Monday, April 12, 2021



BAND NAME: Scream At The Sky
GENRE: Grindcore / Powerviolence
STATUS: Active
LOCATION: Flensburg, Germany



I Have No Idea What I Am Doing (EP, January 31, 2014, Independent) (Digital)

1. Scream 1:03
A hypocrite enters the stage, devoid of compassion and hope
Bitterness has blackened his sight and gloom became his bed

And so I scream at the sky

2. Outcry 0:08

3. Keep Me Safe 0:26
I'm a quiet boy, scared and insecure
And I'm growin' into a quiet man

I am afraid
I have no faith
God, be my guide
And keep me safe

Mercy (EP, March 30, 2016, Independent) (Digital)

1. Sing 0:58
I want to disintegrate
I wish to disappear

The pressure's rising
I cave in

And yet I'm still singing

Holy, loving and just is our Lord Jesus Christ

2. Loser 0:59
Another Friday night
Time to listen to The Cure and wallow in self-pity
The vital need for companionship
Overshadowed by comfort and fear

And so I sing along:
"There is no one left in the world
That I can hold onto"

3. All My Friends Are Atheists 1:40
"I never thought of myself as a preacher or a teacher but dear friends have you heard the good news of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ?"

And then what?
Would I be able to change your heart or would I just push you away?
Is there something I could do to help you believe?

I don't know what to do so I just do nothing
I don't know what to say so I just say nothing

Dear God pour out your Spirit

4. Sleeping Is My Favorite Hobby 0:35
When did fear and obligation become the driving force?

No energy
No power
A severe lack of motivation

I am tired
I am weary

I hang my head
And pray for rest

5. Mercy 2:51
Haunted by mistakes
Easily frustrated
Quick to be discouraged
I'm an annoyance, mostly to myself

A love-hate relationship with isolation provides the fleeting misinterpretation of safety and control

Most of all, I am terribly afraid

"There is no fear in love
Perfect love casts out fear"

What does that say about me?

Father I believe, help my unbelief

Random Acts Of Powerviolence (EP, 2017, Independent) (Digital)

The download included two different versions of track 15: one with strong language in the sample, the other one without it.

1. Powerviolence Is Dufte (Henry Fonda cover) 0:03
2. Essen (Japanische Kampfhörspiele cover) 0:03
3. 412 Wolfpack (Charles Bronson cover) 0:01
4. Carpe Vitae (Dragged Out cover) 0:06
For me to live is Christ and to die is gain.

5. Weg Mit Der Gesamtscheiße! (Nihil Baxter cover) 0:03
6. You Suffer (Napalm Death cover) 0:01
You suffer, but why?

7. You Gotta Stay Positive (Good Clean Fun cover) 0:08
8. 911 Was Inconvenient For Me, Personally (Anal Trump cover) 0:05
Thousands were cheering.
Arabs tailgating.
Yelling and dancing.
New Jersey?

9. Black Wedding (Sun O))) cover) 0:05
10. Interlude 0:27
11. Imposter 0:06
One of these days everything will collapse

12. Deus Non Vult 0:22
No love
No self-denial
No humility

You hate your neighbor 

13. Venesection 0:29
Everyday the anger grows
I lash out
I hate myself and everybody else

Drain the sickness from my veins
I have to learn to love

14. Outcry 0:06

15. Weltschmerz 4:26

Shame (EP, September 8, 2018, Independent) (Digital)

1. Worn Thin 1:30
Loveless and cruel
Worn thin

I can feel my skin recede

Something beautiful must shatter

2. Shame 0:43
Shame is a filthy puddle
Yet it goes down like a treat
An acquired taste to a glutton for misery

Drink deep

3. Kingdom 0:54
The light of the sun will bleach every flag

Party books turn to dust
As do holy scriptures

Only the Kingdom remains

4. Kindred Spirits 1:14
Oh what a blessing you have been to me so far
Friends teachers
Kindred spirits

To look at you is to behold a glimpse of a fire
A spark of the raging force of integrity and love
That I had forgotten

