Sunday, April 18, 2021



BAND NAME: Empty Grave
GENRE: Grindcore / Goregrind
STATUS: Split-up

Everaldo Jacomeli - Vocals
Márcio Coyote - Drums

Past members:
Alisson A. Couto - Vocals
Alex Nuñes - Guitars
Luciano Novi - Guitars
Bruno Iglesias - Guitars
Mauro Baniski - Bass
Rodrigo Jacomini - Bass


Two demos were released before the following album.  All tracks from both demos were compiled onto the debut album's CD afterwards.  The demos are...

Empty Grave (1999)
Contains tracks 1-22

Noise (1999)
Contains tracks 23-81

Inside The Man There Is An Empty Space Which Has The Size Of God (mini-album)

2000, Independent (CD-R)
2002, Independent (CD-R)
2006?, Zadoque Extreme Productions (Cassette)

The Christ Core Records website states this was released under their label, but their record label logo can't be found on the back of the CD case.  Was the band's contract with Christ Core cancelled shortly before the release?

1. Pacto (Intro) 1:01
Quando a noite cai
Sobre o manto das trevas
Encobrindo o barulho
De adoração a satanás
Sua presença é sentida
É manifestada a presença repugnante
Do anjo caído
O homem confuso adora o ser!
O ser! Odeia o homem...
Mas um dia
Todas trevas foram desfeitas
A mentira veio a luz
E este homem conheceu o verdadeiro
Rei da glória

2. Mestre 0:22
Meu Cristo, meu Mestre, todo poderoso, maravilhoso, Príncipe da Paz
Deus forte, Ungido de Deus
Te louvamos, glorificamos, te adoramos
Não há nada comparado
A este Santo nome
Jesus, Jesus, Jesus...

3. Descendente De Primatas 0:25
Quem é você?
Filho do Deus Altíssimo
Que criou o céu, terra e tudo que existe?
Ou descendente de primatas???

4. Turn Or Burn?!? 0:06
Turn or burn?!?

5. Spit In Your Number 666 0:53
Destroy the madness of pentagram
Through the peace force of God's power
The blood of Jesus Christ
Destroy the madness today
Malign star, pentagram
Crush your five points
Spit in your number
Six, six, six...
I'm Christ's servant
Warrior of blood
Preaching the Word of God
Through the noise

6. Worm 1 0:10
I'm worm
Not men

7. Televisão Não Educação / Proverbius 0:43
Ensine a criança
Nos caminhos que ela deve andar
E mesmo depois de velho
Não se desviara dele

8. Esmagando As Pontas Do Pentagrama 0:25
Com a força e poder de Deus
Com o sangue de Jesus Cristo
Hoje destruo a loucura do pentagrama esmago suas cinco pontas
Decepo o bode
Destruindo a loucura do pentagrama
E seus demônios levando a palavra de Deus com o barulho...

9. Aleluia 0:09

10. Túmulo Vazio (Empty Grave) 0:45
Houve um grande tremor na terra
Um anjo desceu do céu
Era como um relâmpago
Sua veste alva como a neve
Retirou a pedra do sepulcro
Sepulcro vazio
Porque busca entre os mortos
Ao que vive?
Jesus deixou o túmulo vazio
Túmulo vazio
Túmulo vazio
Túmulo vazio

11. Buried Alive By Society's Greed 0:26
Buried alive by society's greed...
Corpses slave of this material world...
A world guided by money and power...
Where you and I are mere spectators
...Of the human degradation

12. Honour, Glory And Power Be Given To The Lord Jesus 0:06

13. Inhuman Cruelty 0:19
Inhuman cruelty
Sadistic atrocity
Cruel destiny...

14. Fiodor Dostoivski (1821-1881) 0:06
Há no homem um vazio do tamanho de Deus

15. Jeova Sabote 0:14
Vou louvar o senhor
Exaltar o seu Santo Nome
Toda glória honra e poder
Sejam dadas ao Cordeiro de Deus
Reis dos reis
Senhor e
Príncipe da paz

