Friday, April 9, 2021


BAND NAME: Eternal Mystery
GENRE: Grindcore
STATUS: Split-up
LOCATION: Franklinton, Louisiana

Last-known lineup:
David Lavergne - Vocals
Broc Toney - Guitars, Vocals
Jarrett Frangella - Bass
Zachary Fabre - Drums

Past members:
Kyle Gill - Vocals
Josh Cook - Vocals
Mikey Barber - Guitars
Brandon Magee - Bass
Shane Carter - Bass



Demo 2005

2005, Independent (Digital)
November 24, 2005, Independent (Digital)
September 18, 2021, Coleiosis Records (Digital)

Demo 2005 was never released to the public.  It was later re-released with the indication of its reissuing, with more of a black metal/gothic sound than before.

This is the only release by Eternal Mystery that is NOT grindcore.

1. Intro
2. Like Sheep Led To The Slaughter
3. Satan's Doom
4. Eulogy For The Party Girl
5. Death Reigns No Longer
6. Bathed In Blood
7. Infanticide
8. Outro

1. AntiChrist Overthrown 1:40
2. Through The Darkness, A Light Has Shined 4:35
3. Born To Die 3:37
4. Choose Pt. 1 (The Peril Of Apostasy) 0:35
5. Choose Pt. 2 (The End Of All Things To Come) 6:56
6. Crush Satan's Head 2:21
7. Nocturnal Crucifixion 4:59

The Coming Armageddon Holocaust (album)

May 2006, Christ Metal (Digital)
August 8, 2020, Coleiosis Records (Digital)
January 14, 2022, Coleiosis Records (CD-R)

1. Left Behind 1:15
2. War, Death, And Famine 4:47
3. Martyrs 2:03
4. Blaspheming Satan 0:22
5. The Body Of Christ 1:56
6. The Church Of Laodicea 2:10
7. Freedom 0:08
8. Into The Abyss 2:29
9. Judgement 1:03
10. Never 0:16
11. Test The Spirits 0:36
12. Turn To God 0:20
13. Warrior 0:31
14. Why Did He Die? 0:09
15. With Open Arms 3:02
16. Christ Is The Demon Crusher (Vomitorial Corpulence cover) 1:21

Behold, A Pale Horse (EP)

September 2006, Independent (CD-R)
2006, Independent, Reissue (CD-R)
July 8, 2012, Frozen Empire (Digital)
August 12, 2020, Coleiosis Records (Digital)
January 14, 2022, Coleiosis Records (CD-R)

These tracks were planned to be on a split with Magisterium, but never worked out in the end.

1. A Casualty That Saved Humankind 1:16
Spikes nailed through hands
Thorns shoved into head
Backside lacerated
Spit upon by own kind
Denied by His own
Rejected by society
This casualty
Saved the world
A world so unworthy
A world that denies He existed
So ungrateful
So evil

Jesus died for the world
Yet the world cares not
While the world denies Him
He continues to pour out His love

2. Victory Anthem 0:29
He has won
Jesus Christ has won

3. The Tree That Bears No Fruit 1:11
Time for change!

Turn your self righteousness
Into humility
Quit playing 'church'
And get in the war

4. Grinding Spiritual Death 0:25
The Word of God
Grind spiritual death

5. Hacksaw To The Throat 0:28
I pick up the saw
And slice the demon's throat
Evil done away with
Evil no more

6. Dead 3:00
The Word helps you grow
In this world of sin

Like a tree
Planted by the river of life
It will grow
And bear much fruit

Apart from Christ
You can do nothing
Apart from Christ
You will die

7. Mutilation Of The Fallen Ones 6:28
Ceasing their life
I slice
The arms off of the demons
Torturing them
For their murder
And loyalty to
The Fallen One

With my axe I slice
The legs off of the demon
With a hammer
I bash his ugly face
Cracking his skull
And shattering his brain
He lives no more

Shredded limbs
Mangled face
Sliced torso
Crushed skull

I overcome evil
With the power of Christ
He gives me power
And He gives me strength

8. None Other 0:30
Salvation is found
In Jesus Christ

9. Pulverizing The Brains Of Demons 1:20
Rip off the cranium
Take out the brain
Put it in a meat grinder
Grind it to bits
Demons can't overthrow
The throne of Jesus!

Bruised For Our Transgressions (album)

January 2007, Independent (CD-R)
2007, Independent, Reissue (CD-R)
August 12, 2020, Coleiosis Records (Digital)
January 14, 2022, Coleiosis Records (CD-R)

1. Servants Of The Most High 1:53
We are on a mission
We've come to plant a message in your brain
A message of salvation
Through the Lord Jesus Christ

Praise be to Him
Who sits on the throne

2. Bruised For Our Transgressions 1:30
He said not a word
As He was led to be slaughtered
He was bruised for our transgressions

Bruised He was
For our sin
He did this out of love

He loved us enough to die for us

3. In God We Grind 1:02
Grinding for God
Is what we do best
In God we grind
In grind we crust

4. Indwelling 0:23
Let His Spirit
Dwell in you
Let Him
Come in

5. Burn 0:36
The axe is at
The root of the trees
Those who don't bear fruit
Will be cut down

6. In Memory Of Pierced Hands 1:12
By Your grace we are saved
By placing faith in You
Because of your death
We are free from all sin

You died
And rose again
In order
To save the lost

7. GxFxJxCx 0:38
Grind for Jesus Christ!

8. Nation Of Disgust 0:58
'In God We Trust'
Self-contradicting phrase
Used by a nation
Who is afraid to say His name
Jesus Christ shunned
By a nation built on His teachings
Replacing morality
With the philosophy of the ignorant

Did you forget when you cried to Him on 9/11?

9. Sanctified 0:15
You have been
Set apart
From the world and its ways
How about living different?

10. The Way, The Truth, And The Life 0:03

11. Rigor Mortis Sets In 0:41
Of the heart begins
For you denied
The One who gave you life

12. Paid In Full 0:58
Jesus has risen from the dead!

Prophecy fulfilled
Death defeated
Salvation found
In Jesus Christ

13. The Stench Of Death Fills The Air 2:50
Here comes the actor
The one who hides
Behind the mask of godliness
As he walks in
The reek of putrefaction
Fills the air
He walks in
And acts just like a friend of God
But his secrets
Are what give him away

The night before
He denied the Lord
With his actions

Actions speak louder than words
His idol must be Judas

I pray that the Spirit of God
Will bring this corpse to life

14. Reborn 0:05
Reborn in Christ Jesus!

15. On The Battlefield 1:14
Looking all around me
We have suffered no casualties
All the fallen ones I see
Are the minions of Satan
With the Lord's power and grace
We have wiped evil off of the Earth's face
Death has no power
Over the One who gives eternal life

We have won
Because of Christ
Because of His

16. Fall Of The AntiChrist 1:52
Taking over the world
He masquerades as a bringer of peace
Little does the world know
That this man is doomed to destruction

He cares not
For the fallen
He will fall
In the end


17. No Mercy For The Fallen 1:53
O Fallen One
From me you get no mercy
Sin and perversion
Are your works
For this you shall suffer

You brought death
Into this world
So you shall die
O how you have fallen

18. Vomiting Forth The Lukewarm 0:31
You say that
You are My disciple
But you are an enemy
To those of you living a lie:

19. Cry Of The Innocent 2:57
Millions die every year
At the hands of their parents
Dead before birth
In the name of free choice
'Murder for hire'
Is what it should be called
One whole generation
Wiped out

Our cry is for justice
Our cry is for mercy
Our cry is for morality
Our cry shall be heard

Our cry is for those
Who have no voice
Who haven't seen daylight
Or taken their first breath

Hear our cry!

