Sunday, February 12, 2023


BAND NAME: Beside The Truth
GENRE: Grindcore / Cybergrind
STATUS: Split-up

Jéfte Sinistro - Vocals, Drums
Diogo - All Instruments


Way (Pre-Demo Version) (2009) (Digital)

1. Way 0:58

It's literally the only track they ever made.  Yet it appeared on the short-lived Ultimate Christian Grindcore Compilation.


BAND NAME: Baphomet Evisceration
GENRE: Grindcore
STATUS: Split-up
LOCATION: United States

Mikel Kennedy (R.I.P.) - Vocals
Broc Toney - Vocals, Noises



Baphomet Evisceration (EP)

July 2008, SewerSound Records (CD-R)
April 24, 2021, Coleiosis Records (Digital)
January 13, 2022, Coleiosis Records (CD-R)

Recorded between 10/14/2007 and 7/11/2008
Tracks 13 and 14 written by Felipe Diez III, who also did vocals on them.

1. The Coming Judgement 0:32
You lead a selfish life
Thinking no one sees
Be prepared
For the coming judgement is near

2. Comic Book Messiah 0:42
It's me again
The infamous comic tract artist
I pervert the Gospel of Christ
And turn it into easy-to-read comics

If you aren't the same as me
You'll burn in the fires of hell!
I don't care about your spiritual well being
The more room in heaven for me, the better

3. The Comatose State Of The Church 0:38
The Church of Christ
Is in a state of near-death

The church needs to wake up
Before it dies
The church will surely die
If Christ is not the Head

4. Shredded To Pieces 1:03
Unholy book of ignorance
Leading those to embrace stupidity

Using Satan as a scare tactic
Making you look like a retard

I shred your book to pieces
Leaving it to waste away like the trash it is

5. Benny Hinn (Portrait Of A Snake Oil Salesman) 2:06
Blasphemous "healings"
In the name of the Almighty Dollar
"Just touch the TV screen
You won't need to see the doctor"

6. Infested With Worms 0:16
You are a walking corpse
A spiritual zombie

7. Zombified And Brain Dead 1:42
They are increasing in number
And outnumber the country 300 million to 1

People with a lack of common sense
Are infecting this nation like cancer


With groups like the ACLU and NAMBLA
You can't help but wonder about this nation's sanity

8. Putrid Stench Of Vomited Remains 0:55
Judgement has come
God's wrath is upon you
It's time to be judged
By how you lived

Is written all over you
You shall be vomited
Out of God's mouth

9. We Will Not Back Down 1:10
We will not back down from the fight for christ
Satan will never win
Jesus' blood paid the price
Join in the fight against Satan

10. Rigor Mortis 0:39
You have severed your spiritual head
Self-decapitation has brought you death

You have denied the Way to the Father
Rigor Mortis has set in and death has taken over
Your fate has been sealed

11. Wretched Stench Of The Sin Infested Corpse 0:38
Your corpse smells rotten
Death awaits you if you don't repent
Claiming to be a disciple of Christ
But never showing fruit

12. Sick And Twisted 0:51
Sick and twisted
Vile and repulsive
Perverted and disgusting
This must be destroyed
Porn destroys lives

13. Every Corpse For Himself 0:39
Do you understand the law of life and death in this old earth?
Millions will live millions will perish
There are two dimensions in the afterlife
Every corpse for himself
Salvation – what's it worth to you?
In the grave, it's you and God
Are you prepared for judgement day?
Judgement day

14. Judgement At The Great White Throne 2:03
Struggling to end the day without failing God almighty
Standing tall for what it's worth, striving to obey
I open the book of end-times prophecy
The visions are so clear, tribulation is here
Nevertheless, I am feeling like a failure of a person
Judgment at the great white throne
Where is solace? Where is God? Am I saved? What's going on?
Where is light? I can't see it? Am I crazy? What is next?
Finally, the time calls for them to part – the fallen angels.
They are thrown into pits – into the lake of fire.
Evil is a memory erased from eternity
Judgment at the great white throne


BAND NAME: Apollyon's Demise
GENRE: Grindcore
STATUS: Split-up
LOCATION: United States

Danielle Tokeras - All Instruments
Zack Glaeser - Drums



Apollyon's Demise / Travesty Of Mankind / Hack'n'Thrash (split, August 23, 2015, Independent) (Digital)

1. Apollyon's Demise - Perpetual Damnation 1:47

Destroy The Eternal Maggots (EP, July 13, 2016, Vociferator Entertainment) (Digital)

1. Satan Will Die (Intro) 0:41
2. Wail Of Despair 0:39
3. Destruction Of The Lawless Ones 0:13


BAND NAME: Amelioration
GENRE: Grindcore / Cybergrind
STATUS: Active
LOCATION: United States

Blake Sherwin - Everything



Restorification (single, August 19, 2014, Independent) (Digital)

1. Restorification 1:08
I declare healing in the name of Jesus!
I declare restoration in the name of the King!

Bring it down...

Are you ready to be ameliorated?

The Slaughtered Lamb Split

November 23, 2014, Christian Grind Records (CD, Digital)
November 23, 2014, SkyBurnsBlack Records (CD, Digital)

18. Amelioration - Alias 0:28
El Shaddai
El Gibbor


King of Kings
Lord of Lords
Abba Father

These are the names of the most high God!

19. Amelioration - One Hundred Seventeen 0:39
Praise the Lord, all you Gentiles!
Laud Him, all you peoples!

For His merciful kindness is great toward us,
And the truth of the Lord endures forever.

Praise the Lord!

20. Amelioration - Restorification 1:08
I declare healing in the name of Jesus!
I declare restoration in the name of the King!

Bring it down...

Are you ready to be ameliorated?

21. Amelioration - Reverential Panegyric 0:10
I'm here to proclaim the glory of the Lord,
The Lord on high who has given me life.

Praise the Lord forevermore!

Admin Rights (album)

May 10, 2015, Vociferator Records (CD-R, Digital)
August 27, 2020, Independent (Digital)

1. Intro 0:42
Good evening, you are about to experience brutality, technology and musical absurdity.

Side effects may include laughter, deep reflections on the origins of life and in rare cases, spontaneous combustion.

You have been warned.

Prepare for complete...utter...AMELIORATION!!!

2. Malicious Encroachment 0:21
Resist temptation,
Flee from it!

3. Deceived 0:16
The devil roams the earth for who he might deceive.
He is relentless like you would not believe.
Stand on the Word and take authority.
As quick as can be the devil will flee.

4. Restorification 1:08
I declare healing in the name of Jesus!
I declare restoration in the name of the King!

Bring it down...

Are you ready to be ameliorated?

5. Binary Savior 0:12
01001010 01100101 01110011 01110101 01110011

Translation: JESUS

6. Alias 0:28
El Shaddai
El Gibbor


King of Kings
Lord of Lords
Abba Father

These are the names of the most high God!

7. Dance Like David 0:26
I will dance!
I will dance!
I will dance!

I will dance like David danced!

8. Healing Spree 0:30
Be healed!

Be healed!

Be healed!

In the mighty Name of Jesus you are healed!

Be healed!

Be healed!

Be healed!

In the mighty Name of Jesus you are healed!

9. That's What HE Said 2:31
God has promised us many things
Things inside His Holy Book

Your sorrow will be turned to joy
The Lord will provide

Salvation through Christ
Protection, victory in Jesus

His promises are plentiful
And His blessings bountiful
Your needs are met
He is faithful

(That's what HE said!)

That's what HE said
That's what HE said
That's what HE said

That's what HE said
That's what HE said
That's what HE said

10. Admin Rights 0:12
Upon our creation free will was given
The right to do what we wish with our lives
Just because you can doesn't mean you should
Use good judgement when exercising free will!

11. Man's Lifespan 0:02
But a moment

12. Holy Ghost Noise Party 0:10

13. Jumpin' Jehova Stats 0:27
Why does it matter how many members your church has?
Start disciplining the ones you do have.

This is not a popularity contest,
This is about the Kingdom of God.

Why concern yourself with useless statistics?
Go out and preach the Gospel!

14. Make A Joyful Blastbeat 0:38
Cut loose!

Go wild!

Shout out!

Go wild!

Cut loose!

Make a joyful noise!