16. Jeova Jiré 0:13
Cristo tu és a mão
Que abençoa
O pão que mata a fome
A água que sacia
É o caminho que leva
À vida Eterna
Você é o Senhor

17. M.i.D. 0:06
Mary is dead

18. Bebidas, Drogas E Orgias 0:37
Sozinho em seu quarto
Fumando um cigarro
Pensando na vida
E na droga que ela é
Procurando soluções
Em ideologias vazias
Bebidas, drogas & orgias
Só que a decisão mais louca você não tomou
Seguir a Jesus Cristo que por você morreu

19. Armagedon Sonoro 0:51
O sol em trevas ficará
A lua não mais brilhará
Do firmamento as estrelas caíram
Então o filho do homem
Em sua gloria voltará

20. J.C.F.D. 0:06
Jesus Cristo é o filho de Deus
Glória a Deus!!!

21. V.I. 0:48
Quando perder a batalha
E pensar em desistir da guerra
Lembre-se de entregar
Tudo ao Senhor
Vencedor invicto
De eternidade a eternidade...

22. Trevas vs. Luz 0:14
Há nas trevas
Força que produz morte
Gerando: dor, tristeza e desolação
Há na luz de Deus
Poder que faz brotar vida
Que atua em nós pela graça

23. Fundamento Sobre La Roca 0:45
Semejante es al hombre que al edificar una casa
Cavó y ahondó y puso el fundamento sobre la roca
Y cuando vino una inundación
El río dio com ímpetu contra aquella casa
Pero no la pudo mover, porque estaban fundada sobre la roca

24. El Valle De Los Huessos Secos 0:12
Y me dijo: hijo de hombre, vivirán estos huesos?
Y dije: Señor Jehová, tú lo sabes
Y miré, y he aquí tendones sobre ellos, y la carne subió
Y la piel cubrió por encima de ellos
Y profeticé como me había mandado, y entró espíritu en ellos
Y vivieron, y estuvieron sobre sus pies, un ejérctio grande en extremo

25. Devil's Nightmare 0:06
You are devil's nightmare

26. The Dragon Created By Sin 1 (Based on Book "The Oak") 0:19
Comes exhaling and spitting fire
On those who has a heart
Full of stench and filthiness

27. Crushing Religion 1 0:19
Men guided by an emasculator god
Dirty leaders create a cycle of oppression over humble people

28. Lágrima 0:11
Y Dios enjugará toda lágrima de los ojos e ellos

29. Salió De Trono Una Voz 0:11
Allabad a nuestros Dios todos sus sievos, y olos que le teméis
Así pequeños como grandes

30. Dead Symbol! 0:11
A little man of porcelain hanging down on a cross.
Standing for my Saviour.
It can't do anything, because it's not alive.

31. No Seas Vencido De Lo Malo 0:10
No seas vencido de lo malo, sino vence com el bien el mal

32. Lucifer Will Be Dead 0:08
Lucifer is dead

33. 1 Jo. 4:18 0:08
There is no fear in love
But perfect love casts out fear

34. Lamentation 1 0:07
When has the women eaten their own children,
The babies they on their neck?

35. Deep Grave 0:08
From the deepest grave, Lord
I beseeched your name
You're come just when I called, and answered me
"Don't be afraid"

36. Worm 2 0:07
My flesh is full of worms and wounds my skin burst and fester

37. No War 0:08
Wars don't satisfy the hunger
War bring mutilations and death
Our real war is not against flesh or blood

38. Satanas Bajo Nuestros Pies 0:08
Y el dios da paz aplastará en breve a satanás bajo nuestros pies

39. Extraction Of Cancerous Tumor 0:06
Body opened for the extraction of cancerous tumor
Jesus cures the cancer without shedding blood and without a Ph.D.