Stop the murder
Stop the stupidity
Heed their cries
For life

20. Apocalyptic 1:28
This world has
Rejected the Lord
Now the time
Of wrath has come

They will see Him
In the clouds
With His angels
On that day

Every knee shall bow
Every tongue confess
That Jesus Christ is Lord

21. Sewage Church 3:14
You claim to be
A church of the Lord
But you deny
Sound doctrine

Fallen away from God
Because of selfish desire
A desire to make up rules
And foolish regulations

Just like fresh sewage
You have gone to waste
You take the sick
And make them sicker

I sit and watch
As you treat
The Bible
Like it's nothing

Sewage church
You are nothing
Converting the weak
Into robots

22. The New Covenant, Pt. 1 1:26
Brought to the Sanhedrin
Accused of blasphemy
Beaten, spit upon
Brought before Pilate
Then sent to be flogged

Nails hammered through hands
Prophecy fulfilled
This Lamb was slain
To give us eternal life

My God, my God, why have You forsaken Me?

23. The New Covenant, Pt. 2 0:25
He has risen!
The Lord is alive!
Death has been defeated!

24. The Path Of Death And Destruction 0:19
What have you gained
For traveling this dead end road?
This is a path
That leads to destruction

This road leads to death

25. Hatred 2:24
You make trips
Thousands of miles away
In order to hurt someone you do not know
Your ignorance and hypocrisy
Have caused hundreds to turn from God

You hold up
Signs of judgement
Your sin is no worse
Than the ones you judge

Can fresh and salt water flow from the same spring?

Pull the log
Out of your eye
Before you remove
The speck in another's

26. Heretic Circus 2:03
Another scam in the works
Time for you to go
Exchange a fake miracle for a pile of green
Time to get money for a healing unseen
Time to play with the emotions
Of those who have no hope

Time for you to prophesy
Of something never to come
Tell another lie
To suck their wallets dry

Put your faith in Christ
Not men
Men will fail you
But Christ will not

27. Daily Crucifixion 1:22
You say 'I hope God thinks I've worked enough'
You care not about Christ's sacrifice
'It wasn't enough' are your thoughts
So you nail yourself on a cross

Christ paid the price
So you don't have to
Jesus gave it all
So you could be saved

28. Cry Of Mercy 0:52
Create a pure heart in me O God
And renew a steadfast spirit within me
Do not cast me from your presence
Or take your Holy Spirit from me
Restore to me the joy of Your salvation
And grant me a willing spirit to sustain me

Remove this cancer
Of iniquity
It keeps growing weakening me
Cleanse me
With Your blood
Forgive me Lord
For I have sinned

29. Chained Down 2:36
I'm filled with disgust
As you make up stupid laws
Like the Pharisees
You break the ones you make

Stemmed from a lack of maturity
And a lack of study

Christ died
To set us free
Let us have
Our freedom

30. Swallowed By Darkness 3:48
Pushed away by religious hypocrites
I questioned the existence of the One who loved me
As I fell away
I began embracing the left hand path

To live for myself
Seemed very promising
Became my god

The very thoughts of Christ
Brought me anger and hate
My misconceptions of the Lord
Blinded me

What I didn't know
Was the love of Christ
Christ is love
Not hate

Denying myself
Was the way out of my pain
Following Christ
Became a joy

Out of the darkness I came
And gave it all to Christ

31. Hammering Satan's Head (Vomitorial Corpulence cover) 0:44
Satan you are a loser, the victory has been won
Christ is going to crush your head and grind you to a pulp

Hammering Satan's head
Hammering Satan's head
Hammering Satan's head
Hammering Satan's head
Hammering Satan's head
Hammering Satan's head
Hammering Satan's head
Hammering Satan's head
Hammering Satan's head
Hammering Satan's head
Hammering Satan's head
Hammering Satan's head

Crush his skull

2-Way Perversion Holocaust (split, February 20, 2007, Independent) (CD-R)

1. Eternal Mystery - Intro - GxSxFxGx 0:52
Gore Shred for God

2. Eternal Mystery - Desecration 0:26
The Holy One
You will pay
In the end

3. Eternal Mystery - Betrayed, Beaten, And Slaughtered 0:59
Jesus Christ
Was betrayed
Beaten and slaughtered
For our sins

4. Eternal Mystery - Waging War Against The Forces Of Evil 2:17
I draw my sword
And stand my guard
In order to stand
Against the Evil One

Pick up your sword
Get in the fight
Do not be caught
In the middle


Jesus Christ
All evil
In His path

5. Eternal Mystery - Deceived By The Goat 0:41
Way of the left-hand path
Free-thinker is what you say you are
But you close your mind to things concerning Christ

Open your mind
And look at yourself

6. Eternal Mystery - Turn Back 0:07
Turn back to God
Be transformed by the renewing of your mind

7. Eternal Mystery - Decaying Thoughts Of Lust 1:08
Lustful desires
Plague your mind
Transform your thoughts
Or rot

8. Eternal Mystery - The Reek Of Hypocrisy 0:39
Your lifestyle
Makes me sick
You mock the Lord

You won't last
You will rot
You make me sick
You reek of hypocrisy

9. Eternal Mystery - Persecuted 1:37
Because of faith in Christ
Because of faith in Christ

Don't lose your faith
Because of those who hate you
The world hates us
Because it first hated Christ

10. Eternal Mystery - Faithless Belief 2:20
Faithless you are
Claiming 'belief' in God
But showing
No evidence of faith

You say you 'believe in God'
You do well!
Even the demons believe
And tremble

Faithless Belief is useless
Put your faith in Him
God calls us to repent and act on faith
Not to simply state 'I believe'

11. Eternal Mystery - Infected With Disease 0:38
Willful disobedience
Of the Lord
Obey the scriptures
Not bits and pieces

12. Eternal Mystery - Mind Transplant 1:47
Hatred towards God
Because of misconceptions
Look at the facts
Not the misconceptions

Conform your mind
To that of Christ
Look at God
Not humans

13. Eternal Mystery - Half-Rotted Corpse That Thinks It Is Still Alive 0:41

You claim to be
A Christian
But your actions
Show different

Lord, bring this corpse to life

6-Way Sin Decomposition (split, August 23, 2007, Vomit Bucket Productions, Christ Core Records) (CD)

