Monday, April 12, 2021


BAND NAME: Rehumanize
GENRE: Grindcore
STATUS: Split-up
LOCATION: Franklinton, Louisiana / Panama City, Panama

Last-known lineup:
Felipe Diez - Vocals, Drums
Broc Toney - Guitars, Bass

Past members:
Matthew Wilkins - Vocals
Steven - Drum Programming



Human Depravity (split, 2008, Independent) (Digital)

1. Rehumanize - He Ate With Sinners 1:03
2. Rehumanize - A.C.L.U. Shame On You 0:39
3. Rehumanize - Godless Culture 1:18
4. Rehumanize - Experiencia Sobrenatural 1:43
5. Rehumanize - Lukewarm And Getting Cold 2:02
6. Rehumanize - Televandalism 1:08
7. Rehumanize - Dirty Business Epidemic 1:50
8. Rehumanize - Prayer Unto Holiness 1:49
9. Rehumanize - Enfermedad Grave 0:49
10. Rehumanize - Seasons At The Ward 1:22
11. Rehumanize - Contra Ti, Satan 1:33
12. Rehumanize - Critically Ill 0:31
13. Rehumanize - For Cross And Judgement 1:19
14. Rehumanize - Joel Osteen's Heresy 0:52
15. Rehumanize - Aborrecidos Por Su Nombre 0:54
16. Rehumanize - God Or Nothing 0:33
17. Rehumanize - Greed In The Flesh 1:00
18. Rehumanize - What May Await You 0:40
19. Rehumanize - Radio Unfriendly 0:30
20. Rehumanize - Hammering Satan's Head (Vomitorial Corpulence cover in Spanish) 0:44

Demonic Dismemberment's tracks were later removed because of UnDark's change of policy towards split releases.  So this later became a standalone album.
The bottom artwork was added on August 23, 2022.

2008, Independent (Digital)
May 27, 2020, Coleiosis Records (Digital)
April 4, 2023, Coleiosis Records (CD-R)

4-Way Noise Explosion (split)

April 22, 2008, Sewersound Records (CD-R)
August 2009, Sewersound Records (CD)

9. Rehumanize - He Ate With Sinners 1:05
10. Rehumanize - ACLU - Shame On You 0:38
11. Rehumanize - Godless Culture 1:17
12. Rehumanize - Experiencia Sobrenatural 1:42
13. Rehumanize - Lukewarm And Getting Colder 2:10
14. Rehumanize - Televandalism 1:07
15. Rehumanize - Dirty Business Epidemic 1:50
16. Rehumanize - Prayer Unto Holiness 1:49
17. Rehumanize - Enfermedad Grave 0:50
18. Rehumanize - Seasons At The Ward 1:22
19. Rehumanize - Contra Ti, Satan 1:34
20. Rehumanize - Critically Ill 0:31
21. Rehumanize - For Cross And Judgement 1:20
22. Rehumanize - Joel Osteen's Heresy 0:50
23. Rehumanize - Aborrecidos Por Su Nombre 0:55
24. Rehumanize - God Or Nothing 0:35
25. Rehumanize - Greed In The Flesh 1:00
26. Rehumanize - What May Await You 0:41
27. Rehumanize - Radio Unfriendly 0:35
28. Rehumanize - Hammering Satan's Head (Vomitorial Corpulence cover in Spanish) 0:42

Resident Apostasy (album)

March 2009, Open Grave Records, Sewersound Records (CD)
July 7, 2009, Open Grave Records (Digital)
June 3, 2020, Coleiosis Records (Digital)
September 3, 2022, Coleiosis Records (CD-R)

1. Your Best Death Now 1:02
Let's keep it simple, hear the Gospel message.
We are condemned under the law of sin.

God is just and must punish us but Christ who is Lord came to die in our stead.

God's grace and mercy is revealed through this act; the most significant point in history.

Nobody can give an excuse that they are good because in the end everyone falls short of glory.
Do you know what you must do?
You must repent, believe, and change.

Devote your life to godly living and serve only Christ.