5. You Suffer (Napalm Death cover) 0:54
6. Apparently, I'm A "SJW" (Because I Care About Mark 12:28-34) 1:23
They bound human decency
Gagged her and dragged her through the spirits
Branded her "political correctness" and shot her in the head

They hung her from the highest tree in town
For everyone to see
A testament and witness to their inhumanity

7. Career Suicide 0:52
I grab the file next to me and start to bash my head in

It doesn't take long for my skull to rupture under the onslaught of cardboard and paper

Career suicide

8. Drink From The Chalice Of Blood (Horde cover) 2:54
9. As It Turns Out, Death Does Discriminate Quite A Lot 0:20
Victim of pollution
Born into poverty and addiction

Death may come for us all but it will come for you first

10. Perro Semihundido 4:25
Nightfall at 2 p.m.

This was never intended
Yet received with apathetic open arms

Scorch the earth and hang your head
All I see is ash

Bitter taste
Dry throat
Gnash your teeth
Do not speak

Entombed under debris
Sarcophagus and shelter
Even a pit starts to feel like home
When you just sink deep enough

I am nothing
I am not

Flay this skin
Clothe me in grace
Hide me under Your wings

Scream At The Sky (EP, February 28, 2021, Independent) (Digital)

1. Empowerviolence 0:37
Stripped of all identity
No future
There is nothing left of me
Unfit to live

Aimless rage is boiling over
I dwell in endless terror

Disinfectant's stench
Flagellated flesh
Today I lit a match to put my mind at ease

2. To Future Generations 2:46
To future generations
To those who bear our sins

Reject revisionism
Topple our tombstones
Desecrate our graves
We knew exactly what we did

Human lives as currency
Death and misery as investments
Offered at the altar of profit
Immolated to please the nation
We knew everything


Ocean acidification

War gains
These were our conscious choices
We knew everything

3. I Am Tolstoy 1:34
"The compassionate are not right
(Therefore) the rich are not compassionate"

"Not the sons of the fatherland nor of government but sons of God"

"Government is violence"

"I know that my unity with all people cannot be destroyed by national boundaries and government orders"

"The Kingdom of God is within you"

4. Church Nazis Must Die 1:06
Church Nazis must die before they can be born anew
End heretic sermons of cishet uniformity
Silence the blasphemous chant of white supremacy
Alerta alerta holy antifa
Death to fascism, glory to God

5. F40.1 0:32
Every act an error
Every day a threat
Every peer a menace
Every passing moment leaves me
Sick and tired
Sick and tired
Sick and tired
Sick and tired

6. Random Thoughts On The Communion Of Saints And Also It's A Worship Song And John The Baptist Is Also There For Good Measure 6:33
The saints are the small and the weak and the poor
The sick and the oppressed and the fool

The greatest among them cries out in the wilderness
Clothed in a garment of camel's hair
His food are locusts and wild honey
And he dies by the hands of the strong and the mighty

Holy, holy, holy, glory to God
He who hears the voice in the dessert
He who pours His spirit on the least of these
He who weeps for His beloved
He who died on the imperialist's tree
He who lives

Ô Père des lumières
Lumière éternelle et source de toute lumière
Tu fais briller au seuil de la nuit
La lumière de ton visage

Les ténèbres pour toi ne sont point ténèbres
Pour toi les nuits sont aussi claires que le jour
Que nos prières devant toi
S'élèvent comme un encens
Et nos mains comme l'offrande du soir

Ô Père des lumières
Lumière éternelle et source de toute lumière
Tu fais briller au seuil de la nuit
La splendeur du Ressuscité
Nous n'avons plus besoin de lune ou de soleil
Nous avançons à la lumière de l'Agneau
Que nos prières devant toi
S'élèvent comme un encens
Et nos mains comme l'offrande du soir

Ô Père des lumières
Lumière éternelle et source de toute lumière
Tu fais briller au seuil de la nuit
La splendeur du Ressuscité
Nous n'avons plus besoin de lune ou de soleil
Nous avançons à la lumière de l'Agneau
Que nos prières devant toi
S'élèvent comme un encens
Et nos mains comme l'offrande du soir

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