Sunday, February 12, 2023


BAND NAME: Amelioration
GENRE: Grindcore / Cybergrind
STATUS: Active
LOCATION: United States

Blake Sherwin - Everything



Restorification (single, August 19, 2014, Independent) (Digital)

1. Restorification 1:08
I declare healing in the name of Jesus!
I declare restoration in the name of the King!

Bring it down...

Are you ready to be ameliorated?

The Slaughtered Lamb Split

November 23, 2014, Christian Grind Records (CD, Digital)
November 23, 2014, SkyBurnsBlack Records (CD, Digital)

18. Amelioration - Alias 0:28
El Shaddai
El Gibbor


King of Kings
Lord of Lords
Abba Father

These are the names of the most high God!

19. Amelioration - One Hundred Seventeen 0:39
Praise the Lord, all you Gentiles!
Laud Him, all you peoples!

For His merciful kindness is great toward us,
And the truth of the Lord endures forever.

Praise the Lord!

20. Amelioration - Restorification 1:08
I declare healing in the name of Jesus!
I declare restoration in the name of the King!

Bring it down...

Are you ready to be ameliorated?

21. Amelioration - Reverential Panegyric 0:10
I'm here to proclaim the glory of the Lord,
The Lord on high who has given me life.

Praise the Lord forevermore!

Admin Rights (album)

May 10, 2015, Vociferator Records (CD-R, Digital)
August 27, 2020, Independent (Digital)

1. Intro 0:42
Good evening, you are about to experience brutality, technology and musical absurdity.

Side effects may include laughter, deep reflections on the origins of life and in rare cases, spontaneous combustion.

You have been warned.

Prepare for complete...utter...AMELIORATION!!!

2. Malicious Encroachment 0:21
Resist temptation,
Flee from it!

3. Deceived 0:16
The devil roams the earth for who he might deceive.
He is relentless like you would not believe.
Stand on the Word and take authority.
As quick as can be the devil will flee.

4. Restorification 1:08
I declare healing in the name of Jesus!
I declare restoration in the name of the King!

Bring it down...

Are you ready to be ameliorated?

5. Binary Savior 0:12
01001010 01100101 01110011 01110101 01110011

Translation: JESUS

6. Alias 0:28
El Shaddai
El Gibbor


King of Kings
Lord of Lords
Abba Father

These are the names of the most high God!

7. Dance Like David 0:26
I will dance!
I will dance!
I will dance!

I will dance like David danced!

8. Healing Spree 0:30
Be healed!

Be healed!

Be healed!

In the mighty Name of Jesus you are healed!

Be healed!

Be healed!

Be healed!

In the mighty Name of Jesus you are healed!

9. That's What HE Said 2:31
God has promised us many things
Things inside His Holy Book

Your sorrow will be turned to joy
The Lord will provide

Salvation through Christ
Protection, victory in Jesus

His promises are plentiful
And His blessings bountiful
Your needs are met
He is faithful

(That's what HE said!)

That's what HE said
That's what HE said
That's what HE said

That's what HE said
That's what HE said
That's what HE said

10. Admin Rights 0:12
Upon our creation free will was given
The right to do what we wish with our lives
Just because you can doesn't mean you should
Use good judgement when exercising free will!

11. Man's Lifespan 0:02
But a moment

12. Holy Ghost Noise Party 0:10

13. Jumpin' Jehova Stats 0:27
Why does it matter how many members your church has?
Start disciplining the ones you do have.

This is not a popularity contest,
This is about the Kingdom of God.

Why concern yourself with useless statistics?
Go out and preach the Gospel!

14. Make A Joyful Blastbeat 0:38
Cut loose!

Go wild!

Shout out!

Go wild!

Cut loose!

Make a joyful noise!

15. All Hail The Administrator 2:36
Hail to the...
Hail to the...


Oceans, forests
Flora, fauna
Perfect balance

You conceived us
You sustain us
Oversee us
From sin free us

I marvel at
The beauty of
Your creation
All Your wonders

Mammals, sea life
Countless species
Tree and plant life

King of all Kings
Lord of all Lords
We lift You up
We worship You

You're our God
Holy One
Mighty God

16. Sword In The Scone (Instrumental) 0:15
17. As The Deer 2:06
As the deer panteth for the water
So my soul longeth after Thee
You alone are my heart's desire
And I long to worship Thee

You alone are my strength, my shield
To You alone may my spirit yield
You alone are my heart's desire
And I long to worship Thee

You're my friend and You are my brother
Even though You are a king
I love You more than any other
So much more than anything

You alone are my strength, my shield
To You alone may my spirit yield
You alone are my heart's desire
And I long to worship Thee

I want You more than gold or silver
Only You can satisfy
You alone are the real joygiver
And the apple of my eye

You alone are my strength, my shield
To You alone may my spirit yield
You alone are my heart's desire
And I long to worship Thee

18. Intolerated 0:05

19. Reverential Panegyric 0:10
I'm here to proclaim the glory of the Lord,
The Lord on high who has given me life.

Praise the Lord forevermore!