2. Unitarian Universalist Ungodly 1:16
There is this mindset of the Unitarian.
It consists of faith equality and that all religions lead to a god of their own making.
Jesus said he is the only way to the Father, that he is the way, the truth, and the life.
They cannot reconcile with Hell because it seems too harsh, twisting the scriptures to fit their own ideas, eliminating the sacrifice on the cross.

3. The Lakeland Delusion 1:35
False revival, demonic spirits, deceiving message of Todd Bentley.

Prophetic movement filled with visions not of the Father but of the fallen angels.

This whole mess began when Bob Jones opened his mouth to speak of occult revelations and extra biblical teachings.
It spread throughout the region.
Uncontrollable fits of laughter and other manifestations based on the desire to feel God.
This filth would now affect our youth, as hundreds of churches would send their young ministers to be anointed.

4. Rick Warning 0:52
Warning to those who have read literature by a man named Rick Warren.
A dangerous wolf in sheep's clothing who in the name of God wants to conform Christ to this world.

P.E.A.C.E plan, United Nations, business do not mix with Jesus.
Warren's agenda is not the Gospel.

5. Psychopharmacologist 2:06
He's always there to help you choose the best medication

You go home with a smile thinking this will somehow change things

The side-effects are haunting
The body feels like breaking

The hospital answers the phone: "Who would you like to speak to?"


He's always there to show you which might be better for you

You thought this one would work
Who would you like to see?

Risperdal, effexor, lamictal, zoloft caplets
"That will be $40.50"

He's always there to show you which might be better for you

You thought this one would work
Who would you like to see?


6. The Existence Of Hell 2:08
How can a loving God send human beings to Hell?

Wouldn't it be too cruel to suffer for eternity?
Why would God do this?

You must know that God is holy.
He is just and will not let sin go unpunished.

Yahweh is God, Sovereign King, and hater of evil.

All have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, therefore he cannot justify you.

What will it take to be right with Him?
He must come down to earth in flesh.

The sacrifice of Christ on the cross you don't deserve.

If you die and your name is not written in the book of life.

You will die eternally in Hell because you lost your second chance.
Now you see why Hell is necessary.

7. In Paradise 0:21
I tell you this - today you shall be with me in paradise

8. Resident Apostasy 1:58
Falling into ruin, slowly taken down.
Faith was once reality, now it's going to drown.

Being fed the lies and patterns of this world, slowly you go down the road of death again.

I see you are acting differently towards me.
What happened to the creed you once affirmed?

I am disgusted by your lukewarmness.
Don't you know what there's no rest in Hell?

Apostasy is occurring everywhere.
Wherever there's a move of God there are many chosen.
But few are die-hard for the Gospel of truth until the end.
What makes the others leave?
What makes the others desert, why are they looking back?
What makes a man throw away his eternity?
The Great Falling Away.
Prophecied in scriptures.
Do not fall!

Crying out to those who have forgotten God.
It doesn't matter where you are you must repent.

Your punishment is hanging over you, my friend.
It all comes down to Christ.

Your days are nearing the end.

9. Hated Without Cause 2:15
It is written in scripture "They will hate Him without a cause"

Many tried to kill this man without knowing that He was God

Capstone rejected, despised by His own blood

Bedrock ejected, but came to die in our stead

He had no beauty or majesty to attract us to Him

Nothing in His appearance that we should desire Him

He was despised and rejected by men like one from whom men hide their faces

He was oppressed and afflicted so He did not open His mouth

Surely He took up our infirmities and carried our sorrows, Jesus Christ!

Yet we considered him stricken by God, smitten by Him, and afflicted

Yet it was the Lord's will to crush Him and cause Him to suffer

And though the Lord makes His life a guilt offering, He will see His offspring and prolong His days

And the will of the Lord will prosper in His hand for He bore the sin of many

10. Planet Laodicea 1:46
"To the angel of the church in Laodicea write:
These are the words of the Amen, the faithful and true witness, the ruler of God's creation.
I know your deeds, that you are neither cold nor hot.
I wish you were either one or the other!
So, because you are lukewarm--neither hot nor cold--I am about to spit you out of my mouth.
You say, 'I am rich; I have acquired wealth and do not need a thing.'
But you do not realize that you are wretched, pitiful, poor, blind and naked."

