Monday, April 12, 2021



GENRE: Grindcore / Noisecore
STATUS: Unknown
LOCATION: Fresno, California

Benjamin Kosanke - Everything



Demo 2016

April 5, 2016, Independent (Digital)
???, Vociferator Entertainment (Digital)

I'm not sure if it was released through Vociferator Entertainment around the same time or not.

1. Come All Who Are Weary 0:31
Come all who are weary
And in need of healing
Come to the fountain
Of Emmanuel

He is faithful and just
He is worthy of trust
Come to the fountain
Of Emmanuel

2. The Wondrous Cross 1:06
When I survey the wondrous cross
On which the Prince of Glory died
My riches gains I count as loss

Oh the wondrous cross
Bids me come and die and find that I can truly live

Were the whole realm of nature mine
That were an offering far too small
Love so amazing, love so divine
Demands my soul, my life, my all

3. Praise 0:34
Holy Spirit come into this place
Infiltrate our heart with Your love and grace
We are at awe of Your wondrous face
Teach us, oh God, Your righteous ways
We want to offer you our praise
Offer you our humble praise

4. Lover Of My Soul 0:29
You are always with us here
Darkness dare to come near
I thirst for nothing more
Than You, o lover of my soul

I choose to live life with You abundantly
I offer up everything, all to You my true King
O lover of my soul

5. Bread Of Life 0:33
Blessed is your holy name, o Lord
Glory and honor we give unto You
You provide us with everything we need
You are the Bread of Life, the only One worth dying for

When all else is fading away
And then the only thing remaining keeping me from falling away
Is the Bread of Life, the only One worth dying for!

6. Psalm 136 0:40
Give thanks to God for He is good
(His love endures forever)
Give thanks to the God of gods
(His love endures forever)
Give thanks to the Lord of Lords
(His love endures forever)
To Him who alone does great wonders
(His love endures forever)
Who gives food to every creature
(His love endures forever)
Give thanks to the God of Heaven
(His love endures forever)

7. The Names 0:45
Your holy names we honor
Jesus, Savior
Trinity, Godhead, three in one
Jehovah, God
The Great I Am, the Only One
Abba, Father
The sacred Tetragrammaton

Jesus (Savior)
Jehovah (God)
Abba (Father)

8. Surround This Place 0:48
Oh to know you Jesus Christ
To experience your grace
Your unconditional love
Your surround this place

Your words of peace comfort me
Your strength is what keeps me alive

Oh to know You, Father God
And how jealous You are for me
Your wild furious love
You surround this place

Your words of peace comfort me
Your strength is what keeps me alive

9. All We Do (II) 0:47
Traveling to foreign lands
Speaking to those we dare not speak
Showing Your love to loveless hearts
Giving to others from our empty pockets
Making disciples throughout the world
Opening our hearts to Your caring words
Lifting up our voices in harmony
Walking around with our hearts on our sleeves

All we do we do for You

10. Make A Joyful Noise 0:35
And this noise, I make to my King!
Make a joyful noise to the Lord of all!

11. Bonus Worship Session (8/9/2015) 4:13

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