20. Mental Defragmentation 0:22
The mind gets fragmented, disjointed and such
As our thoughts focus on earthly desires

Oh great Administrator, defrag our brains!
Rearrange our thoughts! Bring Yourself to the front!

Optimize our minds for spiritual focus
Delete selfish desires
Firewall our minds from the things of the world!

21. Dubstep Got Ran Over By Grindcore 3:27
Dubstep got run over by grindcore (grindcore!)
A gruesome collision you can't conceive! (inconceivable!)
You may think there's no such thing as grindstep
But as for the onlookers...they believe! (we believe!)

When the smoke cleared it was an utter mess
'Twas a gruesome display I must confess
Two styles of music collide at high speed
Bodies, unrecognizable indeed
The doctor tried hard to save them both
And had taken on himself an oath
"Save them both at any cost"
Even though some parts were lost
From the wreckage, remains were salvaged
Some of which were badly ravaged
A new creation arose that day
Alighting a sky enveloped in gray
We sing a new song of the love of Christ
Bass for the one who sacrificed

Dubstep got run over by grindcore (grindcore!)
A gruesome collision you can't conceive! (inconceivable!)
You may think there's no such thing as grindstep
But as for the onlookers...they believe! (we believe!)

As a bright shining star signified
The birth of Jesus was prophesied
The love of Christ personified
His divinity is verified
Through His crucifixion we're justified
The whole of creation purified
Our sin separated, putrified
The void in our life is rectified
As Christmas arrives we're unified
The holiday purpose clarified
Charity and giving specified
The Christmas spirit intensified
Santa has been falsely deified
May God the Father be glorified

22. Grind Those Ivorys (Instrumental) 0:04
23. One-Hundred Seventeen 0:40
Praise the Lord, all you Gentiles!
Laud Him, all you peoples!

For His merciful kindness is great toward us,
And the truth of the Lord endures forever.

Praise the Lord!

24. Spiritual Virtualization 0:23
When the Administrator returns
His followers will be virtualized
Leaving behind our physical chassis'
Into the domain of the Host of hosts

Is your name written to the Administrator's database table of life?

25. Fatal Error 0:10

We have all fallen short of the glory of the Administrator

Fatal error!

26. All Hail The Administrator (Instrumental Version) 2:36

Handsomeware (EP, August 26, 2020, Independent) (Digital)

1. Buffer Overflow 0:33
An influx of data enters the buffer,
Overflowing, overwriting file systems.
Adjacent storage is made to suffer,
Integrity falls apart at the hems.

The sinful thoughts that you keep so concealed,
Will overflow and make themselves revealed.
Life of integrity will do you well,
Lest your life be plunged into living hell.

2. Slithering Sin 1:18
The worm!

Infiltrates your system!
Replication begins!
One becomes many!


Your systems overrun!
Memory corrupted!
Call your administrator!


3. Spoofed 0:08
The devil comes as an angel of light!

4. Access Violation 0:43
The forbidden fruit...
Hangs from the spanning tree...
The end user took a bite...
And created an endless loop!

Unauthorized access to the apple
Invited sin into our world
A perpetual darkness living
Inside the heart of every man

The forbidden fruit...
Rots inside our bodies...
Indigestible, to forever dwell
We need help or we'll go to Hell!

5. SQL Injection 1:02
Secure your database
From dangers you may face
Bad data imported
Table health aborted
Corruption injected
Changes undetected

The media consumed
By our minds is assumed
To not affect our lives
Although it cuts, like knives
Injection most grim
Separation from Him

6. Contact Your Administrator 0:02

7. Trojan Horse 1:46
I come in disguise
So you won't realize
Harmless I appear
Until I am here
Activate the file
Transformation vile
System infected
Regret erected

I am the devil
And I bring you sin

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