11. Joyce Liar 0:21
Joyce Liar!

12. Creflo $ 0:20
Creflo $!

13. It's A Fallen World After All 1:01
Fallen, fallen, fallen, falling

It's a world of slaughter, a world of tears
It's a world of dopes, it's a world of fears

Fallen, fallen, fallen, falling

There's so much that we share that's time we're aware

It's a fallen world after all
It's a fallen world after all
It's a fallen world after all

There is just one Savior and just one way, and the earth forgets Him day by day

Though the cultures divide and their path, it is wide, it's a fallen world after all

14. Berkowitz 2:02
You've heard it was said, "Do not commit murder."
But I tell you now, "Do not hate your brother."
If you have hated, then you have murdered.
There's no excuse for you, you must repent.
Berkowitz repented, from killer to God's child.
Saving faith entered him; the power of God at work.
Transformation, new creation, earthly ways have passed away.
You cannot judge a man using carnal judgement.
You must be able to discern using wisdom.
Reshape your focus from the things below to the prize that is above, only in Christ.

15. Moonbat Invasion 0:19
No! No! No! Moonbats!

16. Dismal Days 1:25
Empty inside, nowhere to run.
Sleeping 18 hours isn't fun.
Dismay days!

Getting dressed takes up all the afternoon.
I don't want to leave the house.

I can't find my medications that take away my anxiety.
I feel it's a worthless thing to stay awake doing nothing.

I want to move to a land where nobody knows my name.
Lethargy is here to stay.
Heavy eyes, acute back pain.
Paranoia is the way.
They are all the same, dismal days.

17. La Ira De Dios Se Manifiesta 1:54
El juicio futuro vendra con tal certeza que los gobernadores se humillaran, sorprendidos por la ira del Dios verdadero y todopoderoso que reina en los cielos.
Muchos pecadores se arrepienten y son salvos, salvos de la ley del pecado y la ira de Dios.
Las naciones lo veran.
Es cierto, les digo, hay que nacer, de nuevo, sino, no veran el reino de los cielos de Dios.
Tienes vida eterna, pregunto?
Eres hijo adoptado de Dios?
La Ira de Dios llegara.

18. Demise Of The Adult Industry 2:08
All of you involved in the adult industry, from conceivers to producers to those who live in adultery

Pornography, strip clubs, prostitution is your idolatry

And you human traffickers will not escape your awful destiny

God hates your life and everything you do

You haven ever lived a moment right before His Majesty

But He loved you wretches enough to die for you

Now you must repent and believe
Demise of the adult industry

On the Day of Judgement God will destroy all this filth

On the Day of Judgement you will realize your sin

This will not last forever
Stop this madness while you can

God will ruin it, your adult industry
If you don't repent, God will ruin you

19. Rough 0:13

20. Financial Meltdown Collapse 0:46
You inherited too much money so you decided to play the stock market

You invested in Google because that's what everyone's doing

You wanted to get richer than already are while at the same time mocking God

But this economic crisis swept your money away

Financial meltdown collapse
Financial meltdown collapse
Financial meltdown collapse

21. Painlife 1:18
Plagued by life's problems, the maladies, and tearing of the mind

Constant frustration, suppression of anger waiting to unwind

"You'll feel better," they say
"Just get some rest and think positive or something"

What do you know about life?
You're not in my skin

When will this be over?
When will this end?

22. Body Image Genocide 1:20
I resent what you said about my perception.
You are just like the rest, judging by appearances.
Human beings are not objects.
They are very much alive.

Who are you to dictate how we must appear and dress?
This brings forth many pressures.

Body image genocide!
Body image genocide!

Anorexia, dysmorphia, obsession, what is wrong?
Sinful lust, body parts, skin, and idolatry.
Latest fads, excess makeup, who do you think you are?

When you die, things will rot.
Who cares about measurements?

Body image genocide!
Body image genocide!