26. Eternal Mystery - Intro - From Peace To Destruction 0:23

27. Eternal Mystery - Blind To Reality 1:07
You claim society
Has been 'Christianized'
You pay no attention
To things around you

Society hates Christ
It isn't what you think
Pay more attention
To what's going on

Blind to reality

28. Eternal Mystery - Death To The Flesh 0:16
Die to yourself
Live for Jesus Christ
Dead to the world
And fleshly ways
Growing daily
Because of self-denial
Forsake the flesh
Live for the Lord

29. Eternal Mystery - Blinded By Hatred 0:49
And blinded
Hate of Christians
Based on misconceptions of the faith

Is what you hate
Don't aim your sword
At the true to the faith

30. Eternal Mystery - The Time Is Now 0:05
Turn to Jesus before it's too late!

31. Eternal Mystery - The Choice 1:12
It's time to make
An eternal choice
A choice of life or death
Choose Satan or Christ

Make a good decision
Choose Christ
He will give you
Eternal life

Satan will deceive you
Into believing in yourself
Don't believe his lie
Of self-deceit

32. Eternal Mystery - The Choice Pt. 2 (The Right Choice) 0:06
Jesus can save your soul!

33. Eternal Mystery - The Choice Pt. 3 (The Wrong Choice) 0:46
It's too late
You put Him off
You said, "Maybe later"
But "later" didn't come

34. Eternal Mystery - Cry For Liberty 0:44
Came to set us free
Not to establish stupid rules
Came to set us free
Not to establish stupid rules

Manmade laws
Push the lost away
Think of the lost
Not yourself

35. Eternal Mystery - Severed 0:18
Has split the church
Legalism has taken over
Has split the church
Legalism has taken over

36. Eternal Mystery - Left Behind 1:29
Rapture has come
Christians taken away
Everyone else left in horror

The Tribulation has begun
No one left out
No, not one

37. Eternal Mystery - Decomposition 0:15
Because of your hypocritical ways

38. Eternal Mystery - Human Sacrifice 0:16
Jesus was a human sacrifice
For all mankind

39. Eternal Mystery - Death's Face 1:47
Staring death in the face
With a gun in my hand
Seconds away from pulling the trigger
I feared what would happen

As I asked God to save me from death
I realized He is stronger than death
Faithful, truthful, and never giving up
He set me free and gave me another chance

40. Eternal Mystery - Burnt To A Crisp 0:47
Burnt to a crisp
Because of your rejection
Of the One True Lord
Jesus Christ

Of the Christian faith
Caused you to deny
The One who gave it all for you

41. Eternal Mystery - Spiritual Decay 1:34
Rotting your mind
Rotting your brain
Legalism drives you insane
Pointless rules cause you to stumble
Rules that do not apply to the faith

Pointless are these
That oppress believers
Dress codes and other things
More harmful than good
Christ came to free us
Not to oppress
Scripture shows
That we are free because of the Cross

Spiritual decay
Has taken its toll
Because of legalistic
Extra-biblical things that aren't true

The Ultimate Death Sentence (album)

November 27, 2007, Independent (Digital)
January 1, 2008, Independent (CD-R)
August 2009, Sewersound Records (CD)
August 15, 2020, Coleiosis Records (Digital)
January 14, 2022, Coleiosis Records (CD-R)

1. Prepare For The Storms Of War 2:00
On to war!

Put on the Armor of God
Get ready for battle
Equip your sword
And get on the front lines

Resist evil
And destroy the flesh
Raise the banner of Christ
And don't turn away

2. 30,000 Corpses And Counting 1:56
Repentance - an option you refuse to take
Salvation - a gift that you blasphemously pervert
In order to make you feel good about yourself
You take hold of your so-called 'life' and put God out of it

Before my eyes - 30,000 zombies
Digging their own graves
Deafened to the urgent call to repentance
And blinded by a self-esteem 'gospel'


If you got a spot of blood on your hands
For every soul you have led to condemnation
You would drown in an endless sea of death

For your lies and deceitful words
You have placed death upon your own head

3. The Primary Objective 0:21
This is my mission
This is why I do this
This is my job as a Christian
This is my command from God

To spread the Word of God

4. Blind Leading The Blind 1:03
Blind leader of the blind
You poison minds
Forcing religion down the throat
Of walking corpses

5. Double Standard 0:27
You live two different lives
Professing Christ with one
And denying Him with the other

6. Disgusted Pt. 1 0:38
Million-dollar industry
Of perversion
Selling flesh to please the sick
Perverting the image of love

Disgusted to the point of vomiting
I stand against this plague until I die

7. Disgusted Pt. 2 0:41
Lust and filth plague your mind
Like a disease or cancer

Cleanse yourself with the help of God

8. Perversion Of Old 2:43
Like a disease
This perversion of old has spread
Prophecies from ages past
Foretold its arrival

It came like a horde of locusts
Eating away at human conscience
Deafening their ears
And shielding them from the Light

One by one
Those possessed by the sickness
Churned out lies and fables
Spreading the sickness further and further

Blood is the cure
Blood from the One who was pierced
For our iniquities

9. Eyes Torn From The Sockets 0:38
Where did your spiritual eyes go?
Or did you ever have any?

Blinded by stupidity
And refusing to listen to the truth
Time to change your ways
And grow a brain


10. Hatred Pt. 2 2:36
Behold, a bandwagon of fools
Mindlessly following a fool
Traveling numerous miles
To add to the pain of a hero's family

With signs and banners of hate
They break an already broken heart
They also give people the thought
That Christianity is hate

Could these people be of the One True God?
Or are they following a god of their own mindset?

My God cares for others
And waits for men to come to Him
He hates sin
Not the sinner

11. God Is Too Big To Fit Inside A Cardboard Box 1:17
With your self-righteousness
With the holier than thou attitude
With your self-righteousness
With the holier than thou attitude

My God
Does not fit inside your little box
That you have made
Inside your feeble human mind
My God
Does not fit inside your little box
That you have made
Inside your feeble human mind

12. Death To Misogyny 1:19
Misogynistic idiocy
Has been glorified in this scene
Idiotic perversions
Thought to be of humorous value

Women being raped and mistreated
Isn't funny or 'cool' at all

Time for things to change
Time to stand for the female population
It's time to end this foolishness
It's time to fight against misogyny

Sadism is stupidity
Misogyny is stupidity
Porn is stupidity
Time to end all stupidity

13. Scarred 0:55
For our sin
By the ones He was dying for

His scars and wounds bring life
To the human race
His scars bridge the gap
Between man and God

14. The Mother Of All Deceptive Lies 1:53
"Man is Satan" is what you preach
"No God or devil" is what you teach
Anton LaVey - inventor of this idiocy
Founder of the church of hypocrisy

How can you hate 'herd conformity'
When you act all the same?
Breaking the rules you claim to keep
Behold, an endless horde of sheep

I shall desecrate your worthless sign of the goat
And rip apart LaVey's 'Bible' page by page
Only the foolish submit to this idiocy
You shall not stand when your hypocrisy is exposed for all to see


15. Denial Of Truth 1:30
Science of lies
Blinding the eyes of the lost
Monkeys as 'ancestors'
Deception as fact

Unproven theories
Take the place of the known
Deceitful and devoid of logic
It becomes a religion

Free your mind from this disease
Search for fact, not theory
Time to evolve your mind, and see the Light
How could our ancestors be monkeys anyway?