40. Ele Virá 0:06
Ele virá

41. Paradise Of Fools 0:58
Worship Satan, lose salvation, and spend eternity burning in hell
Paradise of fools

42. Human Combustion 0:23
Sinner race, with a sharpened tongue to blaspheme.
They'll fuel to keep hell's burning.

43. The Dragon Created By Sin 2 (Based on Book "The Oak") 0:12
Men and women
Burned and eaten
But there's nothing the dragon can do
To those who have Christ
Inside their hearts

44. Te Vomitare De Mi Boca 0:11
Pero por cuanto eres tibio, y no frio ni caliente, te vomitaré de mi boca

45. The Nature Moans 0:12
Men destroy the nature in search of power.
They change the green of the forests by wealthiness.
Let's take care of this planet before our ultimate home comes.

46. Unfortunately Humans 0:09
Human eyes unable to see the works of God.
Human heart unable to love.
Father, I want to see you and want to love you, not like a human.

47. Kicked From Heaven 0:15
Egoist angel, he intended to be higher than God
Was punished with a well-aimed kick down to where it's his place

48. Al Que Era, Que Es, Y El Que Há De Venir 0:09
Santo, Santo, Santo es el Señor Dios Todo poderoso, el que era, el que es, y el há de venir

49. The Dog And The Sow 0:08
The dog is turned to his own vomit again
And the sow that was washed to her
Wallowing in the mine

50. Engrandecido 0:08
Engrandecido sea Dios, sea llena mi boca de tu alabanza, de tu gloria todo el dia

51. Carcasses 0:08
We don't deserve anything that God does for us.
We're rotten and purulent carcasses that emanate stench of sin.

52. Lino Fino 0:08
53. Shreds 0:08
We all are like the impure
And all our justice like shreds of filthiness

54. Vomited Bodies 0:08
Being vomited from the Creator's mouth, like indigestible food, and fall into the sea of vomit
Vomited bodies

55. Everything Is Too Few 0:06
I do everything to the glory of God

56. Killer Mist 1:40
It gets into the organism, convulsion, and cerebral function violation.
Decaying cloud, fit of cold.
Crack killer mist.

57. Crushing Religion 2 0:32
God doesn't put a heavy bale on anybody's back
God is love and liberty
You are miserable hypocrites
Murderer serpents

58. Inmundo 0:27
Inmundo, inmundo, inmundo
El que es injusto, sea injusto todavía
Y el que es inmundo, sea inmundo todavía
Y el que es justo, practique la justicia todavía
Y el que es santo, santifíquese todavía

59. Fuego Y Azufre 0:17
Y el diablo que los engañaba fue lanzado en el lago de fuego y azufre
Donde estaban la bestia y el falso profeta
Y serán atormentados día y noche por los siglos de los siglos

60. Dead Nature 0:20
Nature imprisoned, animals took out from their natural habitat.
Shut up in research laboratories.
Nature created by God.
Dying slowly.

61. Salvacion 0:09
Aleluya! Salvación y honra y poder son del Señor Dios nuestro

62. Lamentation 2 0:09
Women hands formerly amiable has look their own children
Who has been used as food?

63. Make A Decision 0:09
Live to Christ
Make a decision
For your life
Like Christ would do
That's the way we must be

64. Adora A Dios 0:10
Adora a Dios

65. Al Unico Y Sabio Dios 0:09
Al único y sabio Dios, nuestro Salvador, sea gloria y majestad, imperio y potencia, ahora y por los siglos

66. Unknown Deliverance 0:07
The unknown God will deliver you

67. Faithful Servant 0:06
It's better to die than denying Christ.

68. Final Judgement 0:52
Works doesn't save anybody
When the humanity's judge sit in His throne there'll be no injustice
The judgement will be given when the hammer hits the table