15. All Hail The Administrator 2:36
Hail to the...
Hail to the...


Oceans, forests
Flora, fauna
Perfect balance

You conceived us
You sustain us
Oversee us
From sin free us

I marvel at
The beauty of
Your creation
All Your wonders

Mammals, sea life
Countless species
Tree and plant life

King of all Kings
Lord of all Lords
We lift You up
We worship You

You're our God
Holy One
Mighty God

16. Sword In The Scone (Instrumental) 0:15
17. As The Deer 2:06
As the deer panteth for the water
So my soul longeth after Thee
You alone are my heart's desire
And I long to worship Thee

You alone are my strength, my shield
To You alone may my spirit yield
You alone are my heart's desire
And I long to worship Thee

You're my friend and You are my brother
Even though You are a king
I love You more than any other
So much more than anything

You alone are my strength, my shield
To You alone may my spirit yield
You alone are my heart's desire
And I long to worship Thee

I want You more than gold or silver
Only You can satisfy
You alone are the real joygiver
And the apple of my eye

You alone are my strength, my shield
To You alone may my spirit yield
You alone are my heart's desire
And I long to worship Thee

18. Intolerated 0:05

19. Reverential Panegyric 0:10
I'm here to proclaim the glory of the Lord,
The Lord on high who has given me life.

Praise the Lord forevermore!

20. Mental Defragmentation 0:22
The mind gets fragmented, disjointed and such
As our thoughts focus on earthly desires

Oh great Administrator, defrag our brains!
Rearrange our thoughts! Bring Yourself to the front!

Optimize our minds for spiritual focus
Delete selfish desires
Firewall our minds from the things of the world!

21. Dubstep Got Ran Over By Grindcore 3:27
Dubstep got run over by grindcore (grindcore!)
A gruesome collision you can't conceive! (inconceivable!)
You may think there's no such thing as grindstep
But as for the onlookers...they believe! (we believe!)

When the smoke cleared it was an utter mess
'Twas a gruesome display I must confess
Two styles of music collide at high speed
Bodies, unrecognizable indeed
The doctor tried hard to save them both
And had taken on himself an oath
"Save them both at any cost"
Even though some parts were lost
From the wreckage, remains were salvaged
Some of which were badly ravaged
A new creation arose that day
Alighting a sky enveloped in gray
We sing a new song of the love of Christ
Bass for the one who sacrificed

Dubstep got run over by grindcore (grindcore!)
A gruesome collision you can't conceive! (inconceivable!)
You may think there's no such thing as grindstep
But as for the onlookers...they believe! (we believe!)

As a bright shining star signified
The birth of Jesus was prophesied
The love of Christ personified
His divinity is verified
Through His crucifixion we're justified
The whole of creation purified
Our sin separated, putrified
The void in our life is rectified
As Christmas arrives we're unified
The holiday purpose clarified
Charity and giving specified
The Christmas spirit intensified
Santa has been falsely deified
May God the Father be glorified

22. Grind Those Ivorys (Instrumental) 0:04
23. One-Hundred Seventeen 0:40
Praise the Lord, all you Gentiles!
Laud Him, all you peoples!

For His merciful kindness is great toward us,
And the truth of the Lord endures forever.

Praise the Lord!

24. Spiritual Virtualization 0:23
When the Administrator returns
His followers will be virtualized
Leaving behind our physical chassis'
Into the domain of the Host of hosts

Is your name written to the Administrator's database table of life?

25. Fatal Error 0:10

We have all fallen short of the glory of the Administrator

Fatal error!

26. All Hail The Administrator (Instrumental Version) 2:36

Handsomeware (EP, August 26, 2020, Independent) (Digital)

1. Buffer Overflow 0:33
An influx of data enters the buffer,
Overflowing, overwriting file systems.
Adjacent storage is made to suffer,
Integrity falls apart at the hems.

The sinful thoughts that you keep so concealed,
Will overflow and make themselves revealed.
Life of integrity will do you well,
Lest your life be plunged into living hell.

2. Slithering Sin 1:18
The worm!

Infiltrates your system!
Replication begins!
One becomes many!


Your systems overrun!
Memory corrupted!
Call your administrator!


3. Spoofed 0:08
The devil comes as an angel of light!

4. Access Violation 0:43
The forbidden fruit...
Hangs from the spanning tree...
The end user took a bite...
And created an endless loop!

Unauthorized access to the apple
Invited sin into our world
A perpetual darkness living
Inside the heart of every man

The forbidden fruit...
Rots inside our bodies...
Indigestible, to forever dwell
We need help or we'll go to Hell!

5. SQL Injection 1:02
Secure your database
From dangers you may face
Bad data imported
Table health aborted
Corruption injected
Changes undetected

The media consumed
By our minds is assumed
To not affect our lives
Although it cuts, like knives
Injection most grim
Separation from Him

6. Contact Your Administrator 0:02

7. Trojan Horse 1:46
I come in disguise
So you won't realize
Harmless I appear
Until I am here
Activate the file
Transformation vile
System infected
Regret erected

I am the devil
And I bring you sin


BAND NAME: Abandoned Mortuary
GENRE: Death Metal / Grindcore
STATUS: Active
LOCATION: Budapest, Hungary

Gergely Kovács - Everything



Emotional Wasteland (EP)

December 1, 2014, Abran Records (Cassette)
February 20, 2015, Abran Records (Digital)
August 6, 2015, Abran Records (CD-R, Digital)

1. The Plague 0:55
2. Malfunctioning Senses 2:12
Gradually losing
Their grip on the real world
A whirlwind dragging in
Its victims

Open eyes, closed minds
Under a spell
Malfunctioning senses
Feeding misinformation

The ties with others breaking
Replaced by superficial
Artificial connections
Pretending to belong to
A community that was never for real

Genuine feelings suppressed
Replaced by superficial
Artificial emotions
Induced by the urge to fit in
While hiding all that's real inside

Open eyes, closed minds
Under a spell
Malfunctioning senses
Feeding misinformation

Virtual friends, virtual loves
A virtual world
Virtual personalities
The deception is real

The ties with others breaking
Replaced by superficial
Artificial connections
Pretending to belong to
A community that was never for real

Genuine feelings suppressed
Replaced by superficial
Artificial emotions
Induced by the urge to fit in
While hiding all that's real inside

3. Changing Colours 1:56
You see the corruption of the system
A system built on solid foundation
But now ready to be condemned
The walls might fall in any moment

You came, you saw, you conquered
The playground was all yours
It was time to make your vision real
Too bad now you can't tell the new system from the old

Changing colours
Changing faces
Principles and doctrines
Remain the same

4. Glimmering Light 1:51
Step after step
Mile after mile
Feet getting tired
On the straight and narrow

The whispering of the wind
Is suppressed by the songs of sirens
The road gets hard to see
In the descending darkness

Looking back at the past
Your mind is playing tricks on you
What used to be a living hell
Now looks so charming for you

A thousand fall at the left
Ten thousand on the right
Yet you can make it
If you hold on tight

Listen to the gentle breeze
As it whispers in your ear
Don't stray from the path
Just believe, don't fear

Looking back at the past
Your mind is playing tricks on you
What used to be a misery
Should never again hold you

Can't you hear that still small voice
Can't you see that glimmering light
Can't you hear that still small voice
Can't you see that glimmering light

5. Distorted Mirror 2:05
Plant it in the hearts
Hide nothing from the eyes
Feeding on the pain of the
Merchants of death

Distorted mirror
Contorted minds
Shoving your views
Down the throat

Neglect the facts that don't
The "truth" you would present

Distorted mirror
Contorted minds
Shoving your views
Down the throat

You bring division
To the homes
I see your hooves
See your horns

6. Emotional Wasteland 2:08
Economic welfare
The only goat that's out there
Spiritual starvation
No more quest for salvation

The individual above all
No-one else matters no more
The ego in the centre
Bonds are growing weaker

Bored faces, numb souls
Hearts grow stone cold
No compassion, no friends
Emotional wasteland

Cheap entertainment
The industry's purpose
No deep emotions
Scratching the soul's surface

Bored faces, numb souls
Hearts grow stone cold
No compassion, no friends
Emotional wasteland

7. Lust For Power 1:50
An unfulfilled desire
In the heart

High, higher, highest
But still not high enough
That commanding voice in your ear
Keeps urging you to move

You will have no rest
After achieving a goal
You want more and when you've got it
You want even more

Lust for power and control
Consuming you
Your insides are on fire
The flames eat you up

That voice in your ear
Is never shutting up
On your quest for power
You must never stop

8. Agoraphobia 0:35
Voluntarily chosen
To live between close walls
A decision induced by
The fear of losing control

Never leave the comfort zone
Settled in the safe haven
The result is a distorted view
On the world we live in

Fear of losing control

9. Prophet Of You 2:05
You speak again
You're wrong again

You clearly haven't
Learned anything
From the mistakes
And failures of the past

Prophet of you
Prophet of self-declared truth
Words from your mouth
Words so easy to see through

My ears got tired
Of your lies
My eyes got weary
Of watching you fail

Prophet of you
Prophet of self-declared truth
Words from your mouth
Words so easy to see through

