor White Racist 1:26
"White's experience racism, too!"
"No one cares when we get called names!"
Framed as an attention stealing
'Us vs. them' sentiment

"But affirmative action!!" you cry
Oblivious to the affirmative-action bonus
That came with the cradle
You don't care about equality

Trying to hide it
Trying to deny it

Blind to institutionalized racism
And underlying racism in culture
You only complain to minimize
The systemic oppression of others

Trying to hide it
Trying to deny it

For change we have to talk about both
Individual and systemic racism
Pointing the fingers of blame,
Only when you feel like,
Won't change anything

23. Adoring, Controlling, Zealots 0:44
Why won't you write
What I want you to write?
Why won't you tell them
What I want you to tell them?

Why won't you behave
How I think you should behave?
Why won't you be who I want
Instead of who you are?

24. Binary Thinking 1:56
Out of flesh and blood creating enemies
Humanity shared unity denied
Merely looking AT the "other side"
Rather than seeing through their eyes

Inability to take on other views
Shallow effort to walk the paths of others
Rejecting without full consideration
Maintaining binary thinking

Jumping to conclusions
Either or/Black and white
Narrow minded tunnel vision
Always have to be right

Maintaining binary thinking

25. Hate The World, For I First Created It 1:56
Few who believe in a Creator
Are informed by creation
Shutting out the world
Archaic stasis

Maturing creation watches
The Creator's ambassadors
Live ignorant and intolerant
Presenting "love" tainted by hate

Doctrine devolved
To hate and division
2000 year old thinking
Divergent from the beginnings

Commissioned teachers of compassion
Reputation now precedes
Veil of attempted love
Can't hide failure

Commission perverted
'Bow down to our ways'
'Or we'll exclude, destroy'
'Shame and defame'

Pale portrayal of love
When the hated world
Loves better
Than those of faith

The Slaughtered Lamb Split

November 23, 2014, Christian Grind Records (CD-R, Digital)
November 23, 2014, SkyBurnsBlack Records (CD-R, Digital)

Tracks 1-4 are recorded exclusively for this split.  Tracks 5-8 are from "Nescient Atrophy".  Tracks 9 and 12 are re-recorded tracks from "Moar Nukes Plz".  Tracks 10-11 are re-recorded tracks from "The Funeral Grind".

1. Flesh Incineration - More Than A Verb 1:50
Love is not an empty word
To be carelessly claimed and betrayed
Love is more than a verb
More than going through the motions

2. Flesh Incineration - Blessed Are 0:15
Blessed are those
Who cultivate peace
Blessed are those
Who abhor violence

3. Flesh Incineration - All Creatures 0:13
All creatures
All creatures

4. Flesh Incineration - No Monsters 1:44
You call them monsters
Look closer and see
They're the offspring
Of our society

You would write them off
You would damn and condemn
Rather than heal
And the cycle would continue

No support
For "monsters"
No patience
No mercy

Only stigma and punishment
For those who could have just as easily
Been you or me
Had we experienced the same traumas,
Been raised the same,
Born with a different chemical balance,
Or lacking supports

Long before becoming
A cause of suffering
They suffered

Look closer and see
They're the offspring
Of our society
May grace persist

5. Flesh Incineration - Idolizing Idolatry 0:54
Mystic interpretation
Tangible idolatry

Once marked by graven image
Associated with rituals of harm
Now a "concept" of giving "too much"
To anything that isn't the church

Abstract intangible form
Broad and applicable to all things
"Idolatry" elevated
Demanding such attention in practice
That battling idolatry
Becomes an act of "idolatry" itself
Stirring paranoia and shame
Cultivating doubt and self hate

Mystic interpretation
Tangible idolatry

These are the fruits
Of idolizing "idolatry"
Paranoia and shame
Doubt and self-hate

6. Flesh Incineration - Wild At Heart 1:22
It was the clothes she was wearing
The looks she was giving
The way her body is shaped
You "couldn't help it" or

"She was the one who brought it on"
Judging women as immodest, seductive
Living walking stumbling blocks

The only stumbling block here
Is the blame you use as an excuse
To defend the corrupt beliefs
That you hold at your core

That women are primarily sexual objects
Or "holy" reproductive incubating machines

That catcaller says take it off
And masquerading as moral
You say cover it up
You're both the same

Equally sexualizing
Attempting to control

Everyday the same beliefs are used
To say it was her fault
She should dress, act,
Talk differently

Lies that she's to blame for sexual assault
Men's accountability swept under rug

"Modest" or "immodest"
Dress is irrelevant
Your beliefs, words, actions
Dehumanize, and abuse

7. Flesh Incineration - Intro To GGH 0:17
8. Flesh Incineration - Gory, Gory, Hallelujah 1:20
Entertainment, sensationalism, guilt
Exploitative violent imagery
Is that what you use to be relevant?
A whip, three nails, and a tree

What do you hope you're accomplishing?