69. Reign Of Lucifer (War Spirit) (Based on Book "Piercing The Darkness") 0:18
This is the defeated reign of Lucifer
The fallen angel
Putrid flesh, empty bodies, purulent blood
Human rest putrefaction, death
And Lucifer's death
Is ordained

70. Hombre Insensato Y Débil 0:24
Porque lo insensato de Dios es más sabio que los hombres
Y lo débil de Dios es más fuerte que los hombres

71. Who's The Lord Of Glory 0:09
Jesus Christ
He is the Lord of glory

72. Señor Nuestro Dios Reina! 0:08
Aleluya! Porque el Señor nuestro Dios Todo poderoso reina!

73. Él Nos Amó Primero 0:09
Nosotros le amamos a él, porque él nos amó primero

74. The Truth In 5 Parts: The Annunciation, The Birth And The Childhood 0:20
The Annunciation
An angel announced the birth of a Son
Come from the Almighty, Jesus was his name
The Birth
He was born in a hod where the animals eat, He had no home nor cradle
He was born in the misery to counteract the big ones
The Childhood
A child full of wisdom who came from the high skies to instruct you
And grew immersed in grace before God and the men

75. The Mission 0:06
To announce the good news
Preached deliverance, made people to get conscious of the sin
Taught the perfect Way of God

76. The Death 0:19
Hanging on the cross, He asked the Father for forgiveness
His pain was agonizing
Fainting the sun, the earth got dark and come into darkness

77. The Resurrection 0:08
Death was not strong to catch Him, because He's alive, He's not with the dead

78. The Ascension 0:08
All the power was given to Him in the sky
He's at the right of God, where He'll be forever

79. El Valle De Los Huesos Secos 0:21
Y me dijo: hijo de hombre, vivirán estos huesos?
Y dije: Señor Jehová, tú lo sabes
Y miré, y he aquí tendones sobre ellos, y la carne subió
Y la piel cubrió por encima de ellos
Y profeticé como me había mandado, y entró espíritu en ellos
Y vivieron, y estuvieron sobre sus pies, un ejérctio grande en extremo

80. Crushing Religion 3 0:19
Jesus is the real leader
His God brings peace, not force
Let's walk along the ways of Jesus, not along the ways of false and lying men

81. Roll Jordan Roll 2:36
Swing low, sweet chariot
Coming for to carry me home
Swing low, sweet chariot
Coming for to carry me home

I looked over Jordan, and what did I see
Coming for to carry me home
A band of angels coming after me
Coming for to carry me home

Sometimes I'm up, and sometimes I'm down
(Coming for to carry me home)
But still my soul feels heavenly bound
(Coming for to carry me home)

The brightest day that I can say
(Coming for to carry me home)
When Jesus washed my sins away
(Coming for to carry me home)

If I get there before you do
(Coming for to carry me home)
I'll cut a hole and pull you through
(Coming for to carry me home)

If you get there before I do
(Coming for to carry me home)
Tell all my friends I'm coming too
(Coming for to carry me home)

Swing low, sweet chariot
Coming for to carry me home
Swing low, sweet chariot
Coming for to carry me home

3 Way Grindcorenoise (split, 2002, Latin Core Records) (CD)

Some tracks contain more than one song compiled together.  The CD contains a total of 99 tracks, but a total of 172 songs.