You're on stage again
The show must go on
The same old routine
The old formula again
I have seen this too many times
And I'm not impressed anymore

10. Compressive Asphyxia 2:23
Gazing into lifeless, unblinking eyes
Paralyzed, under a hypnotic spell
All the life is slowly going away
Lungs collapsing in a fatal embrace

Morbid curiosity opened the door
A harmless looking game gone terribly wrong

The embrace of the constrictor gets tighter and tighter
Terrified to see it has taken over control

Some doors should stay closed, some boxes never opened
Some secrets should stay unrevealed, some curtains undrawn

The cork has been pulled, the bottle opened
The ghost got out and now it's after you

Not it is clear where the mistake was make
With weakening breath pray it's not too late

11. Contemporary Idolatry 1:39
Masses worship the idols
Of modern day
Glittering celebrities
Of fortune and fame

Carefully thought out images
Projected on big screens
Prophets of false beauty
Distorting expectations and goals

Seduced by nonexistent
Manipulated by invisible

Carefully thought out scenes
Inducing calculated reactions
Prophets of the ungenuinity
Counterfeiting real values

12. Ostrich Effect 1:59
You see what's going on
But you choose to close your eyes
Turn your head and walk away
Leave the scene of the crime

Act as nothing happened here
Nothing at all
It's none of your business
Everyone has their own

Avert your eyes
Shut your ears
Put on a mask
With an artificial smile

See no evil, hear no evil
Bury your head in the sane
You see what's going on
But you choose to deny the facts

Why change reality
While you can still pretend
That everything is fine
And goes as it was planned

Avert your eyes
Shut your ears
Put on a mask
With an artificial smile

13. At A Loss For Words 1:49
It is so hard to find
To find the right words
The words that could describe
Or could even get anywhere close
(Close to what I feel)

I am speechless
It's not that I have
Nothing to say
But I am at a loss for words

This burdened tongue of lead
Cannot express my feelings
Though they could give you a hint
Of what would be about to come
(If I could have it my way this time)

I am speechless
It's not that I have
Nothing to say
But I am at a loss for words

14. Darkened Eyes 2:10
Humble beginnings
Humble but honest
A fancy present
Fancy but crooked

Where's your integrity
When it was lost
At which step down the road
To fame and fortune

Your words have lost their meaning
Your lips still move but they don't utter
The truth no more, it's out of sight
For your darkened eyes

You're a grotesque image
Of who you used to be
A caricature
Of the glorious past

Your words have lost their meaning
Your lips still move but they don't utter
The truth no more, it's out of sight
For your darkened eyes

15. Dead Bury The Dead 1:51
Bad memories
The ghosts of yesterday
Are haunting you again

Leave your past behind
Don't let it define who you are today
Leave your past behind
Focus on what's ahead and press on towards the goal

Let the dead bury the dead

Past failures
Flashing back
The stench of an unburied yesterday
Filling the air

Leave your past behind
Don't let it define who you are today
Leave your past behind
Focus on what's ahead and press on towards the goal

Let the dead bury the dead
Let the dead bury the dead
Let the dead bury the dead
Let the dead bury the dead

16. Going Down 2:00
It all used to be so much different
It's so hard to believe today
You used to be so much different
Not the monster you became

You had a lot but you craved for more
Your greed knew no limit
You wanted too much
So you sacrificed everything

Going down is not enough for you
You want to drag along everyone else
Destruction is in your blood now
You don't care about the consequence

It all used to be so much different
You weren't the monster that you became

You had a reputation
But you wanted more
You wanted to be number one
That's how you got so low

Going down is not enough for you
You want to drag along everyone else
Destruction is in your blood now
You don't care about the consequence

Going down is not enough for you
You want everything to be destroyed
Hatred is in your blood now
You watch man with utter scorn

17. A Victim Of Circumstance 1:37
It all just happened
I wasn't even there
Well perhaps I was after all
But I'm still innocent

Even the shadow of guilt
Can never fall on me
My conscience is clear
It is white as snow

Don't blame me
Don't ever say that I'm responsible
Don't blame me
I'm just a victim of circumstance

Stop telling me that I have
To hell with you and your old fashioned
Views on morality

Don't blame me
Don't ever say that I'm responsible
Don't blame me
I'm just a victim of circumstance

Don't blame me
Don't ever say that I'm responsible
Don't blame me
I'm innocent, just a victim of circumstance

Viable Mutations - An Introduction To Abran Records Vol. 2 (split)

September 1, 2015, Abran Records (CD-R)
May 7, 2017, Abran Records (Digital)

5. Abandoned Mortuary - Distorted Mirror 2:05
Plant it in the hearts
Hide nothing from the eyes
Feeding on the pain of the
Merchants of death

Distorted mirror
Contorted minds
Shoving your views
Down the throat

Neglect the facts that don't
The "truth" you would present

Distorted mirror
Contorted minds
Shoving your views
Down the throat

You bring division
To the homes
I see your hooves
See your horns

6. Abandoned Mortuary - Instrument Of Righteousness 3:17
In the last days scoffers will come
Following their own evil desires

Listening to what their itching ears
Want to hear
Turning their ears away
From the truth

In the last days there will be terrible times
People will be lovers of themselves, not lovers of the good

Swayed by all kinds of
Evil desires
Always learning but never able to
Acknowledge the truth

Be on your guard
And do not fall
Be prepared
All the time
Be an instrument
Of righteousness

Men of depraved minds
Acting for the sake of dishonest gain

Deceivers who must be
Who have wandered away
From the truth

Be on your guard
And do not fall
Be prepared
All the time
Be an instrument
Of righteousness
Compete according
To the rules

7. Abandoned Mortuary - Twice Dead 1:31
Dreamers, polluting their own bodies
Shepherds who feed only themselves

Clouds without rain, blown along by the wind
Autumn trees, without fruit and uprooted
Twice dead

Wild waves of the sea, foaming up their shame
Wandering stars, for whom blackest darkness has been reserved

Woe to them!

8. Abandoned Mortuary - C.O.D. 0:06

9. Abandoned Mortuary - An Accursed Brood 2:10
False prophets who
Secretly introduce
Destructive heresies
Bring swift destruction
On themselves

Do not follow their shameful ways
Don't bring the way of truth
Into disrepute

Greedy teachers
Their condemnation
Has been long
Hanging over them
Their destruction
Has not been sleeping
Blackest darkness
Is reserved for them

They are like brute beasts
Creatures of instinct
Experts in greed
An accursed brood
Springs without water
Mists driven by a storm

Greedy teachers
Their condemnation
Has been long
Hanging over them
Their destruction
Has not been sleeping
Blackest darkness
Is reserved for them

Twice Dead (EP)

August 16, 2016, Abran Records (Cassette)
May 7, 2017, Abran Records (Digital)

1. Instrument Of Righteousness 3:17
In the last days scoffers will come
Following their own evil desires

Listening to what their itching ears
Want to hear
Turning their ears away
From the truth

In the last days there will be terrible times
People will be lovers of themselves, not lovers of the good

Swayed by all kinds of
Evil desires
Always learning but never able to
Acknowledge the truth

Be on your guard
And do not fall
Be prepared
All the time
Be an instrument
Of righteousness

Men of depraved minds
Acting for the sake of dishonest gain

Deceivers who must be
Who have wandered away
From the truth

Be on your guard
And do not fall
Be prepared
All the time
Be an instrument
Of righteousness
Compete according
To the rules

2. Twice Dead 1:31
Dreamers, polluting their own bodies
Shepherds who feed only themselves

Clouds without rain, blown along by the wind
Autumn trees, without fruit and uprooted
Twice dead

Wild waves of the sea, foaming up their shame
Wandering stars, for whom blackest darkness has been reserved

Woe to them!

3. C.O.D. (Cause Of Death) 0:06

4. An Accursed Brood 2:10
False prophets who
Secretly introduce
Destructive heresies
Bring swift destruction
On themselves

Do not follow their shameful ways
Don't bring the way of truth
Into disrepute

Greedy teachers
Their condemnation
Has been long
Hanging over them
Their destruction
Has not been sleeping
Blackest darkness
Is reserved for them

They are like brute beasts
Creatures of instinct
Experts in greed
An accursed brood
Springs without water
Mists driven by a storm

Greedy teachers
Their condemnation
Has been long
Hanging over them
Their destruction
Has not been sleeping
Blackest darkness
Is reserved for them

Steadfast Ways / Blind Guides (split, April 5, 2018, Abran Records) (CD-R, Vinyl, Digital)

In 2020, Blind Guides got its own release separate from Irgalom, as an EP.  The Bandcamp release date says April 1, 2019, which I assume was the time that the idea came up and production began.  It is available on digital and cassette, and includes a cover of the Sacrificium song "Labyrinth".