A cheapening of what you adore
Appeasing those who thirst for gore
A further burdening on the depressed
Through worthlessness and guilt that you stress

Violent minds don't have need
For a violent haven
You forget no one asked
For a bloodied cross

For what was freely given
No blood can be
On any hands but God's
Besides, isn't he risen?

9. Flesh Incineration - Double Edged Casualties 0:37
You want to wield your Bible
Like a literal sword
But that second edge of the blade
Keeps catching your face
You're starting to look unsafe
And no one wants to listen
To your recklessness
No one wants to listen

10. Flesh Incineration - Closed Minded 0:10
Closed minded
You act like a god
Closed minded
You are a pawn

Closed minded
You have no relevance
Closed minded
Where do you belong?

11. Flesh Incineration - Not Your Saint 0:05
I will not save you

12. Flesh Incineration - CC 0:36
"Holy" but not holistic
No compassion for the masses
Selective understanding
Conservative compassion

Rooted in a love of money
And pride in "morality"
A lens of selfishness
Conservative compassion

Moar Nukes Plz (single, February 2015, Independent) (Digital)

Tracks 2 and 3 re-recorded for "The Slaughtered Lamb Split".  Track 1 re-recorded in 2015 for this release.

1. Moar Nukes Plz 1:14
Guns don't kill people
People kill people
Inanimate objects don't kill people
People kill people
Nuclear weapons don't kill people
People kill people

So... when can I get a registered nuke?

You rights are not being erased
A modicum of regulation
Is far more reasonable
Than pretending guns are not designed
To harm and kill
Begging us to be responsible

2. C.C. 0:37
"Holy" but not holistic
No compassion for the masses
Selective understanding
Conservative compassion

Rooted in a love of money
And pride in "morality"
A lens of selfishness
Conservative compassion

3. Double Edged Casualties 0:37
You want to wield your Bible
Like a literal sword
But that second edge of the blade
Keeps catching your face
You're starting to look unsafe
And no one wants to listen
To your recklessness
No one wants to listen

The Funeral Grind (EP, February 2015, Independent) (Digital)

Tracks 2 and 4 re-recorded for "The Slaughtered Lamb Split".  Tracks 1 and 3 re-recorded in 2015 for this re-release.

1. Disgust Me 0:29
Remind me
Of the ways that I never want to be
Remind me
Of the choices I never want to make
Remind me
Of everything I hate

Motivate me
Inspire me
Disgust me

2. Not Your Saint 0:05
I will not save you

3. The Tongue Is Telling 0:42
Subtle and blatant words
All holding significant power
Directing your course like a rudder
Burning like a wildfire

Reflecting deepest beliefs
Reinforcing darkest beliefs

Brilliant words of praise for deity
Insidious scorn for humanity
Spilling blessing and hate
Incongruent and corrupt

4. Closed Minded 0:10
Closed minded
You act like a god
Closed minded
You are a pawn

Closed minded
You have no relevance
Closed minded
Where do you belong?

Fuel For The Fire (EP, October 2, 2015, Independent) (Digital)

1. Chains Of Fear 1:34
Love and fear
Both the same to you
Failure to grasp
2,000 year old words
You've managed to undo
Any news that was good
By clinging to the old
Strict morality and judgement

Chains of fear
And masked
By false grace

Ever fearing damnation
Perfect love casts out all fear
And has no fear of punishment
Yet you cling to it
Fearing your God, yourself, the world
Making absolutes out of expressions
False belief that humanity
Is wicked to the core

Avoiding education
Avoiding knowledge
Avoiding different thoughts
Avoiding truth

Hiding, secluding
Avoiding reality
For fear of punishment
From a loving God

Freedom looks like chains on you
Fear has bound you down
Freedom looks like chains on you
Fear has bound you down