16. Breaking The Chains That Bind The Faithful 1:47
I'm sick of having my ministry judged
By those who fail to understand its purpose
I'm sick of being mistreated
By those who hide behind feeble stone walls, glued to a pew

The enemy is trying to kill you
And you don't even know it!
You'd rather sit and be lazy
While telling the hard workers that they are wrong

I do this to shine the Light of Christ
In places where light doesn't exist
Because I care about their spiritual well-being
I don't want to see them perish

Before you judge me
Ask yourself this
When was the last time
That you destroyed the darkness with the Light of Christ?

17. War Pt. 1 1:00
It has risen, not the Christ
He will be the anti-Christ
His power will transcend that of any human
Many will be deceived

Saints will rise to condemn and expose this beast of a man
There will be a war of words and ideologies
Persecution, mental war, detractors, and new converts
Seventh Seal - Seventh Seal
Through prayer and revelation we defeat the Beast
Cast into Hell - God prevails

18. War Pt. 2 1:13
Rabid demons, human, warfare
Chaos in celestial regions - struggle to survive
Unseen empire with different ranks of fallen angels
Attack - steal - kill and destroy
Legions shall be expelled in the name of Christ
Holy Spirit!

Legions of unclean spirits
Aim to attack you
All of these vast hordes of demons
Are no match for the One Who gave His life for you

Turn to Christ and be set free

19. Standing Firm 1:40
This is where your faith will be tested again
Hold your ground lest you lose the ground that you've gained
Your enemy, the flesh, and the Devil
Watch intently, so pass this test
To reach the next level of spiritual experience
If you want His blessings for your life, stand firm
Trust the Rock, stand firm

Place your undying trust
In the Son of God
Put your faith in His word
And you shall fail not
The enemy is constantly watching
For your weaknesses and pressure points
Stand firm or he will go for the throat

Fight against Satan
Stand your guard
Put on the armor of God
And equip yourself with the Sword
Place your faith in the Lord
And fight
Sin will grab you
If you don't kill it first

20. Spiritual Murderer 1:31
Look at what you have done

I can't believe
That you call yourself a brother in the Faith
You've murdered the spirits of many
With lies and false judgement

Because of you
Hell's population has increased sevenfold
And you don't seem to care
Because you hurt those who are wounded
And kick those who have already fallen

Your judgement is coming
You have wasted your life with selfishness
You shall not stand in the Light
Of the Most High God

21. The Trend Pt. 1 1:19
America has blasphemed the Lord
With great multitudes of fakes and hypocrites
It's time to wake up and see the Light
But this nation has spent its time in the dark
'In God We Trust' - a trendy motto
Repeated by those who are ashamed of Him
This country follows like blind sheep
Running after and devouring poison called hypocrisy

Wake up!
Before it's too late
Do you think you honor God
By recognizing Him once a week?

22. The Trend Pt. 2 1:17
Blasphemy covers this country
Hypocrisy spreads like infection

You honor God with your lips
But your hearts are far from Him
God, I pray that You
Bring life to this vast horde of corpses

23. The Generation Of Vomit 0:42
Turn to God
Or be vomited out of the mouth of God
Open your ears
Listen to His Word
Stop playing 'religion'
Stop trying to fool the Lord

24. A Massive Horde Of Robots 0:58
Before my eyes
Thousands of people
Deceived by a foolish talk
And a twisted of Scripture


Blinded by ignorance!

This horde of robots
Rejects sound teaching
They follow their leader
Straight to the spiritual grave

25. Cast Into Flames 3:15
Judgement has fallen on me
And now I roast in flames
Cast out of the presence of God
Because of a fake lifestyle

I attended church
And was an active member
But little did the church know
About my hypocrisy

I was a walking corpse
Digging my own grave
Professing Christ as Lord
But refusing to repent of my sinful deeds

I wish I could go back
To warn them of the coming death
If they refuse to turn to God

I want to tell them
To seek the Lord and do His will
But I am stuck here forever
Eternally roasting

26. The Choice Of Eternal Destiny 1:16
There comes a choice
In each person's life
He must make a choice
Between life or death

The choice must be made
At this very moment
For the time will come
When the doors of life will shut

27. Leper Gospel Pt. 1 0:45
Like poison
Your words bring death
Turning those who know not God
Into religious robots

It's time to change
Your way of thinking
Conform to the Word of God
Instead of your own mindset

28. Leper Gospel Pt. 2 1:26
Spreading your extremist values
And religious disease
Infecting those who follow
Like sheep led to be slaughtered

Death comes to those who hear your words
Transforming them into robots or enemies
Be transformed by the renewing of your mind
Let God bring life to your rotting corpse

Time to change! Time to change!

Transform your mind to that of God's
Transform your mind to that of God's

Change your ways! Change your mind!
Change your ways! Change your mind!

29. Cotton Candy Laced With Rat Poison 2:14
Substituting works for salvation
All across the world
It makes me sick
God protect me from this

Twisting God's Word for green
Fake miracles are seen


In the future
Judgement shall come
God will cleanse the church
Of insects

30. Hacked Down And Burned To Nothing 1:24
Death shall come if you refuse to repent
Your doctrines spread death
Your teachings spread disease
The Lord shall spit you
Out of His mouth
Your words scar the soul
Your words kill the spirit

31. Parasites 1:51
One by one
They sneak in the church
Promising miracles and signs from God

They bow their knees to the almighty dollar bill

Time to silence this heresy!

32. The Smell Of Death 0:59
You say you're a Christian
But why do I smell a corpse?

33. JGSH (Mortification cover) 0:28
Jesus grind Satan's head!

J.G.S.H. - Jesus grind Satan's head
J.G.S.H. - Jesus grind Satan's head

His head is dead!
His head is dead!
His head is dead!
His head is dead!

4-Way Noise Explosion (split)

April 22, 2008, Sewersound Records (CD-R)
August 2009, Sewersound Records (CD-R)

43. Eternal Mystery - Intro 0:55

44. Eternal Mystery - A Taste Of What Is To Come 0:26
If you think that the world is in bad shape
You haven't seen anything yet!