3. Abandoned Mortuary - Blind Guides 3:32
You honour God with your lips
But your hearts are far from him
You worship him in vain
Your teachings are merely human rules

Woe to you
Because you are like unmarked graves
Which people walk over
Without knowing it
Woe to you
Because you load people down
With burdens they can hardly carry
And you yourselves won't help them

You blind guides!
You strain out a gnat
But swallow a camel

You travel over land and sea to win a single convert
And when you have succeeded
You make them twice as much a child of hell as you are

Woe to you, you hypocrites!
You shut the door of the kingdom of heaven
In people's faces
You yourselves
Do not enter
Nor will you let those enter
Who are trying to

You snakes!
You brood of vipers!
How will you escape being condemned to hell?

You will be assigned a place with the hypocrites
Where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth

Woe to you, you hypocrites!
You are like whitewashed tombs
Which look beautiful on the outside
But on the inside are
Full of everything unclean
In the same way
You are full of
Hypocrisy and wickedness

4. Abandoned Mortuary - The Word 1:14
In the beginning was the Word
And the Word was with God
And the Word was God
He was with God in the beginning

Through him all things were made
Without him nothing was made that has been made

In him was life, and that life was the light of all mankind
The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it

Race Of Hypocrisy (album)

April 15, 2018, Abran Records (Digital)
2018, Abran Records (CD-R)
2019, Abran Records (Cassette)

1. Unheard Screams 1:09
2. Sacrifice To Moloch 4:36
Two cells united
A new life conceived

Ready to be sacrificed
On the altar of selfishness

Life coming to an abrupt end
Brutally stopped

By priests serving around the altar
Dressed in white

A sacrifice to Moloch
Feeding the ugly demon-god
With its unquenchable hunger
Appetite for human life

Momentary pleasure
Long term consequence
Considered a burden
Too heavy to bear

Get rid of the unwanted one
No value of human life

A sacrifice to Moloch
Human lives disposed
Mercilessly terminated
Devoured by the last enemy of man

A sacrifice to Moloch
Feeding the ugly demon-god
With its unquenchable hunger
Appetite for human life

3. Race Of Hypocrisy 5:25
Fragile souls, big mouths
Weak minds, strong views

Spilling hatred on everyone
With a difference in opinion - all in the name of free thinking

Race of hypocrisy
Nothing's what it seems
Race of hypocrisy
Trying to deceive

In the name of freedom
Putting others in prisons
With close walls

Giving weapons to a sworn, mortal enemy
Starting a bloody war based on false evidence

Proclaiming the gospel of Western culture
While bombing cities and destroying homes

Race of hypocrisy
Nothing's what it seems
Race of hypocrisy
Trying to deceive

In the name of progress
Pushing mankind back
To a primal state

Raging violence
Killing innocents
Expecting earthly pleasures
As a heavenly reward

Race of hypocrisy
Nothing's what it seems
Race of hypocrisy
Trying to deceive

In the name of the religion of peace
Waging a bloody war
Showing no mercy

4. Perishing Hope 3:17
A corrupted world
A wicked and adulterous generation
Misled by their arrogance
Misplacing their trust

Pride goes before destruction

Pride goes before destruction
A haughty spirit before the fall

While still growing and uncut
They wither more quickly than grass
Such is the destiny of all who forget God
So perishes the hope of the godless
What they trust in is fragile
They cling to it, but it does not hold

Knowledge puffs up while love builds up
Those who think they know something
Do not yet know
As they ought to know

While still growing and uncut
They wither more quickly than grass
Such is the destiny of all who forget God
So perishes the hope of the godless
What they trust in is fragile
They cling to it, but it does not hold

5. Altar Of The Golden Calf 3:16
The golden calf
While the living God
Is within reach

Bowing knees before a lifeless statue
With hearts rigid and cold as stone
Turning their backs to the herald of heaven
Adoring their own creation instead

Dancing around the altar
Of the golden calf
Burning incense
For a piece of sculpture

Bowing knees before a lifeless statue
With hearts rigid and cold as stone
Turning their backs to the herald of heaven
Adoring their own creation instead

Chasing the Mammon god
Constantly competing
Carefully planting and nourishing
The root of all evil

6. King Of Grass 2:21
Terrifying visions haunt the king of Babylon
An enormous tree, touching the sky
The mighty empire he built
But a messenger is coming down from heaven, saying:

'Cut down the tree and trim off its branches
Strip off its leaves and scatter its fruit
But let its roots remain in the ground
Let him be drenched with the dew of heaven

Till seven times pass by'

The king got driven away from people
To live with the wild animals
To eat grass like the ox
Be drenched with the dew of heaven

'Acknowledge that the Most High is sovereign
Over all kingdoms on earth and
Gives them to anyone he wishes
Renounce your sins by doing what is right

And your wickedness by being kind to the oppressed'

Praise the Most High
Praise and exalt the King of heaven
Glorify him who lives forever
His dominion is eternal
All the peoples of the earth
Are regarded as nothing
All his ways are just
He can humble all who walk in pride

7. Unseen 6:01
The god of this age
Has blinded
The minds of 

Good news is veiled
To those who are perishing
They cannot see
The light

But we have this treasure
In jars of clay
To show that the all-surpassing power
Is from God

We are hard pressed on every side
But not crushed
But not in despair

Confidence in what we hope for
Assurance about what we don't see

We always carry around
In our body
The death of Christ
So the life may also be revealed

For we who are alive
Are being given over to death
So that his life may also
Be revealed in our mortal body

So then, death is
At work in us
But life
Is at work in you

We believe
Therefore we speak
The one who raised the Lord
Will also raise us from the dead

We have the same
Spirit of faith

We are foreigners
And strangers on earth
We are looking for
A country of our own

Therefore we don't lose heart
Though outwardly wasting away
Inwardly we are being
Renewed day by day

For our light and momentary
Are achieving for us
An eternal glory

So we fix our eyes
Not on what is seen
But on
What is unseen

For what is seen
Is temporary
But what is unseen
Is eternal

Confidence in what we hope for
Assurance about what we don't see

8. A Voice In The Desert 0:25
Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is near
A voice in the desert calling, 'Prepare the way for the Lord
Make straight paths for him'

9. Deep Secrets 3:21
How can there be peace
As long as all
The idolatry and witchcraft

I have this against you
You tolerate that woman Jezebel
Who calls herself a prophetess
By her teaching she misleads my servants

She misleads my servants
Into adultery
And the eating of food
Sacrificed to idols

I have given her time to repent
But she is unwilling

I will cast her
On a bed of suffering

I am he who searches
Hearts and minds
And I will repay each of you
According to your deeds

You who don't hold to her teaching
And haven't learned Satan's 'deep secrets'
I won't impose any other burden on you
Except to hold on to what you have until I come

I will cast her on a bed of suffering
And I will make those who sleep with her
Suffer intensely
Unless they repent of her ways

Dogs will devour Jezebel

10. Dry Bones 4:50
The hand of the Lord was on me
And he brought me out by the Spirit of the Lord

And set me in the middle of a valley
It was full of bones

He led me back and forth among them
And I saw a great many bones on the floor
Of the valley - bones that were very dry

He asked me, "Son of man,
Can these bones live?"

I said, "Sovereign Lord,
You alone know"

Dry bones, hear the word of the Lord!
"I will make breath enter you
And you will come to life

I will make flesh come upon you and cover you with skin
I will put breath in you, and you will come to life

Then you will know that I am the Lord
I am going to open your graves and bring you up from them
I will put my Spirit in you
And you will live"

Lamentations (single/EP, July 28, 2018, Abran Records) (CD-R, Digital)

1. Lamentations 17:34
How deserted lies the city
Once so full of people!
How like a widow is she
She has now become a slave

Bitterly she weeps at night
Tears are on her cheeks
Among all her lovers
There is no one to comfort her

All her friends have betrayed her
They have become her enemies
All who pursue her have overtaken her
In the midst of her distress

All her gateways are desolate
She is in bitter anguish
Her foes have become her masters
Her enemies are at ease

The Lord has brought her grief
Because of her many sins
All who honored her despise her
She herself groans and turns away

Her fall was astounding, there was none to comfort her
"Look, Lord, on my affliction for the enemy has triumphed"
The enemy laid hands on all her treasures
"Look, Lord, and consider, for I am despised"

"From on high he sent fire, sent it down into my bones
He spread a net for my feet and turned me back
He made me desolate, faint all the day long
My sins have been hung on my neck and the Lord has sapped my strength"

"The Lord has rejected all the warriors in my midst
He has summoned an army against me to crush my young men
This is why I weep and my eyes overflow with tears
No one is near to comfort me, no one to restore my spirit"

"My children are destitute
Because the enemy has prevailed"