2. Dream Our Dreams 1:13
Dream our dreams
Dream our dreams

Fantasies and a coat of many colors
Grandiose goals of emptiness
Bought and sold
With the currency of naivety

Chewed up and spit out by reality
An unexpected mundane mediocrity
Ambitions reduced to a granular size
Full potential never realized

Walking their path like a puppet
Dreaming their shallow dreams
Listening to their limited perspectives
Passion bridled and reigned to death

Stranded in the depths of a pit
Completely unaware
Dreaming their dreams
Exploited naivety

3. Setting The Record Crooked 1:16
Champion of the underdogs
With big dog privileges
Taking a self-righteous stand
Against "hypocrisy"
Trying to bridge a gap
Without a bridge to stand on
Trying to criticize
What you know little about

You're in over your head
Attempting the impossible
Judging the 'hypocrisy'
Of what you don't understand

What you're doing isn't respectable
Pretending you're not part of the problem
You're doing more harm than good
Swimming in your sea of delusion

4. Free (No Money Down) Salvation (Pay Later) 1:21
Is it works?
Is it grace
And works?
Is it grace?

Know-it-all soteriology
Judging others' lives
With 'do's and 'don't's
Who and who 'can't's

Is it works?
Is it grace
And works?
Is it grace?

Your master is religion
Your reward is control
Time to stop pretending
You believe in grace

Is it works?
Is it grace
And works?
Is it grace?

5. Patriotic Nationalists 2:08
Patriotic nationalists
Parading and claiming freedom
And justice for all...
Who are like you

One language
One religion
One morality
One way to think

One language
One religion
One morality
One delusion

Buyers of fear-based propaganda
Blind supporters of a stagnant nation
A nation that has little reason
To be proud of your myopic vision of freedom

Seeking to wield and bend the law
To curb the freedoms of others
Preserving your beliefs through selfish distortions
That's your patriotic way

Freedom and justice for all...
Who are you like you

Inglorious (EP, January 22, 2016, Independent) (Digital)

1. Honing Stagnation 0:41
You believe in growth along a linear path
Yet feed your mind with the same old messages

A master of confirmation bias
Mistaking the circular for linear
Thinking challenging your beliefs
Is being hardheaded when challenged

Honing stagnation
Perfecting ignorance

Illusion of growth
A tree that bears hollow fruits
Ready to be cut down
And cast into the fire

2. Social Injustice Warriors 0:13
Proudly hateful
Aversion to understanding
Self-righteous cowards
Uniting in fear based aggression

3. Eyes And Ears To What 0:05
You can read
You don't see
You can hear
You don't listen

4. Some People Can't Make A Joke 0:27
It used to be that a person could take it
When their joke just wasn't funny
Now it's 'you're too sensitive'
Or 'you think I'm offensive'

Hurt or no hurt
Offensive or not
No one owes you a laugh
For the jokes you make

5. Terrorist Is Yet Another Word For Coward 1:11
Dominance and lies
Aggression and violence
The tools of cowards
Desperate for control

Weak and fearing a world not conforming
To their fragile, wants, beliefs, and gods
Some are ready to escape through death
Too afraid to live this life

The weak, and cowardly, gorging themselves
On their own fears before spreading
Their antiquated fear-driven beliefs
Threatened by equality for all

Attempts to prove power through violence
Showing how truly powerless
They feel and are
Terrorists are no more than cowards
Pawns of fear
And fear-based ideologies

Suicide bombers, bigots, misogynists,
Political and religious extremists,
Mass shooters, faux news media
Cowards spreading their own fears

We must challenge cowardice
Not succumbing to fear with fear
Embracing wisdom and peace
Leaving fear no more space

6. Coward Is Yet Another Word For Human 0:11
Our fears complicate a mandate
To love and respect all
And take a stand against hate
But not each other

7. There Is No Glory... 0:05
In war

8. Comnmuicitaon 0:07
Your words are as clear as mud

9. You're Not Pro-Life 0:20
You're not pro-life; you're just pro-birth
Shallow moral supremacist
Throwing the baby out with the bath water
All part of your reckless crusade

10. Glory In Tragedy Is Tragic 0:30
Tragedy strikes and you praise God for keeping you safe and alive
What does that mean for those who died?
What does that mean about your god?
Tragedy strikes and you praise God for his will that's good and divine
How do your delusions comfort their families?
How do your delusions comfort anyone but you?