There will be more wars and more evils arising
And when all is said and done
This world shall be judged by God

The time will come
When you are forced to make
The ultimate choice: God or death

45. Eternal Mystery - Crushed 2:18
Denied by His closest friends
Betrayed by His own
Given to us by the Father
To be a sacrifice

It was the will of the Lord
For Him to die
Crushed under His Father's wrath
In order to pay for our sin

Without Christ
We are nothing
Without Christ
We will die

46. Eternal Mystery - Insanity Plea 1:08
I was insane
For rejecting Your calling
I was a fool
For rejecting Your gift of life

I wish I had received
Your sacrifice
I was a fool
To reject it in the first place

If I hadn't been so dumb
I wouldn't be in hell right now

47. Eternal Mystery - Infanticide 0:35
4000 casualties a day
Victims who have no voice
Are being slaughtered by the thousands

Time to stand against
The modern-day Holocaust
Time to stand against this plague
Time to stand for the voiceless

48. Eternal Mystery - Pseudo-Christianity Pt. 1 1:50
You are like a rotting mass of flesh
That is dressed in designer clothes

You are a thorn in the side of the church
Doing nothing but harm
The mask you are wearing isn't hiding you
Everyone can see your true colors

A designer suit and good works won't stand
In God's court of law

49. Eternal Mystery - Pseudo-Christianity Pt. 2 1:34
You have no excuse
To act the way you do
It's time for a life change

Christ has given Christians
Standards to live by
Sin is sin
There is no excuse to act like an unbeliever

Conform your life to God's standards

50. Eternal Mystery - USA (United States Of Absurdity) 1:38
Common sense has died and was laid to rest
Along with the IQ of the American populace
If this nation is as "Christian" as they say
Why are they silencing any mention of Christ?

If I say "God bless" - I get sued
If I say the name "Jesus" - I break the law
If I bring a Bible to school - I get expelled
God's not allowed in this so-called "Christian" nation

America seems to have no brain power

51. Eternal Mystery - The Actor 1:44
You walk in church wanting attention
But no one really cares
Your fake display of religion
Has sealed your fate

Do you really think God is pleased?

The Gospel doesn't center around you

52. Eternal Mystery - The New Face Of Communism Pt. 1 1:05
ACLU - organization of idiots
Likes nothing better than to turn us into slaves
You don't protect liberties and right
You constantly violate American freedom

Manipulating the court system
Is how you operate

Stand up, my brothers!
Time to fight this injustice!

53. Eternal Mystery - The New Face Of Communism Pt. 2 0:45

Because of your lack of common sense
The rights I have were taken away

Eternal Mystery / Insomnia Isterica (split, September 3, 2008, L'é Tütt Folklor Records, Sewersound Records) (CD-R, Cassette)

1. Eternal Mystery - Feasting On Ignorance 2:16
Millions around the world
Fall for these lies
Documentaries and books
Trying to disprove Christ
Zeitgeist and DaVinci Code
Breeds ignorance and closed-mindedness
Old straw-man arguments
Re-regurgitated and mixed with lies

Sadly mistaken for truth
These lies attack the weak
Shaking the faith of those
Who are new to the faith
Little do they know
That these arguments have no credibility
Scholars and theologians
Have torn this mess to shreds

If there is no God
Why waste time thinking about it?
If there is no God
Why waste your time trying to disprove it?

2. Eternal Mystery - Complete And Total Chaos 0:31
Has everyone lost their mind?
Has everyone gone insane?
Our world is in total chaos
Brain IQ points lowered everywhere

We're outnumbered by brainless corpses

3. Eternal Mystery - Politically Incorrect 0:22
I stand for common sense
I stand for morality
If you are a liberal
You will probably hate me

4. Eternal Mystery - Is Abuse A Joke? 3:11
Is it funny to joke about abuse?
Is it funny to watch women get hurt?
What if you were in their position?
Would you be laughing when the degradation comes?

This is nothing they willingly chose
Threats come if they don't lie to the fans
Do you honestly think that women
Want to be taped having sex with men they don't know?

5. Eternal Mystery - National Crisis 0:52
Pornography has ruined millions
Turning people into pedophiles and pervs
Years of being fed this trash breeds consequence
If you don't believe me, watch Dateline NBC

6. Eternal Mystery - The Wages Of Sin Is... 0:07

7. Eternal Mystery - The Beast 1:56
He shall come with great power
Overthrow the entire world
Raise himself above every god
Including the God of gods
Desecrate the Holy Temple
Demand worship and sacrifice
Command all to kill those
Who do not follow him

He will seem powerful to many
But his end shall come
He will seem powerful to many
But his end shall come

He will gather a great army
To murder the remaining who oppose
Outnumbered by millions
But they fear not
For they know that Christ will come
To crush their oppressors
With the Word of His mouth
He crushes them like grapes

8. Eternal Mystery - Rewarding The Sloth 0:40
Too lazy to get up and work
To lazy to care
Instead of being told to get a job
You are given a welfare check
My taxes pay for your laziness
This needs to change

Get a job

9. Eternal Mystery - Stand Your Ground 0:31
Stand your ground
Stand your ground
Stand your ground
Stand your ground

Satan masquerades as an angel of light
Stay grounded in the Word
Resist sin and temptation
When the devil tries to make you fall
Fight like a soldier of God

Stand your ground
Stand your ground
Stand your ground
Stand your ground

10. Eternal Mystery - Cheap Clichés 1:08
Claiming to serve the Lord
Your ignorance amazes me
Selling God like a trend
Plastering cheesy clichés on shirts

11. Eternal Mystery - Fraud 1:28
Milking money
From those who have no hope
Like sheep, those who follow you
Refuse to see the truth

Money is your god
And deception is your art
Using lies and empty promises
To invade wallets and checkbooks

I'd hate to be you
On Judgement Day

12. Eternal Mystery - Faithless Belief (re-recorded) 2:31
Faithless you are
Claiming 'belief' in God
But showing
No evidence of faith

You say you 'believe in God'
You do well!
Even the demons believe
And tremble

Faithless Belief is useless
Put your faith in Him
God calls us to repent and act on faith
Not to simply state 'I believe'

This Means War (EP)

November 1, 2008, Sewersound Records (CD-R)
August 19, 2020, Coleiosis Records (Digital)
January 15, 2022, Coleiosis Records (CD-R)

1. Time To Grind 0:11
Time to Grind!

2. Army Of Clones 0:38
You dress all the same
You act all the same
You think all the same
You are an army of clones

Copycat versions of one another
Your god is made in the image of you

3. Open Mouth - Insert Foot 0:39
False prophecies and teachings
Plague your TV show
You say dumb things
And try to back them up with Scripture

700 Club
Poster child of stupidity
Are you really that ignorant?
You really love to suck on your foot

4. Delusional And Weak 0:43
You think you're so special
Because you are white
White pride and Nazi stupidity
Have made you delusional and weak