29. Empty Grave - Pacto (Intro) 1:03
30. Empty Grave - Mestre 0:23
31. Empty Grave - Descendente De Primatas 0:27
32. Empty Grave - Turn Or Burn?!? 0:08
33. Empty Grave - Spit In Your Number 666 0:55
34. Empty Grave - Worm 1 0:12
35. Empty Grave - Televisão Não Educação / Proverbius 0:45
36. Empty Grave - Esmagando As Pontas Do Pentagrama 0:26
37. Empty Grave - Aleluia 0:11
38. Empty Grave - Túmulo Vazio (Empty Grave) 0:47
39. Empty Grave - Buried Alive By Society's Greed 0:27
40. Empty Grave - Honour, Glory And Power Be Given To The Lord Jesus 0:08
41. Empty Grave - Inhuman Cruelty 0:21
42. Empty Grave - Fiodor Dostoivski (1821-1881) 0:08
43. Empty Grave - Jeova Sabote 0:15
44. Empty Grave - Jeova Jiré 0:14
45. Empty Grave - M.i.D. 0:08
46. Empty Grave - Bebidas, Drogas E Orgias 0:38
47. Empty Grave - Armagedon Sonoro 0:53
48. Empty Grave - J.C.F.D. 0:08
49. Empty Grave - V.I. 0:49
50. Empty Grave - Trevas vs. Luz 0:15
51. Empty Grave - Fundamento Sobre La Roca 0:47
52. Empty Grave - El Valle De Los Huessos Secos 0:14
53. Empty Grave - Devil's Nightmare 0:08
54. Empty Grave - The Dragon Created By Sin 1 (Based on Book "The Oak") 0:21
55. Empty Grave - Crushing Religion 1 0:20
56. Empty Grave - Lágrima / Salio De Trono Una Voz / Dead Symbol! 0:35
57. Empty Grave  - No Seas Vencido De Lo Malo / Lucifer Will Be Dead 0:19
58. Empty Grave - I Jo. 4:18 / Lamentation 1 / Deep Grave 0:25
59. Empty Grave - Worm 2 / No War / Satanas Bajo Nuestros Pies 0:24
60. Empty Grave - Extraction Of Cancerous Tumor / Ele Virá 0:14
61. Empty Grave - Paradise Of Fools 0:59
62. Empty Grave - Human Combustion 0:24
63. Empty Grave - The Dragon Created By Sin 2 (Based on Book "The Oak") 0:13
64. Empty Grave - The Vomitaré De Mi Boca 0:12
65. Empty Grave - The Nature Moans 0:13
66. Empty Grave - Unfortunately Humans 0:10
67. Empty Grave - Kicked From Heaven 0:16
68. Empty Grave - Al Que Era, El Que Es, Y El Que Há De Venir 0:11
69. Empty Grave - The Dog And The Sow 0:09
70. Empty Grave - Engrandacio / Carcasses 0:18
71. Empty Grave - Lino Fino / Shreds 0:17
72. Empty Grave - Vomited Bodies / Everything Is Too Few 0:15
73. Empty Grave - Killer Mist 1:41
74. Empty Grave - Crushing Religion 2 0:33
75. Empty Grave - Inmundo 0:28
76. Empty Grave - Fuego Y Azufre 0:19
77. Empty Grave - Dead Nature 0:22
78. Empty Grave - Salvación 0:11
79. Empty Grave - Lamentation 2 0:11
80. Empty Grave - Make A Decision 0:11
81. Empty Grave - Adora A Dios 0:12
82. Empty Grave - Al Único, Sabio Dios 0:10
83. Empty Grave - Unknown Deliverance 0:08
84. Empty Grave - Faithful Servant 0:08
85. Empty Grave - Final Judgement 0:54
86. Empty Grave - Reign Of Lucifer (War Spirit) 0:19
87. Empty Grave - Hombre Insensato Y Debil 0:25
88. Empty Grave - Who's The Lord Of Glory 0:10
89. Empty Grave - Señor Nuestro Dios Reinal 0:09
90. Empty Grave - Él Nos Amó Primero 0:10
91. Empty Grave - The Truth In 5 Parts: The Annunciation, The Birth And The Childhood 0:22
92. Empty Grave - The Mission 0:08
93. Empty Grave - Part The Death 0:21
94. Empty Grave - The Resurrection 0:09
95. Empty Grave - The Ascension 0:09
96. Empty Grave - El Valle De Los Huesos Secos 0:23
97. Empty Grave - Crushing Religion 3 0:20
98. Empty Grave - Roll Jordan Roll 2:37