11. Cheap Rationalization Of Objectification 0:24
Writing off your "lust" as biological
To absolve you of responsibility

All of the whining
All the complaining
Conveniently blaming
Continually shaming...

Everyone and everything
Except the mind that controls the dick

12. Calling It 0:03
Call it a night

Authoritarian Populism (EP, June 17, 2016, Independent) (Digital)

1. Reckless Resistance 1:31
Extreme backlash
Ever deepening descent
Into reckless resistance
This outrage meant to defend
Your stunted beliefs
Has gone byond conserving
Outdated views
Steeping you deeper in hate

A hate far bolder
Than what you bargained for
This defense so vital
To what you hold as truth
Has stacked illusion
Upon delusion
Building a foundation
Of malice and lies

You are the real threat
Sociopolitical cowards
With a death with
Clawing for powre

Extreme backlash
An ever deepening descent
Ready to use hate,
Bigotry, and fear,
To tear at the threads
Of our society
What hell are you trying
To set us up for?

You are the real threat
Sociopolitical cowards

2. Authoritarian Populism 2:04
Rallying divisive citizens
Blind to the larger context
Lying beyond their deepest fears
Of reality and delusion

Simple minded
Authoritarian Populism

Unifying suffering minds
Craving an insulating, false order
Bolstering exaggerated fears
A petulant resistance to change

Leading the most angry and afraid
Of our tired, or our poor,
Vulnerable to half-truths
Our huddled masses yearning for blood
Looking for an enemy to lay blame upon
Sending them against each other
Opposing diversity
And all who get in the way

Simple minded
Authoritarian Populism

Ushering in

The stage has been set
Beyond any one individual
Who would seek to lead
Through authoritarian power
The populous is poisoned
Willing to limit civil liberties
And trample human rights to preserve
Themselves and the status quo

Simple minded
Authoritarian Populism

3. You Disagree Or Do You? 1:17
Should they feel
Put in their place
When your reasons
For disagreeing
And misrepresent
What you claim
To disagree with?

Servant of ignorance
Standing so bold
Misinformed opinion
No truth to be told
Rooted in beliefs
Decades, centuries, old
Values incongruent
With what you uphold

Feeling resolute
Feeling justified
Feeling accomplished
Striking at the air

Your passion about things
You don't understand
Hasn't put anyone
In their place
But it's shown us
That your place
Is firmly seating
In damaging ignorance

Never Enough (EP, February 17, 2017, Independent) (Digital)

1. Never Enough 2:34
Starving for position, status, and control
Separating yourself from your humanity
Might as well be true you sold your soul
Making your moves devoid of empathy

More than enough
Never enough

Must possess, must repress
Most possess, must oppress

Committed to a consuming pursuit
Taking over, eating you from the inside
Decomposing just beneath the surface
You will decay along with your power

Whatever it takes
To increase the profits
Whatever it takes
To line your pockets
Worker, consumer,
"Collateral damage"
Blind them, abuse them
Lose yourself

Where there is greed--peasant or king
There is no song of hope to sing
No resounding victory to proclaim
For it all comes crashing down

2. Corporate Care 1:06
Cultivate voices
In the voiceless
But if you speak up for yourself
You will be silenced

Empower for self-advocacy
But if you practice
What we want you to teach
You will be crushed and villainized

You're only one of us
Until you're not bowing down far enough

3. Say Goodbye 1:37
Goodbye to what you never knew
Welcome parade of folly
Goodbye to a semblance of truth
Welcome abundance of lies

You've given up a past
That you couldn't see
Chasing after another
That's not reality
Illusion of 'great'
Built upon deceit
And narcissism

Hope that if you finally see
Reality still exists
Hope that if you finally hear
The truth still persists

Demonized what's been in front of you
Welcome to the devil at your door
No clue where you are
Limited inside to where you've been
Blind to where we're headed

Hope that if you finally speak
You still have a voice
Hope that after all is done
You still have choice

Vote No For Your Rights (single, April 16, 2017, Independent) (Digital)

1. Vote No For Your Rights 1:10
Throwing it all away willingly
Believing the half-truths and propaganda
Seeing through fear for the truth
Isn't worth it to you