Nazism is retarded
KKK is made of weaklings

I love my fellow man
Whether they are black or white

5. Life Of God On Earth Pt. 1 - Cloak Made Of Human Flesh 0:15
Jesus born to Virgin Mary

6. Life Of God On Earth Pt. 2 - The Ministry 0:11
Christ spreads the Gospel

7. Life Of God On Earth Pt. 3 - The Conspiracy 0:06
Falsely accused of blasphemy
And crucified between two thieves

8. Life Of God On Earth Pt. 4 - Death And Resurrection 0:12
Buried in a borrowed tomb
And risen on the third day

9. Marketing The Savior - An Examination Of Idiotic Behavior 2:25
Society has gone insane
Now they think they can sell the Savior
Plastering cheap slogans on merchandise
Cheap cover-ups for whitewashed tombs

This madness has grown fast
Into a large corporate joke
This stops here and now
This market must be silenced

I don't need a shirt
To let people know that I'm born again
If they can't see Christ in my life
Then something is terribly wrong

10. Silencers 0:16

You cannot silence me
I'll stand firm until the day I die

11. The Purpose Driven Business 0:44
Thousands of souls are dying
And you do nothing to help

Attempting to erase the Gospel
From the memory of man
You continue to do this
Because it fills your bank account

You own a purpose driven business

12. Your Best Scam Now 0:23
Want to cater to yourself
Instead of submitting to God?
Then buy into your best scam now

13. Heretic Of The First Degree 0:34
"Become a Better You"
Devoid of sound biblical teaching
"Your Best Life Now"
No sign of Christ exalted

Teach the real God
Not the "ideal" one that appeals to sinful man

14. Dare To Speak Your Mind 1:34
Let your voice be heard
Do not let them silence you
Let your words be clear
Let your voice ring

Dare to speak your mind
Dare to go against the norm
Dare to speak your mind
Dare to go against the norm
Dare to speak your mind
Dare to go against the norm
Dare to speak your mind
Dare to go against the norm

15. Pumping Out Trash 0:27
Manipulation and abuse
Recorded on video daily
Defilement and debauchery
Marketed for cash
Stop this madness

16. Mass Spiritual Suicide 2:05
Christ did not die for nothing
He came to set us free
For some strange reason
You don't understand it

He shed His blood because
There was no way that we could save ourselves
But you would rather perform
Empty displays of religion
As if that somehow pleased God

Go ahead and perform your rituals
The Pharisees did the same and got nowhere
It's offensive to God to replace
The sacrifice made on the cross with human effort

So as you replace Christ' blood with urine and feces
Remember this:
If we are saved by works
Then Christ died for nothing

I trust in Christ alone
Good works can never please God

17. A Corporation Built On Exploitation 1:05
Plastered on the TV screen
You plead with people to send you green
Promising them miracles and wealth
Only to leave the raped and hopeless

You are nothing more than a business man
Running a corporation built on exploitation

18. Extreme Disgust 0:43
I am brought to extreme disgust
Every time I witness this happening
Sexual perversion and carnal debauchery
All over the media
I want this madness to end
But I can't do it alone
Join me in fighting this filth
The filth that tears apart the mind

19. Intelligence Quotient = 0 0:25
If there is no right or wrong
Why do you turn and call me wrong?

Your logic doesn't work

20. Full Scale Battle 1:21
Desperately trying to silence the Gospel
You do everything in your power
You can't shut us up
We will not be silenced

We will not betray our Lord
We will wage a full scale battle

We will not betray our Lord
We will not betray our Lord
We will not betray our Lord

You can't shut us up
We will not be silenced

21. This Means War 2:24
I declare a war upon all things
That shame the name of Christ
I may be persecuted for this
But with God on my side, I refuse to fail
Porno, corrupt religion, and false believers
Are only a few things I will stand against
If it shames the name of my God
Then it is a target

You might hate me for doing this
You may even hate what I stand for
But I refuse to cower and go back
Like a dog that returns to its vomit

Fleischwald / Eternal Mystery (split)

January 9, 2009, Sewersound Records (CD-R)
August 2009, Sewersound Records (CD-R)

19. Eternal Mystery - Discernment 1:10
I know a guy who just got saved
For some reason he can't tell truth from error

He started out well when he first believed
Now he's believing loons like Bentley and Hinn

When you become a Christian
You don't leave your brain at the door
If you want to survive spiritually, use discernment

20. Eternal Mystery - The Ringmaster 1:33
Behold the ringmaster
A leader of a circus populated with clowns
Armed to their grinning teeth with lies and malice
They milk the sheep of their cash
And pull the wool over their eyes

Blind! Fool!

Greed and idolatry
Charismatic idiocy!

21. Eternal Mystery - Inhuman Hatred 0:56
Do you have a brain?
Have you gone insane?
Did you lose your mind?
You must be mentally ill

White power ideologies are stupid
An illogical position for an illogical mind

22. Eternal Mystery - Swimming In An Ocean Of Depravity 2:26
Viewing porn
Is like peering through the eyes of the sick
This epidemic is vastly growing
It must be stopped

Like anesthetic
It numbs the mind
Listen to the testimonies
Of those who were ruined by it
Their lives torn apart
Just to give sheep sexual pleasure

Stop this epidemic
Stop this epidemic

23. Eternal Mystery - Holy Hypocrisy (Vomitorial Corpulence cover) 0:28
You listen but your actions make me sick!
You say you're my servant... Hypocrite!
Be doers, not hearers only, you're just deceiving yourselves.
You've been in a church all your life!
Outside you play the game, but inside...
Be doers of the word!

24. Eternal Mystery - A Brain Replaced With Separate Thoughts 1:19
I thought the point of having a brain
Was to use it to think and make decisions
But you have cut off your thought supply
And now let politicians and liberal media think for you

Lab tests have shown zero brain activity
Your frontal lobe has "property of someone other than me" stamped on it

The TV has become your source of life
Entertainment Tonight makes you drool

No brain activity means no life

25. Eternal Mystery - Consumption Of Vomit 2:08
The wrath of God builds up higher
Every time you regurgitate your filth
Blind sheep flock to you
Just like flies over a pile of feces and urine

Your wallet grows fatter
Every time you say a deceitful word
Your sheep's bellies are fattened with vomit
You have placed death upon your own head

26. Eternal Mystery - Disobedient 1:42
Thousands of people
With love of the One True God
Gives up their lives
For the sake of the Gospel

While you sit around and be lazy
Someone half the world away is spreading the Word
They shouldn't have to do your job
As believers we are commanded to share the news

So sit around and listen to your cheesy worship music
And bellow out half-hearted praise from your lips
Just don't believe that God is okay
With you willfully disobeying Him

Eternal Mystery / W (split)

August 2009, Sewersound Records (CD-R)
2009, E.E.E. Recordings (CD-R)
August 2009, Sewersound Records (CD-R)

1. Eternal Mystery - Zombie Nation 1:29
2. Eternal Mystery - Mutilation Of Truth 1:06
3. Eternal Mystery - Peace, Love, And Intolerance 1:32
4. Eternal Mystery - Portrait Of The Human Heart 1:48
5. Eternal Mystery - Religious Capitalism 2:47
6. Eternal Mystery - A Cesspool Of Corrupted Thought 1:19
7. Eternal Mystery - Brain Anesthetic 1:09
8. Eternal Mystery - Years Of Wasted Life 1:39

The Right Wing Conspiracy / Eternal Mystery (split)

January 5, 2010, Sewersound Records (CD-R)
August 3, 2010, Sewersound Records (Digital)

SkyBurnsBlack Records hosts only the tracks by The Right Wing Conspiracy.