23. Supersized Megachurch 1:14
How many leather coated seats do you need?
Tens of thousands to hear your sappy message.

Bookstores are filled with useless material.
Tithe money wasted on irrelevant decor.

Excess lights and luxury are placed before the Word.
Pseudo-Christian shallow entertainment leads the herd.

Showbiz-like environment resembles a casino.
Humanistic new age thought dominates these ministries.

Business-minded preachers are ashamed of Jesus Christ.

24. T.B. End 0:11
T.B. End!

25. No Hay Que Temer 0:47
Estas cosas les he hablado para que en mi tengan paz.
En el mundo tendran tribulacion, pero confien en mi, yo he vencido al mundo.

26. Conformed 0:55
Question of the ages: "How to be Christ-like?"

Is this even possible in its totality?

This is a challenge I cannot escape from

From the moment I was saved I was to be tested

Human hands cannot mold our body into eternity

No philosophy can withstand the mighty arm of God

Our goal is to be conformed to the image of Christ

Through the trials we have to pass while repenting and rejoicing

Our life is to be conformed to the image of Christ

27. Repent And Believe 0:33
Repent and believe.
Look inside at your sin and at your need to be saved.

Inherited Corruption (split)

October 26, 2009, Sewersound Records (CD)
January 20, 2021, Coleiosis Records (Digital)
September 3, 2022, Coleiosis Records (CD-R)

1. Rehumanize - False Ecumenism 3:14
Babylon is growing faster, one world church of spiritual blindness.
Unity at the expense of God and the holy scriptures.
Interfaith insanity, contradictions, blasphemies, worshipping a false deity far removed from Yahweh.

Sola fide, sola fide.
Sola fide, sola fide.
Sola fide, sola fide.
Sola fide, sola fide.

False ecumenism!
They took to their leaders for guidance and take away parts of the Bible that say God hates intermixing.
False ecumenism!
Islam, Judaism, false Christianity make peace doctrinally and embrace the world.
Whore of Babylon, one world religion.
Whore of desolation.
Man-made roads will lead to Hell.
Sever friendship with the world.

No reliance on His Spirit.
(Man-led union)
Christ is treated as a pawn.
(Dead reunion)
No conviction, no repentance.
Universalistic motives.

Sola fide, sola fide.
Sola fide, sola fide.
Sola fide, sola fide.
Sola fide, sola fide.

You must be part of this mess.

2. Rehumanize - Human Quicksand 3:05
Human error, all the same.
Pitfalls for the blind and lame.

Climbing from the depths of depravity, trying morality and failing totally.

Leaders along with smiling crowds descend into unfortunate ends,
While ignoring the Gospel proclaimed that God in mercy sends.
Human terror soaks the land just like quicksand,
Falling and doing what is wrong in the Lord's perfect eyes, ignoring his decrees and dying in their sand.

Sinful actions are their lifestyles and on dust they pour dark waters.
Sinkhole into nowhere holy, man creates his final folly.
In a desert of consumption man develops warped emotions.
Lustful passions lead to the grave, fully immersed in human quicksand.

Angry and full of pride, you fall in this sandy tide.
But there is hope in this mess of mud and dirt, mire of sin, human quicksand.
How can you not believe the doctrine of depravity?
Its evidence is overwhelming to the point of precision.

Sinful actions are their lifestyles and on dust they pour dark waters.
Sinkhole into nowhere holy, man creates his final folly.
In a desert of consumption man develops warped emotions.
Lustful passions lead to the grave, fully immersed in human quicksand.