"The Lord is righteous, yet I rebelled against his command
Listen, all you peoples; look on my suffering
My young men and young women have gone into exile
I called to my allies but they betrayed me"

"See, Lord, how distressed I am!
I am in torment within"

"In my heart I am disturbed
For I have been most rebellious"

"People have heard my groaning
But there is no one to comfort me
All my enemies have heard of my distress
They rejoice at what you have done"

"May you bring the day you have announced
So they may become like me"

"Let all their wickedness come before you
Deal with them as you've dealt with me
Because of all my sins"

In his fierce anger the Lord has spurned both king and priest
The Lord has rejected his altar and abandoned his sanctuary

My eyes fail from weeping
I am in torment within
My heart is poured out on the ground
Because my people are destroyed

Because children and infants faint
In the streets of the city
They faint like the wounded
As their lives ebb away in their mothers' arms

What can I say for you?
With what can I compare you
To what can I liken you
That I may comfort you

The visions of your prophets
Where false and worthless
They did not expose
Your sin
To ward off
Your captivity
The prophecies they gave you
Were false and misleading

All who pass your way clap their hands at you
They scoff and shake their heads
All your enemies open their mouths wide against you
They scoff and gnash their teeth

The Lord has done what he planned
He has fulfilled his word
Which he decreed long ago

He has overthrown you without pity
He has let the enemy gloat over you

The hearts of the people
Cry out to the Lord
Let your tears flow like a river
Day and night

Give yourself no relief
Your eyes no rest
Arise, cry out in the night
As the watches of the night begin
Pour out your heart like water
In the presence of the Lord
Life up your hands to him
For the lives of your children

"Look, Lord, and consider:
Whom have you ever treated like this?
Should priest and prophet be killed
In the sanctuary of the Lord?
Young and old lie together
In the dust of the streets

"In the day of the Lord's anger
No one escaped or survived
Those I cared for and reared
My enemy has destroyed"

I am the man who has seen affliction
By the rod of the Lord's wrath
He has driven me away and made me
Walk in darkness rather than light

He has made my skin
And my flesh grow old
And has broken
My bones

He has besieged me and surrounded me
With bitterness and hardship
He has made me dwell in darkness like those long dead
He has walled me in so I cannot escape

Yet this I call to mind and therefore I have hope
Because of the Lord's great love we are not consumed

For his compassions never fail
They are new every morning

I say to myself, "The Lord is my portion
Therefore I will wait for him"

The Lord is good to those whose hope is in him
It is good to wait quietly for the salvation of the Lord

Though he brings grief, he'll show compassion
So great is his unfailing love
He does not willingly bring affliction
Or grief to anyone

Let's examine our ways
Let's return to the Lord
Let's lift up our hearts and our hands
To God in heaven

You came near when I called you
And you said, "Do not fear"
You, Lord, took up my case
You redeemed my life

You, Lord, reign
Your throne endures
From generation to generation

Restore us to yourself, Lord
That we may return
Renew our days
As of old

Redefining Everything (EP, July 28, 2018, Abran Records) (Cassette, Digital)

1. As Yourself 0:20
Love your neighbor as yourself

2. High Horse 2:30
Speaking in a loud voice
Preaching from a high horse

The verdict is declared
Without hesitation
No sign of doubt
Not much thought given

Refusing to relate
To those you've learned to hate

The verdict is declared
Without hesitation
No sign of doubt
Not much thought given

Quickly jumping to conclusions
Peace this way is but an illusion

3. In The Dark 1:30
You ever think you're so clever
But as I hear you speaking
I get the impression that
You miss out on the very basics

What is it
That keeps you
So strongly
In the dark

At least you don't leave anybody else in the dark
You keep letting us all know of what is in your head

What is it that keeps you
So strongly in the dark
What is it that prevents you
From seeing who you really are

Remove the blindfold
From your eyes
Open your arms to
Embrace the light
Remove the blindfold
From your eyes
And let reality
Enter your mind

4. Good Intentions 1:50
Building on good intentions
Supporting one's delusion

Assisting them to make
Fatally wrong decisions

Setting course on a dangerous path
The end of which is yet unknown
But once we see it, it might
Be too late to turn back

Building on good intentions
Guiding others in directions

That may easily turn out
To be a road to hell

Setting course on a dangerous path
The end of which is yet unknown
But once we see it, it might
Be too late to turn back

Time to stop and think
Where are we heading
Time to stop and ask
Where will it all end

5. Redefining Everything 1:04
What an ironic age
It is to live in
I see contradictions
Wherever I'm just turning

From questioning everything
We have come a long way to
Redefining everything
With no questions allowed

Open mindedness today
Seems to mean nothing but
Being open to

While living a delusion
Some offer solutions
For those who are much less
In need of a cure

While posing as the defenders
Of humanity's freedom
Some have become the new dictators
Oppressing people

6. The Echo 1:51
Preconceived notions
You're just too busy with your

Carefully adjusting
Adjusting everything
That happens around you
To what is inside

Filtering through all the input
Keeping only what fits
Into the picture you have already
Painted within your mind

Carefully adjusting
Adjusting everything
That happens around you
To what is inside
Carefully adjusting
Adjusting everything
Conveniently ignoring
All data you don't like

Speaking your mind
To let the whole world know
Except for those who have
A different point of view

Screaming your mind
Into the world around you
Waiting for the echo
To re-assure you

7. Doomsday Prophet 2:32
Cashing in on the desperation
Of those who have got tired of waiting
Shamelessly taking the holiest name
In vain

Doomsday prophet
Selling your lies
Doomsday prophet
Inventing 'signs'
Doomsday prophet
Sanity dies
Doomsday prophet
They don't realize

They want to see a sign
That would affirm their beliefs
They want to hear what satisfies
Satisfies their itching ears

Doomsday prophet
Selling your lies
Doomsday prophet
Inventing 'signs'
Doomsday prophet
Sanity dies
Doomsday prophet
They don't realize

8. To Others 0:34
Do to others as you would have them do to you

4-Way Grind Split (September 8, 2018, Christian Metal Underground Records) (CD, Digital)

1. Abandoned Mortuary - Blind Guides 3:32
You honour God with your lips
But your hearts are far from him
You worship him in vain
Your teachings are merely human rules

Woe to you
Because you are like unmarked graves
Which people walk over
Without knowing it
Woe to you
Because you load people down
With burdens they can hardly carry
And you yourselves won't help them

You blind guides!
You strain out a gnat
But swallow a camel

You travel over land and sea to win a single convert
And when you have succeeded
You make them twice as much a child of hell as you are

Woe to you, you hypocrites!
You shut the door of the kingdom of heaven
In people's faces
You yourselves
Do not enter
Nor will you let those enter
Who are trying to

You snakes!
You brood of vipers!
How will you escape being condemned to hell?

You will be assigned a place with the hypocrites
Where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth

Woe to you, you hypocrites!
You are like whitewashed tombs
Which look beautiful on the outside
But on the inside are
Full of everything unclean
In the same way
You are full of
Hypocrisy and wickedness

2. Abandoned Mortuary - The Word 1:14
In the beginning was the Word
And the Word was with God
And the Word was God
He was with God in the beginning

Through him all things were made
Without him nothing was made that has been made

In him was life, and that life was the light of all mankind
The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it

Divided (EP)

October 21, 2018, Abran Records (Digital)
January 2019, Abran Records (Cassette)

1. Siren Call Of Wealth 1:35
Given up your values
Exchanging the eternal with the earthly

Shamelessly posing as something that you're not
Leading others astray
Harvesting what you didn't sow
Claiming goods that you don't own

Twisting words
Twisting minds
Subduing to the
Siren call of wealth

Hoarding a fortune
That moth and rust can destroy

Shamelessly posing as something that you're not
Leading others astray
Harvesting what you didn't sow
Claiming goods that you don't own

Twisting words
Twisting minds
Subduing to the
Siren call of wealth

Your audience
Your reward
Is surely in store

2. On Shaky Ground 2:05
You claim to defend values
You don't even know
Going against the very thing
You claim to protect

Moral judge
On shaky ground

You know the letter of some of the Law
But you completely miss its Spirit
Your mercy triumphs over judgement
But it only works for yourself

Moral judge
On shaky ground

Missing the
Of God's love

3. Unfollow 0:14
Get behind me
Get behind me
Get behind me
I won't follow you

4. Divided 1:17
Polarized society
Digging trenches
Turning family and friendships
Into a warzone

The age old principle of
Divide and conquer
Is at work today
Unknowingly embraced by vast numbers

Of the masses
Into a verbal civil war

The age old principle of
Divide and conquer
Is at work today
Unknowingly embraced by vast numbers

You have been tricked into
Hating people on the other side
The real enemy you've never seen
He's a master of disguise