11. Eternal Mystery - Dearly Beloved (Beginning Of Sorrows) 1:36

12. Eternal Mystery - Breath Of Toxins 0:57
Breathe in the fumes you have made
The exhaust, the waste, the poison
Breathe in the toxins of your pointless pursuit

What will you profit from this world
If your soul has been choked?
The machine of life, the cause of death
Breathe in the toxins of your pointless pursuit

13. Eternal Mystery - Visions Of Black 1:56
Losing all of my sanity
Morphing into a frightful monster
Like a morbid version of Jekyll and Hyde
I feel myself transform

Death grips the very core of my being
Disgust grips at the center of my soul
I feel as if I'm losing this war within myself
Darkness is beginning to consume me

This beast is raging with full force
Destroying me from the inside out
Hopelessness is gripping my spirit
Is there a cure for this that plagues me?

14. Eternal Mystery - Nation Of Walking Dead 1:11
Raised by the media
Consumed by mania
Death to rationality
Birth of insanity
End of civility
Ceasing our ability
To see our pathetic state
Celebrity gossip dominates

A nation of clones
Programmed slave drones

Void and soulless
Empty and brainless
A million minds croak
With every word that is spoken
Brain cells choked to death
By venomous statements from their breath
To save the minds that are left
Smash your television set

15. Eternal Mystery - Dismembering The Babylon Whore 1:03
Blinded by ignorance
Bound by rites and ceremony
Deaf to the truth
And confined to brick walls
Stained-glass windows
Are your only insight
Knowing nothing
Ignorance abounds

Whitewashed tombs lead the circus act
Men in suits and ties join in the deceit
Lies spew forth like a volcanic eruption
Infecting and killing all in their grasp

You parade yourself in massive splendor
Covering your multitude of trespasses
Presenting yourself as holier than thou
Silencing the truth and blinding the masses

16. Eternal Mystery - Inner Termination 1:34
Cut from the neck
I've lost my head
I've done it again
My blood has been shed

Spilling from the veins
So warm so red
Lost my life
I'll soon be dead

What have I done?
What have I become?
Will this pain ever end?
Can I live to begin again?

I've cut my throat
With my own blade
So broken
I am their slave

I've lost my heart
My soul to trade
Hidden from the light
I'm in the shade

Sew my eyes
Where I can't see
Clutching my throat
So I can't breathe

Seal the tomb
My destiny
Can you feel my urgency?

17. Eternal Mystery - Fire Purged Flesh 2:37
I see behind your lies
Your mask is no disguise
I see what's inside
There is nowhere to hide
Wasting away from life
Heart fails and spirit dies
Eyes blind to burning light
Strip away your pride

Shatter every remnant of what I was
Obliterate my insides
Purify my mind
Purge my flesh
Burn my body
Cleanse my spirit
Make me whole

I see behind your lies
Your mask is no disguise
I see what's inside
There is nowhere to hid
Wasting away from life
Heart fails and spirit dies
Eyes blind to burning light
Strip away your pride
Break away from flesh
Bone and spirit mesh
Lay your mind to rest
There is nothing left

Demo 2010

January 2010, Independent (Digital)
September 18, 2021, Coleiosis Records (Digital)

1. Blind Eyes See No Truth 2:17
2. Standing By As Humanity Attempts Suicide 2:31
3. A Funeral Service For Rationality 2:22

Flesh Separation (album)

August 13, 2010, Sewersound Records (CD-R)
November 1, 2010, Sewersound Records (Digital)
August 22, 2020, Coleiosis Records (Digital)
January 15, 2022, Coleiosis Records (CD-R, 12" Vinyl)

1. Intro 1:54

2. Bile Of The Dictator 2:08
Skilled in manipulation
Tongues trained to please
Eyes focused at the weak
They'll make you believe
Fallacy and heresy
Subtracting the divinity
Believing this atrocity
Falling in complacency
Filed down truth that breeds imperfection
Spotted lambs led to sacrifice
Minds filled with truth
None is absolute
Light breaks down the walls of darkness
Truth now clears the eyes of ignorance
Truth is absolute

3. Blind Eyes See No Truth 2:14
Forcefed lies
Blindfold over your eyes
Unresponsive to stimuli
Feasting on falsehood
Consuming iniquity
Decaying conscience devoid of life
Dead to all forms of rational thought
Refusing to fully examine yourself
Denying all things that contradict your own will
Blind eyes see no truth

4. A World Of Puppets Restrained By The Strings Of Depravity 1:48
Drowning in a pool of sin
Eaten by evil within
Controlled by selfishness
Rendering life as meaningless
Vices celebrated
Virtue shamed
This is the nature
Of a man untamed
By the chains that bind
Like puppets controlled by a puppeteer
Ignorant of the force at work inside them
Their will is bound to a raging monster
Taking over their minds and lives
Welcome to the puppet show

5. A Funeral Service For Rationality 2:22
Beloved, we are gathered here today
To mourn the passing of common sense
Beautiful it was, this precious gift
Its untimely death has caused us grief
Stabbed to death by political correctness
And humans who choose to cease all brain activity
Common sense, we mourn your death
You shall remain in our hearts and memories
Your death has caused humanity to regress
Back into a primitive carnal state
Our hope is that you will be resurrected
From this grave that binds you

6. The Sheep And The Shepherd 2:47
No experience
No integrity
No true honesty
A great deceiver
Lying to the public for political gain
Deceiving the masses to get ahead
Rejecting the standards set before
This nation as we know it may very well be dead
Forcefeed the people with lies about change
Toying with power like a child aged four
Desperate for attention like a teenage brat
Your intentions are rotten to the core
This nation is destined for ruin
The economy has been completely destroyed
Unemployment on the rise, frustration growing on high
A vast sea with a growing black eye
Was all this worth furthering your agenda for?
Political correctness has gone too far
Zombie-like irrationality has replaced common sense
Refusing to take note and learn from the past
Power corrupts, and it always has
Forcefeed the people with lies about change
Toying with power like a child aged four
Desperate for attention like a teenage brat
Your intentions are rotten to the core

7. A Walking Tomb 1:00
Death breathes beneath the mask
Your true face under your shell
A pretty face hiding twisted form
The tomb will only hide the death that thrives
A life lived skin deep
Your rotten flesh breaks
Carry your death and embrace new life
Remove the veil and embrace the bride

8. Curing The Sickness 1:10
Sever the head of doubt
Casting down the shadow
Dismember and burn
All traces of the cancer
You held so dear
Scars reminding of the battle you have won inside
Close your eyes as the blood
Washes every stain
From your twisted form
The hands that drove the nails
In the hands of the Savior
The void has been filled
By the broken Hand of the Savior