Antidemon / Empty Grave (split, 2006, Zadoque Extreme Productions) (Cassette)

Side B:
1. Pacto (Intro) 1:01
2. Mestre 0:22
3. Descendente De Primatas 0:25
4. Turn Or Burn?!? 0:06
5. Spit In Your Number 666 0:53
6. Worm 1 0:10
7. Televisão Não Educação / Proverbius 0:43
8. Esmagando As Pontas Do Pentagrama 0:25
9. Aleluia 0:09
10. Túmulo Vazio (Empty Grave) 0:45
11. Buried Alive By Society's Greed 0:26
12. Honour, Glory And Power Be Given To The Lord Jesus 0:06
13. Inhuman Cruelty 0:19
14. Fiodor Dostoivski (1821-1881) 0:06
15. Jeova Sabote 0:14
16. Jeova Jiré 0:13
17. M.i.D. 0:06
18. Bebidas, Drogas E Orgias 0:37
19. Armagedon Sonoro 0:51
20. J.C.F.D. 0:06
21. V.I. 0:48
22. Trevas vs. Luz 0:14
23. Fundamento Sobre La Roca 0:45
24. El Valle De Los Huessos Secos 0:12
25. Devil's Nightmare 0:06
26. The Dragon Created By Sin 1 (Based on Book "The Oak") 0:19
27. Crushing Religion 1 0:19
28. Lágrima 0:11
29. Salió De Trono Una Voz 0:11
30. Dead Symbol! 0:11
31. No Seas Vencido De Lo Malo 0:10
32. Lucifer Will Be Dead 0:08
33. 1 Jo. 4:18 0:08
34. Lamentation 1 0:07
35. Deep Grave 0:08
36. Worm 2 0:07
37. No War 0:08
38. Satanas Bajo Nuestros Pies 0:08
39. Extraction Of Cancerous Tumor 0:06
40. Ele Virá 0:06
41. Paradise Of Fools 0:58
42. Human Combustion 0:23
43. The Dragon Created By Sin 2 (Based on Book "The Oak") 0:12
44. Te Vomitare De Mi Boca 0:11
45. The Nature Moans 0:12
46. Unfortunately Humans 0:09
47. Kicked From Heaven 0:15
48. Al Que Era, Que Es, Y El Que Há De Venir 0:09
49. The Dog And The Sow 0:08
50. Engrandecido 0:08
51. Carcasses 0:08
52. Lino Fino 0:08
53. Shreds 0:08
54. Vomited Bodies 0:08
55. Everything Is Too Few 0:06
56. Killer Mist 1:40
57. Crushing Religion 2 0:32
58. Inmundo 0:27
59. Fuego Y Azufre 0:17
60. Dead Nature 0:20
61. Salvacion 0:09
62. Lamentation 2 0:09
63. Make A Decision 0:09
64. Adora A Dios 0:10
65. Al Unico Y Sabio Dios 0:09
66. Unknown Deliverance 0:07
67. Faithful Servant 0:06
68. Final Judgement 0:52
69. Reign Of Lucifer (War Spirit) (Based on Book "Piercing The Darkness") 0:18
70. Hombre Insensato Y Débil 0:24
71. Who's The Lord Of Glory 0:09
72. Señor Nuestro Dios Reina! 0:08
73. Él Nos Amó Primero 0:09
74. The Truth In 5 Parts: The Annunciation, The Birth And The Childhood 0:20
75. The Mission 0:06
76. The Death 0:19
77. The Resurrection 0:08
78. The Ascension 0:08
79. El Valle De Los Huesos Secos 0:21
80. Crushing Religion 3 0:19
81. Roll Jordan Roll 2:36

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BAND NAME: Enviro-Metal Garbage GENRE: Goregrind (early); Death Metal (later) STATUS: Active LOCATION: Portugal Lineup: Joel Afonso - Everyt...