You want to keep things the same
You want to stay enchained

You don't care about those who stand at your side
'Sit there, shut up, enjoy the ride'
We're not all pawns and we're not equal
We won't back down we'll usher in upheaval

You don't care about us
It doesn't care about you

There's no shame in uniting
Against what isn't a person
We won't waste our time waiting
The rule of the machine will be subverted

Faces Of Death III (split, October 31, 2017, Independent) (Digital)

Flesh Incineration uploaded only his tracks on his Bandcamp

9. Flesh Incineration - What's In The Bags? 1:47
Walkman on
Ready to embalm
Working rigor mortis
In my craft I'm flawless

Knock at the door
My job interrupted

Visit in the dead of night
Give me a disrupting fright
Black bags at your side
What is it you've got to hide

Seeking a favor for friendship
Your request seems senseless

You've very buddy-buddy
What's in the bags
Why won't you tell me
What's in the bags

Shaking, writhing these bags are alive
What dark mystery do they hide?
Cats in the bag waiting to be let out?
Maybe sunfish or mechanized chimps?

Writhing inside is the dismembered undead
Unfazed by decapitation and pick axe to the head
Screaming in pain, hunger for brains
Quickly to the furnace incinerate the reanimated

Ashes to atmosphere
Rain toxic upon the earth

Reanimate, reanimate
Reanimate, reanimate

Death transcended
By the undead

10. Flesh Incineration - Spectacle Of Blood 2:29
Slash, bludgeon
Blood flowing
Shocked, stare
Time slowing
Almost stopping
Hearts are racing,
Bodies dropping

What are my choices
Fight, hide, live or die

Hard to keep hold
Of ideology
Survive or die
The moment is upon me

Thrust into a state of 'war'
One can never truly prepare for

Strangling of innocence
A means to a threat
Entertain the privileged
Intimidate the oppressed

Morbid to all who dare
Look it in the face
Palatable as tradition
When played to the base

Justifications - Endless
Creativity is the only boundary
To how far the ruling may go
To maintain their control

I am now in this horrid
Violent nightmare
I cannot purge the screams
Of the dying

And if I live to sleep
They will haunt all my dreams

The sound of death
Is in the air

Hanging like a pall of darkness
Reverberation of a fate I may share

What are my choices
I will not die a pawn

Fight, hide, die, defy

11. Flesh Incineration - Narcissist Assured Destruction 1:19
Bantering man-child
Playing with lives
Through a majority
Didn't elect him

Speak loudly and swing a big stick
With no restraint

Like a flippant clown
With shoelaces tied together
Incapable of fore
Or even afterthought

Finger on the button
Mouth on the trigger
Not a poke but a kick
To a nuclear threat

Speak loudly and swing a big stick

Cindered bodies ashen shells
To be blown away like leaves
A fate left in the hands
Of the most fragile of egos

12. Flesh Incineration - Creature On The Wing 2:15
Forty five tones of metal
Twenty tons of fuel
They said I could do this
That's not how I feel
Tell myself it's okay
Unease setting in
What could go wrong
Suspended 20,000 feet above land

Exits, windows, vision of the wings
Constant reminds that I am not safe
It's locked in now
No escape, no alternatives
I must do this

Wait, what is that
There, on the wing
A man, a creature, a demon
Walking on the wing
There and gone
Before anyone else can see
Muscles tense, sweat drips
It must be happening again

Hallucinations, psychosis
No one will believe me
Keep my eyes shut
Or confront this delusion

There it is again
This is no delusion
Its hideous face
Defies description

Dismissed as paranoia
They try to medicate me
If they won't believe me
I am the only one who can stop this

Sneaking the gun from the holster
Of the sleeping air marshall
Creature standing off the wing
Prying at the plane's engine

Malicious curiosity
Inviting death in totality
Popping open the exit
Reaching out I take the shots

Go ahead, think I'm crazy
But we're safe and I saved us all

I'm not crazy
You will see
I'm not crazy
You will see

Incinerating Ignorance Vol. I (compilation, May 17, 2019, Independent) (Digital)

Features six new tracks recorded for this release and collects nine additional EPs, splits, and singles.  All previously released tracks have been remastered.