9. Breaking The Chains Of Death 3:12
 I will rise
An overwhelming passion unmatched to this day
A fire that cannot be quenched
Humbled to the point of death - the ultimate defeat
Beaten, broken, through torn flesh he pressed
Eyes set on death destroy this temple
And take this cup, my life
And on the third day
I will rise
Death can't hold me
Grave can't bind me
Sin can't take me
And Hell can't break me
The words you spoke you took to your grave
You came back with vengeance
Grave is defeated
Chains are broken
Conqueror of death
Washed in His blood
Death can't hold me
Grave can't bind me
Sin can't take me
And Hell can't break me
This is absolution - I will rise
The words you spoke you took to your grave
This is absolution - I will rise
You came back with vengeance
Death can't hold me
I will rise
Grave can't bind me
I will rise
Sin can't take me
I will rise
And Hell can't break me
I will rise

10. Devoid Of Life And Spirit 2:00
Laying lifeless
Artificial breathing
Life with no feeling
The brain has died
The soul is immobile
There is nothing inside
You cannot save yourself
Your carcass is decayed
Your lifeless body
Cannot save you
Useless religion cannot bring redemption
Your works' righteousness cannot bring you life
Deafening yourself so you cannot face the truth
Like a nocturnal creature you hide from the light
Laying lifeless

11. Standing By As Humanity Attempts Suicide 2:33
Filth abounds nearly everywhere I look
All I see for miles is stiffened corpses
The stench of death has filled my nostrils
Overwhelming disgust begins to nauseate me
Putrid flesh hanging from dry bones
Hangs from the remains of zombies
As they continue to destroy themselves
This world seems more and more like a dystopian underworld
Death has overtaken nearly everyone
Humanity has become as low as mere animals
Distressed I watch and think to myself
"Will these bones ever life again?"
I cry out for the redemption of a race
That constantly attempts suicide
Will they heed the call to life?
Or will they continue to degrade themselves?
Will these corpses ever be brought to life?
Will they ever experience what I have?
These corpses remind me extremely well
Of what I once was and what I am now not

12. Flesh Separation 3:42
You're losing sight
Break the hold and see the light
Break this cycle
Break your flesh
Break your flesh
Let it die
Break your flesh
Surrender the Hyde
Break your flesh
Live to gratify
Break your flesh
Break your flesh
Let it die
Kill your flesh
Surrender the Hyde
Break your flesh
Live to gratify
Sickens me to the core
I do not do what I want to
Instead I do what I hate the most
I feel like cutting loose
With this enemy that is killing me from within
Always causing me to stumble
Run away from the sin
It follows me everywhere I go
There must be blood on my knees from so many prayers
Behold, the flesh is a snare, a recurring nightmare

13. Tongues Of Scorn 10:00
I smell the bile
Vomit from your lips
Lies of the flesh
With malice in your eyes
Ritualistic vipers
Entice to your beautiful grave
Dust of bones
Stench of death
With tongues of scorn

The Split Tracks (compilation, August 22, 2020, Coleiosis Records) (Digital)

Tracks 1-13 are from "2-Way Perversion Holocaust"
Tracks 14-29 are from "6-Way Sin Decomposition"
Tracks 30-40 are from "4-Way Noise Explosion"
Tracks 41-52 are from split with Insomnia Isterica
Tracks 53-60 are from split with Fleischwald
Tracks 61-68 are from split with W
Tracks 69-75 are from split with The Right Wing Conspiracy
Track 76 is hidden, and is from "A Tribute Of Mercy", a compilation tribute to Mortification

The bottom artwork was added on August 23, 2022.

1. Intro - GxSxFxGx (Gore Shred For God) 0:53
2. Desecration 0:25
3. Betrayed, Beaten, And Slaughtered 0:59
4. Waging War Against The Forces Of Evil 2:18
5. Deceived By The Goat 0:39
6. Turn Back 0:07
7. Decaying Thoughts Of Lust 1:09
8. The Reek Of Hypocrisy 0:39
9. Persecuted 1:37
10. Faithless Belief 2:20
11. Infected With Disease 0:38
12. Mind Transplant 1:47
13. Half-Rotted Corpse That Thinks It Is Still Alive 0:41
14. Intro - From Peace To Destruction 0:22
15. Blind To Reality 1:06
16. Death To The Flesh 0:15
17. Blinded By Hatred 0:48
18. The Time Is Now 0:05
19. The Choice 1:12
20. The Choice Pt. 2 (The Right Choice) 0:06
21. The Choice Pt. 3 (The Wrong Choice) 0:45
22. Cry For Liberty 0:43
23. Severed 0:18
24. Left Behind 1:28
25. Decomposition 0:15
26. Human Sacrifice 0:16
27. Death's Face 1:47
28. Burnt To A Crisp 0:47
29. Spiritual Decay 1:34
30. Intro 0:54
31. A Taste Of What Is To Come 0:25
32. Crushed 2:17
33. Insanity Plea 1:08
34. Infanticide 0:35
35. Pseudo-Christianity Pt. 1 1:50
36. Pseudo-Christianity Pt. 2 1:34
37. USA (United States Of Absurdity) 1:38
38. The Actor 1:43
39. The New Face Of Communism Pt. 1 1:04
40. The New Face Of Communism Pt. 2 0:44
41. Feasting On Ignorance 2:15
42. Complete And Total Chaos 0:31
43. Politically Incorrect 0:21
44. Is Abuse A Joke? 3:11
45. National Crisis 0:52
46. The Wages Of Sin Is... 0:06
47. The Beast 1:55
48. Rewarding The Sloth 0:40
49. Stand Your Ground 0:30
50. Cheap Clichés 1:07
51. Fraud 1:27
52. Faithless Belief (re-recorded) 2:31
53. Discernment 1:09
54. The Ringmaster 1:33
55. Inhuman Hatred 0:56
56. Swimming In An Ocean Of Depravity 2:26
57. Holy Hypocrisy (Vomitorial Corpulence cover) 0:27
58. A Brain Replaced With Separate Thoughts 1:18
59. Consumption Of Vomit 2:08
60. Disobedient 1:42
61. Zombie Nation 1:28
62. Mutilation Of Truth 1:06
63. Peace, Love, And Intolerance 1:31
64. Portrait Of The Human Heart 1:47
65. Religious Capitalism 2:47
66. A Cesspool Of Corrupted Thought 1:18
67. Brain Anesthetic 1:09
68. Years Of Wasted Life 1:38
69. Dearly Beloved (Beginning Of Sorrows) 1:36
70. Breath Of Toxins 0:57
71. Visions Of Black 1:56
72. Nation Of Walking Dead 1:11
73. Dismembering The Babylon Whore 1:03
74. Inner Termination 1:34
75. Fire Purged Flesh 2:37

76. Eternal Lamentation (Mortification cover) 6:40

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