5. The Least Of These 2:13
Betraying the trust of the innocent ones
Committing hideous, unspeakable crimes
Causing lifelong damage
Scars that'll never fully heal

Remember the words He said:
Whatever you do to the least of these
You do it unto me

Concealing the acts of the monsters
Ensuring it will happen again
The same thing somewhere else
To new, unsuspecting victims

Remember the words He said:
Whatever you do to the least of these
You do it unto me

Depart from me, you who are cursed
Into the eternal fire
Prepared for the devil and his angels

6. To Be Saved 0:38
If it is hard for the righteous to be saved
What ill become of the ungodly and the sinner?

7. Certain Disaster 1:13
Mistaking violence with strength
Hiding in the shadow of your enemy
Following a fatal pattern
Imprinted so deep

Feeling the shame
Instead of the one who really should
Concealing dirty secrets
Pushing away the helping hand

Finding comfort in
The most horrible of situations
Unconsciously attracted
To certain disaster

8. Believe 0:08
Don't be afraid
Just believe

9. Your Own Design 1:28
You have left the straight and narrow
To follow a god of your own design

Professing to be wise
You have become a fool

Now when you hear his voice
Do not harden your heart

Professing to be wise
You have become a fool
Repent and return
Before it's too late

10. Practice What You Preach 0:10
Practice what you preach

11. A Small Spark 2:12
Consider what a great forest is set on fire by a small spark
The tongue also is a fire, a world of evil among the body parts
It corrupts the whole body, sets the whole course of one's life
On fire, and is itself set on fire by hell

No human being can tame the tongue
It is a restless evil, full of deadly poison

Anyone who is never at fault
In what they say
Is perfect, able to keep
Their whole body in check

With the tongue we praise our Lord and Father
And with it we curse human beings
Who have been made in God's likeness
Out of the same mouth come praise and cursing

No human being can tame the tongue
It is a restless evil, full of deadly poison
My brothers and sisters
This should not be

12. Devil's Advocate 1:42
Voluntarily putting on a blindfold
Assisting your executioners
Helping them in your
Own elimination

Kissing the hand
Of the betrayer

Defending your oppressors against
Anyone and everyone
With a pair of open eyes
And a living heart

Your conscience had been put to sleep long ago
With a lullaby of lies
You had shut your ears
To its distant cries

Kissing the hand
Of the betrayer

Defending your oppressors against
Anyone and everyone
With a pair of open eyes
And a living heart

13. Resist 0:14
Resist the devil
And he will flee from you

14. Stand Your Ground 1:50
Be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power
Put on the full armour of God, take your stand against the devil's schemes
For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the powers of this dark world
And the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms

When the day of evil comes
Stand your ground
After you've done everything

Stand firm then, with the belt of truth buckled around your waist
With the breastplate of righteousness in place
With your feet fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace
Take up the shield of faith, the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit

Pray in the Spirit
On all occasions
With all kinds of prayers
And requests

15. Mercy Triumphs 0:27
Mercy triumphs
Over judgement

16. In Reverent Fear 2:25
Therefore, with alert and fully sober minds
Set your hope on the grace to be brought to you
As obedient children, don't conform to evil desires
But be holy in all you do

For you have been born again
Not of perishable seed
But of imperishable
Through the living Word of God

Live out your time as foreigners here in reverent fear
For you know that it was not with silver or gold that you were redeemed
But with the precious blood of Christ, a lamb without defect
Through him you believe in God and your faith and hope are in God

For you have been born again
Not of perishable seed
But of imperishable
Through the living Word of God

Now that you have purified
Yourselves by obeying the truth
Love one another
Deeply, from the heart

17. In Your Anger 0:07
In your anger do not sin

18. Wisdom 2:02
Who is wise and understanding among you?
Let them show it by their good life
Show it by deeds done in the humility
That comes from wisdom

But if you harbor bitter envy and selfish ambition in your hearts
Do not boast about it or deny the truth
Such "wisdom" does not come down from heaven
But is earthly, unspiritual, demonic

For where you have envy
And selfish ambition
There you find disorder
And every evil practice

But the wisdom that comes from heaven is pure and peace-loving
Considerate, submissive, full of mercy and good fruit
It is impartial and sincere
Peacemakers who sow in peace reap a harvest of righteousness

19. To The Humble 0:19
God opposes the proud
But shows favour to the humble

20. Turn From Evil 1:45
Finally, all of you, be like-minded, be sympathetic
Love one another, be compassionate and humble
Do not repay evil with evil or insult with insult
Repay evil with blessing, because to this you were called

Whoever would love life and see good days
Must keep their tongue from evil

For the eyes of the Lord are on the righteous
And his ears are attentive to their prayer
But the face of the Lord is against
Against those who do evil

Whoever would love life and see good days
Must keep their tongue from evil

They must turn from evil and do good
They must seek peace and pursue it

21. Slow To Speak 0:35
Be quick to listen, slow to speak
And slow to become angry

22. Your Commandments 2:09
You have put yourself in the place of the Creator
Projecting your thoughts and feelings on Him
And presenting them as His perfect will
Expecting others to follow

You declare your
As absolute
Law for everyone

You are living in a delusion
Mistaking your preferences for God's decrees
You preach your own ideas
Shoving them down on people's throats

You declare your
As absolute
Law for everyone

It Is Finished (EP)

April 19, 2019, Abran Records (Digital)
2019, Abran Records (5" Vinyl)
2019, Abran Records (Cassette)

1. What They Do 0:15
Father forgive them
They know not what they do

2. Lukewarm 0:49
I know your deeds
That you are neither cold nor hot
I wish you were either one or the other

So, because you are lukewarm
Neither hot nor cold
I am about to spit you
Out of my mouth

3. The Gift Of God 0:37
May your money perish with you
Because you thought
You could buy the gift of God
With money

4. It Is Finished 0:25
It is finished

5. Pool Of Blood (Cast In Stone cover) 2:00

A Smoldering Wick (album, May 23, 2019, Abran Records) (Cassette, Digital)

1. Ferocious Wolves 0:36
Watch out
For false prophets

They come to you
In sheep's clothing

But inwardly they are
Ferocious wolves
By their fruit you will
Recognize them

2. Ask 0:30
Ask and it will be given to you
Seek and you will find
Knock and the door
Will be opened to you

3. Go Now 0:32
Go now and leave your life of sin

4. My Servant 0:54
Here is my servant
Whom I have chosen
The one I love
In whom I delight
I will put
My Spirit on him

5. A Smoldering Wick 1:00
A bruised reed he will not break
And a smoldering wick he will not snuff out

6. The Narrow Gate 1:35
Enter through the narrow gate

For wide is the gate
And broad is the road
That leads to destruction
And many enter through it

But small is the gate
And narrow the road
That leads to life
And only a few find it

7. Your Treasure 0:37
Where your treasure is
There your heart will be also

8. The Wages Of Sin 0:01

9. In Their Own Sight 0:46
Woe to those who call evil good
And good evil
Who put darkness for light
And light for darkness
Who put bitter for sweet
And sweet for bitter

Woe to those who are
Wise in their own eyes
And clever
In their own sight

Woe to those who acquit
The guilty for a bribe
But deny justice
To the innocent

10. The First Commandment 1:14
Love the Lord your God
With all your heart
And with all your soul
And with all your mind
And with all your strength

11. With You 0:38
When you pass through the waters
I will be with you

And when you pass through the rivers
They will not sweep over you

When you walk through the fire
You will not be burned
The flames will not set you ablaze

12. In Human Likeness 1:27
Christ Jesus
Who, being in the form of God
Did not consider equality with God
Something to be used to his own advantage
Rather, he made himself nothing
By taking the form of a servant
Being made in human likeness

And being found in appearance as a man
He humbled himself
By becoming obedient to death
Even death on a cross!