1. Profanely Holy 1:12
Twisted to a graven image
Two-faced healing and destruction
Morning by morning
Justifications anew

Profanely holy
Predatory glory

How will you save this without
Preserving the same charade
Tend to the wounded
And you feed the predator

Profanely holy
Predatory glory

Hail death
Hail hate
Disguised with love

2. The Wolves No Longer Have To Wear Sheep's Clothing 0:58
The wolves no longer
Have to wear sheep's clothing

Willfully ignorant followers
Spirituality masking
A need for supremacy
Wealth and social control

Sheep with fangs
Hungering for power to grasp
Preserving the privilege
Of the ruling class

Denial, oppression, discrimination,
Deluded means to an end

The right hand supporting death and destruction
With the left hand feigning ignorance

Claiming peace and compassion
The sheep become the wolves

3. Supreme Entitlement 1:46
Crying over this wonderful life
Raging he's earned a place on the highest court
Insolence to those before him
Unstable, immature to judge

Conspiracy theory partisan
Playing the angry victim
Sympathetic, white, old, men
Salivating for judiciary power

Support a biased agenda
Tolerate petulance and abuse
One priority rings true
Supreme political power at all costs

Mockery of justice
Dumbing down law and order
Partisan pawn
Undermining democracy

Political corruption well-oiled
Innocence decided before hearing
A credible and certain testimony

Truth clumsily, shamelessly, dismissed
After all, what's a nation owed
From cowardly misogynists

4. High Priests: Low Morals 1:37
Faith on your sleeve
And the surface of your mind
Shallow, lacking depth
Clinging to absolutes

Freely, grace you receive
Freely, judgement you give
Politics, friends, family
Your 'right' to control with finality

You are a stone adorned
In a facade of humility
Oblivious to the truth
Of who, and what, you are

High priests of the modern age
Unmoving in ignorance

To maintain your position
You'll willingly deny
For others, sin is sin
And you're ready to condemn

You either fight to control
Instead of heal
Or bastardize your attempts to heal
With control

Pain, suffering,
Destruction--the end result

You are a stone adorned
In a facade of humility
Oblivious to the truth
Of who, and what, you are

High priests of the modern age
Unmoving in ignorance

5. Swamp To Cesspool 0:30
Repugnant, greedy, cretinous,
Traitorous, corrupt, power hungry,
Unqualitfied, unintelligent, petulant
Criminal, conniving, lying, denying,

6. Discerning The Diabolic From The Divine 1:28
Is the discernment to see
Where roots of your faith
Entangle with roots of hate

Water one; you water the other
Supporting, reinforcing, acts
You don't stand against
But would be ashamed to endorse

What you've chosen
To commit yourself to
Isn't all love
Isn't all good

Where is discernment?
Where is reflection?
Where is contrition?
Where is correction?

7. What's In The Bags? 1:47
8. Spectacle Of Blood 2:29
9. Narcissist Assured Destruction 1:18
10. Creature On The Wing 2:15
11. Vote No For Your Rights 1:10
12. Never Enough 2:34
13. Corporate Care 1:06
14. Say Goodbye 1:37
15. Reckless Resistance 1:31
16. Authoritarian Populism 2:04
17. You Disagree Or Do You? 1:17
18. Honing Stagnation 0:41
19. Social Injustice Warriors 0:13
20. Eyes And Ears To What 0:05
21. Some People Can't Make A Joke 0:27
22. Terrorist Is Yet Another Word For Coward 1:11
23. Coward Is Yet Another Word For Human 0:11
24. There Is No Glory... 0:06
25. Comnmuicitaon 0:07
26. You're Not Pro-Life 0:20
27. Glory In Tragedy Is Tragic 0:30
28. Cheap Rationalization Of Objectification 0:25
29. Calling It 0:03
30. Chains Of Fear 1:34
31. Dream Our Dreams 1:13
32. Setting The Record Crooked 1:16
33. Free (No Money Down) Salvation (Pay Later) 1:21
34. Patriotic Nationalists 2:08
35. More Than A Verb 1:50
36. Blessed Are 0:15
37. All Creatures 0:13
38. No Monsters 1:43
39. Moar Nukes Plz 1:13
40. C.C. 0:36
41. Double Edged Casualties 0:37
42. Disgust Me 0:28
43. Not Your Saint 0:06
44. The Tongue Is Telling 0:41
45. Closed Minded 0:10

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