3. Rehumanize - Solitary Confinement Survivor 2:54
Solitary confinement cell, trapped in a room with no light
Cement walls, cold floor, no sense of passing time
Solitary confinement cell, trapped in a room with no light
Cement walls, cold floor, no sense of passing time
Solitary confinement, prison within, solitary confinement, prison of sin
Solitary confinement, prison within, solitary confinement, prison of sin
Trapped by walls made of sin, room built of iniquity
Cement walls, cold floor, no sense of passing time
Heretical teachings built this prison, no discernment locked me in
Surrounded by gray walls of lies
Confined, I slowly die
Solitary confinement, prison within, solitary confinement, prison of sin
Prison within
Prison of sin
Prison within
Prison of sin
Prison within
Prison of sin
Prison within
Someone with keys approaches the cell, opened the door, freedom from hell
Light shatters the darkness
The walls break and collapse

Solitary confinement survivor
Solitary confinement survivor
Solitary confinement survivor
Solitary confinement survivor
Solitary confinement survivor
Solitary confinement survivor
Solitary confinement survivor

4. Rehumanize - NOprah 0:29
NOprah, NOprah, NOprah, NOprah, NOprah!

5. Rehumanize - Lakewood Cemetery 1:03
Lakewood Church is home of great apostasy.
Osteen becomes worse and worse with time.

6. Rehumanize - No Problem Of Evil 2:21
You may ask yourself "How could a loving God send men to Hell?"

How humanistic of you to ask.
The question is wrong in its format.

This is what you ask: "How could a just God spare your life, after you have drank your sin like water and ignored His warnings like a fool?"

Now you truly understand the problem of evil.
The perspective starts with God.
Many leave the faith because of an inability to understand justice as it relates to God and to man.
Many act as if God owes them at least a fair existence so they ask "Why do bad things occur to people who are good?"

Hopefully you understand that your heart is evil and prone to passions despised by God.
You speak of the unfair distribution of evil.
But what would constitute unfair to you?
What you need to understand is that none of us deserve any good so everything good is a gift.
I can see it's overwhelming, the sovereignty of God.
He is not the author of iniquity.

The problem of evil is one of the main reasons that many won't accept Christianity.
God-hating idolatry is a grim reality.
Yahweh's holiness is not comprehended by the masses.

We have judged God.
We are the problem of evil.

7. Rehumanize - Wasted And Spent 1:15
I have felt that I hated this life of mine to the point where I have drank to numb this depression that lived in me.
I know that this is no way to deal with serious problems that arise as a result of brain dysfunction.

Drunk and depressed.
Wasted and spent.
Lord, hear my words.

I do not know what to say anymore.
As the days fly by I see myself becoming the man that I hate.
Cleanse my filthy life of alcohol and strife.
I'm ready to repent.

8. Rehumanize - Demise Of The Adult Industry II 2:13
You think you will get away with prostitution.
God is ready to destroy you.

Swept away and tormented forevermore.
Stripped of life and tormented forevermore.
Lake of fire, tormented forevermore.
Twisted mire, tormented, forevermore.

Demise of the websites, end of the producers, death of the equipment used for porn.
No more sexual sinning, no more filthy living, all of you unrepentant all all will die.
You have been warned of the wrath to come, of the Day of Judgement and Reckoning.
But you insist on spreading this trend of immorality and ungodliness.
You make me sick, you damage the body and use it for the things that God hates.
If you don't repent and trust in the Savior, I promise you will be eternally damned.
Impurity! Impiety! Iniquity! Insanity!

Swept away and tormented forevermore.
Stripped of life and tormented forevermore.
Lake of fire, tormented forevermore.
Twisted mire, tormented, forevermore.

Demise of the adult industry.

Grindocalypse (EP)

September 30, 2010, Independent (Digital)
June 10, 2020, Coleiosis Records (Digital)

1. Justice Calls Our Name 1:31
2. Obligated To Suffer 1:59
3. Not Even One 3:00
4. The Lakeland Delusion (re-recorded) 1:07
5. The 7 Axioms Of Christ 2:17
6. Psychopharmacologist (re-recorded) 1:53
7. With All Due Respect, Reverend 1:30
8. Kerney Thomas 0:32
9. John Crowder 0:17
10. New Apostolic Deception 0:11
11. Extreme Prophetic Nightmare 1:17
12. Brain Decimation 1:15
13. Blame Pain 0:19
14. Demise Of The Adult Industry III 1:19
15. Endogenous 1:47
16. N.I.F.M (No Intoxication For Me) 0:12
17. Sting Of Conviction 0:06
18. Somebody Else 1:31
19. Body Image Anxiety 0:42
20. End! 0:21

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