Therefore God exalted him
To the highest place
And gave him the name
That is above every name
That at the name of Jesus
Every knee should bow
In heaven and on earth
And under the earth
And every tongue acknowledge
That Jesus Christ is Lord
To the glory of God the Father

13. Under Condemnation 0:51
Let your "yes" be yes
And your "no" be no
So that you may not fall
Under condemnation

14. Firm And Steadfast 1:28
Be alert and of sober mind
Your enemy the devil prowls around
Like a roaring lion
Looking for someone to devour

Resist him
Standing firm in the faith

And the God of all grace
Who called you to his eternal glory in Christ
After you have suffered a little while
Will himself restore you and make you strong
Firm and steadfast

To him be the power
Forever and ever

15. The Wisdom Of This World 1:02
The wisdom
Of this world
Is foolishness
In God's sight

16. Their Life For Me 0:21
For whoever wants to save their life
Will lose it
But whoever loses their life for me
Will save it

17. To Our Own Way 1:12
He was pierced for our transgressions
He was crushed for our iniquities
The punishment that brought us peace was on him
And by his wounds we are healed

We all, like sheep
Have gone astray
Each of us has turned
To our own way

And the Lord has laid on him
The iniquity of us all

18. Hate Evil 1:10
To fear the Lord is to hate

I hate pride
And arrogance
Evil behavior
And perverse speech

19. Higher Than The Earth 1:14
For my thoughts are not your thoughts
Neither are your ways my ways
Declares the Lord

As the heavens are higher than the earth
So are my ways higher than your ways
And my thoughts
Than your thoughts

As the rain and the snow
Come down from heaven
And do not return to it
Without watering the earth

So is my word that goes out from my mouth
It will not return to me empty
But will accomplish what I desire
And achieve the purpose for which I sent it

20. Be Perfect 0:35
Be perfect
As your heavenly Father is perfect

21. Always 0:49
Rejoice in the Lord always
I will say it again: Rejoice!

22. The Light Within You 0:31
If the light within you is darkness
How great is that darkness!

23. Those Who Exalt 0:50
Those who exalt themselves
Will be humbled
And those who humble themselves
Will be exalted

24. Come To Me 0:59
Come to me
All you who are
Weary and burdened
And I will give you rest

Take my yoke upon you
And learn from me
For I am gentle
And humble in heart

And you will find rest
For your souls
For my yoke is easy
And my burden is light

25. The Day Or The Hour 0:18
Keep watch
Because you do not know
The day or the hour

26. Choose Life 0:46
I have set before you life and death
Blessings and curses
Now choose life
So that you may live

27. While He Is Near 0:50
Seek the Lord while he may be found
Call on him while he is near

Let the wicked forsake their ways
And the unrighteous their thoughts

Let them turn to the Lord
And he will have mercy on them
And to our God
For he will freely pardon

28. Under A Bowl 0:49
You are the light of the world
A town built on a hill cannot be hidden

Neither do people light a lamp
And put it under a bowl
Instead they put it on its stand

In the same way
Let your light shine before others
That they may see your good deeds
And glorify your Father

29. To The Pure 0:49
To the pure, all things are pure
But to those who are corrupted and don't believe, nothing is pure

In fact, both their minds and
Consciences are corrupted
They claim to know God but
By their actions they deny him

They are detestable, disobedient
And unfit for doing anything good

30. The One Who Boasts 1:12
God chose the foolish things of the world
To shame the wise
God chose the weak things of the world
To shame the strong

God chose the lowly things of this world
And the despised things and the things that are not
To nullify the things that are
So that no one may boast before him

It is because of him
That you are in Christ Jesus
Who has become for us
Wisdom from God

That is, our righteousness, holiness and redemption
Therefore, as it is written:
"Let the one who boasts
Boast in the Lord"

31. Prayer 0:20
The prayer of a righteous person
Is powerful and effective

32. The Foolishness Of God 0:44
The foolishness of God
Is wiser than human wisdom
And the weakness of God
Is stronger than human strength

33. Be On Your Guard 0:12
Be on your guard

34. The Whole World 0:45
What good will it be for someone
To gain the whole world yet forfeit their soul?

Or what can anyone give
In exchange for their soul?

35. What No Eye Has Seen 0:42
What no eye has seen
What no ear has heard
And what no human mind
Has conceived

The things God has prepared
For those who love him

36. Scrolls Of The Megilloth (Mortification cover) 3:16

Soul And Body (album, August 18, 2019, Abran Records) (CD-R, Digital)

1. The Sting Of Death 3:20
I declare to you
Brothers and sisters
That flesh and blood cannot
Inherit the kingdom of God
Nor does the perishable
Inherit the imperishable

Listen, I tell you a mystery:
We will not all sleep
But we will all be changed
In a flash, in the twinkling of an eye
At the last trumpet
For the trumpet will sound
The dead will be raised imperishable
And we will be changed

For the perishable
Must clothe itself
With the imperishable
And the mortal with immortality

When the perishable has been clothed
With the imperishable
And the mortal with immortality
Then the saying that is written
Will come true:

"Death has been
Swallowed up in victory."
"Where, O death, is your victory?
Where, O death, is your sting?"

The sting of death is sin
And the power of sin is the law

But thanks be to God!
He gives us the victory
Through our Lord Jesus Christ
Therefore, my dear
Brothers and sisters
Stand firm
Let nothing move you

Always give yourselves
Fully to the work
Of the Lord
Because you know
That your labor
In the Lord
Is not in vain

For the perishable
Must clothe itself
With the imperishable
And the mortal with immortality

When the perishable has been clothed
With the imperishable
And the mortal with immortality
Then the saying that is written
Will come true:

"Death has been
Swallowed up in victory."
"Where, O death, is your victory?
Where, O death, is your sting?"

2. A Warning Against Hypocrisy 1:27
You must be careful to do
Everything they tell you

But do not do
What they do

For they do not practice
What they preach

You must be careful to do
Everything they tell you

But do not do
What they do

For they do not practice
What they preach

3. Your Inheritance 2:12
Come, you who are
Blessed by my Father
Take your inheritance

The kingdom prepared for you
Since the creation of the world

For I was hungry
And you gave me something to eat
I was thirsty and you gave me
Something to drink

Come, you who are
Blessed by my Father
Take your inheritance

The kingdom prepared for you
Since the creation of the world

For I was a stranger
And you invited me in
I needed clothes
And you clothed me
I was sick and you
Looked after me
I was in prison
And you came to visit me

4. ...And Then The End Will Come 3:45
Watch out that no one deceives you
For many will come in my name
Claiming, 'I am the Messiah'
And will deceive many

You will hear of wars
And rumors of wars
But see to it
That you are not alarmed

Such things must happen
But the end is still to come
Nation will rise against nation
And kingdom against kingdom

There will be famines
And earthquakes in various places
All these are the beginning
Of birth pains

Then you will be handed over
To be persecuted and put to death
And you will be hated
By all nations because of me

At that time many will turn
Away from the faith
And will betray
And hate each other

And many false prophets
Will appear and
Deceive many people

Because of the increase
Of wickedness
The love of most
Will grow cold

But the one who stands firm
To the end, will be saved
And this gospel of the kingdom
Will be preached

In the whole world
As a testimony
To all nations
And then the end will come

5. The Living And The Dead 3:11
Therefore, since Christ
Suffered in his body
Arm yourselves also
With the same attitude

Because whoever suffers
In the body
Is done with sin
As a result

They do not live
The rest of their earthly lives
For evil human desires
But rather for the will of God

For you have
Spent enough time
In the past
Doing what pagans choose to do

Living in debauchery
Lust, drunkenness
Orgies, carousing
And detestable idolatry

They are surprised
That you do not join them
In their reckless, wild living
And they heap abuse on you

But they will have to
Give account to him
Who is ready to judge
The living and the dead

For this is the reason
The gospel was preached
Even to those
Who are now dead

So that they might be
Judged according to
Human standards
In regard to the body

But live according
To God
In regard to the

They will have to
Give account to him
Who is ready to judge
The living and the dead

6. Under Trial 2:25
Blessed is the one
Who perseveres under trial
Because, having stood the test
That person will receive the crown of life

That the Lord
Has promised
To those
Who love him

When tempted, no one should say
"God is tempting me"
For God cannot be tempted by evil
Nor does he tempt anyone

But each person is tempted
When they are dragged away
By their own evil desire
And enticed

Then, after desire has conceived
It gives birth to sin

And sin, when it is full-grown
Gives birth to death

7. Tempted Beyond 2:22
If you think you are standing firm
Be careful that don't fall!
Not temptation has overtaken you
Except what is common to mankind

And God is faithful
He will not let you be tempted
Beyond what you can bear

If you think you are standing firm
Be careful that you don't fall!
No temptation has overtaken you
Except what is common to mankind

When you are tempted
He will also provide a way out
So that you can endure it

8. Soul And Body 1:05
Do not be afraid

Of those who kill the body
But cannot kill the soul

Do not be afraid

Of those who kill the body
But cannot kill the soul

Rather, be afraid of the One who can destroy
Both soul and body in hell

9. One Body 3:09
Do not think of yourself
More highly than you ought
But rather think of yourself
With sober judgment

In accordance with the faith
God has distributed
To each of you

We have different gifts
According to the grace
Given to each of us

For just as each of us
Has one body with many members
And these members do not all
Have the same function

So in Christ we, though many
Form one body
And each member belongs
To all the others

We have different gifts
According to the grace
Given to each of us

10. Faith Alone(?) 2:38
What good is it
My brothers and sisters
If someone claims to have faith
But has no deeds?

Can such faith save them?
Faith by itself
If it is not accompanied by action
Is dead

Show me your faith
Without deeds
And I will show you my faith
By my deeds

You believe that
There is one God
Good! Even the demons
Believe that - and shudder

A person is considered righteous
By what they do
And not by
Faith alone

As the body without the spirit
Is dead
So faith without deeds
Is dead

11. By Grace Through Faith 4:01
As for you, you were dead
In your transgressions and sins
In which you used to live
When you followed the ways

Of this world and of the ruler
Of the kingdom of the air
The spirit who is now at work
In those who are disobedient

All of us also lived among
Them at one time
Gratifying the cravings of our flesh
And following its desires and thoughts

Like the rest, we were by nature
Deserving of wrath
But because of his great love for us
God, who is rich in mercy
Made us alive with Christ
Even when we were dead
In transgressions

It is by grace you have been saved
And God raised us up with Christ
And seated us with him
In the heavenly realms

In order that in the coming ages
He might show the incomparable riches
Of his grace, expressed in his kindness
To us in Christ Jesus

For it is by grace
You have been saved through faith
And this is not from yourselves
It is the gift of God
Not by works
So that no one can boast

For we are God's handiwork
Created in Christ Jesus
To do good works
Which God prepared
In advance for us to do

Pearls Before Swine (EP)

December 24, 2019, Abran Records (Digital)
March 16, 2020, Abran Records (CD-R)
October 9, 2020, Abran Records (Cassette)

1. A Multitude Of Sins 0:15
Above all, love each other deeply
Because love covers over a multitude of sins

2. Pearls Before Swine 0:35
Do not give dogs
What is sacred
Do not cast your
Pearls before swine

If you do
They may trample them
Under their feet
And turn and
Tear you to pieces

3. On The Rock 1:11
Everyone who hears my words
And puts them into practice
Is like a wise man
Who built his house on the rock

The rain came down
The streams rose
And the winds blew
And beat against that house
Yet it did not fall
Because it had its foundation
On the rock

But everyone who hears my words
And does not put them into practice
Is like a foolish man
Who built his house on sand

The rain came down
The streams rose
And the winds blew
And beat against that house
And it fell with a great crash

4. Away From Me 1:39
Not everyone who says to me
'Lord, Lord'
Will enter the kingdom of heaven
But only the one who does
The will of my Father
Who is in heaven

Many will say to me
On that day
'Lord, Lord, did we not
Prophesy in your name
And in your name
Drive out demons?'

Then I will tell them plainly
'I never knew you
Away from me
You evildoers!'

Many will say to me
On that day
'Lord, Lord, did we not
Prophesy in your name
And in your name
Drive out demons?'

Many will say to me
On that day
'Lord, Lord, did we not
Prophesy in your name
And in your name
Perform many miracles?'

5. Overcome Evil 0:21
Do not be overcome by evil
But overcome evil with good

6. In Front Of Others 0:44
Be careful not to practice
Your righteousness
In front of others
To be seen by them

If you do
You will have no reward
From your Father
In heaven

7. Plank In Your Own Eye 1:49
Why do you look at
The speck of sawdust
In your brother's eye
And pay no attention
To the plank in your own eye?

How can you say
To your brother
'Let me take the speck
Out of your eye'
When all the time there is
A plank in your own eye?

You hypocrite
First take the plank
Out of your own eye
And then you will see clearly
To remove the speck
From your brother's eye

8. Each Day Has Enough 0:39
Therefore I tell you
Do not worry about your life
What you will eat or drink
Or about your body
What you will wear

Is not life more than food
And the body more than clothes?

Can any one of you by worrying
Add a single hour to your life?
Do not worry about tomorrow
For tomorrow will worry about itself
Each day has enough
Trouble of its own

9. Wallowing In The Mud 0:33
As a dog returns to its vomit
So fools repeat their folly
A sow that is washed returns
To her wallowing in the mud

10. In Doing This 0:21
If your enemy is hungry
Feed him
If he is thirsty
Give him something to drink

In doing this
You will heap
Burning coals
On his head

11. Perfect In Love 2:48
God is love
Whoever lives in love
Lives in God
And God in them

This is how love is made
Complete among us
So that we will have confidence
On the day of judgement
In this world we are like Jesus

There is no fear in love
But perfect love drives out fear
Because fear has to do
With punishment
The one who fears
Is not made perfect in love

We love because
He first loved us
Whoever claims to love God
Yet hates a brother or sister
Is a liar

For whoever does not
Love their brother and sister
Whom they have seen
Cannot love God
Whom they have not seen

And he has give us
This command:
Anyone who loves God
Must also love their
Brother and sister

12. First Will Be Last 0:44
Many who are first
Will be last
And many who are last
Will be first

13. Not Your Own Mouth 0:31
Let someone else praise you
And not your own mouth
A stranger
And not your own lips

14. Into Temptation 0:17
Watch and pray
So that you will not
Fall into temptation

15. The Measure You Use 1:04
Do not judge
Or you too will be judged
For in the same way
You judge others
You will be judged
And with the measure you use
It will be measured to you

16. Seek First 0:55
Seek first his kingdom
And his righteousness

Summon The Elders (album, March 18, 2020, Abran Records) (Digital)

1. Acute Obliteration (Metanoia cover) 4:28
2. Prodigal Son (Vomitorial Corpulence cover) 1:14
3. If Not Emasculated (Inversion cover) 4:11
4. Gladiator (Freakings cover) 4:17
5. Tears Of A Leper (Lament cover) 3:22
6. Prophets Of Baal (Betrayal cover) 4:06
7. Ancient Rebellion (Opprobrium cover) 3:56
8. The Just Shall Live By Faith (Groms cover) 3:16
9. Sorrow Banished (Living Sacrifice cover) 2:53
10. Injudicial (Paramaecium cover) 4:37
11. Altar Of Pain (Rez cover) 3:03
12. By His Blood (Obliteration cover) 3:59

13. Pool Of Blood (Cast In Stone cover) 2:01
14. Scrolls Of The Megilloth (Mortification cover) 3:16

Neither Height Nor Depth (album)

December 23, 2020, Abran Records (Digital)
March 4, 2021, Abran Records (Cassette)

1. In The Realm Of The Spirit 2:58
And so he condemned sin in the flesh
In order that the righteous requirement of the law
Might be fully met in us, who do not live
According to the flesh but according to the Spirit

Those who live according to the flesh
Have their minds set on what the flesh desires
But those who live in accordance with the Spirit
Have their minds set on what the Spirit desires

The mind governed by the flesh is death
But the mind governed by the Spirit is life and peace
The mind governed by the flesh is hostile to God
It does not submit to God's law, nor can it do so

Those who are in the realm of the flesh cannot please God

You, however, are not in the realm of the flesh
But are in the realm of the Spirit
If indeed the Spirit of God lives in you

And if anyone does not have the Spirit of Christ
They do not belong to Christ
But if Christ is in you, then even though your body is subject to death because of sin
The Spirit gives life because of righteousness

The mind governed by the flesh is death
But the mind governed by the Spirit is life and peace
The mind governed by the flesh is hostile to God
It does not submit to God's law, nor can it do so

Those who are in the realm of the flesh cannot please God

And if the Spirit of him who raised Jesus from the dead is living in you
He who raised Christ from the dead will also give life to your mortal bodies

2. A Trustworthy Saying 2:12
If we died with him
We will also live with him
If we endure
We will also reign with him

If we disown him
He will also disown us
If we are faithless
He remains faithful
For he cannot disown himself

Keep reminding God's people of these things
Warn them before God against quarreling about words
It is of no value, and only ruins those who listen

Do your best to present
Yourself to God as one approved
A worker who does not
Need to be ashamed

And who correctly handles
The word of truth
Avoid godless chatter
Because those who indulge in it
Will become more and more ungodly

Their teaching will spread like gangrene, nevertheless
God's solid foundation stands firm, sealed with this inscription:
"The Lord knows those who are his"
And "everyone who confesses the name of the Lord
Must turn away from wickedness"

3. Children Of God 2:25
Brothers and sisters, we have an obligation
But it is not to the flesh, to live according to it

For if you live according to the flesh, you will die
But if by the Spirit you put to death the misdeeds of the body, you will live

For those who are led by the Spirit of God
Are the children of God

The Spirit you received does not make you slaves
So that you live in fear again

Rather, the Spirit you received brought about
Your adoption to sonship
And by him we cry, "Abba, Father"

The Spirit himself testifies with our spirit
That we are God's children
Now if we are children, then we are heirs of God
If indeed we share in Christ's sufferings in order that we may also share in his glory

4. For Which Of These 0:22
I have shown you many good works from the Father
For which of these do you stone me?

5. The Years The Locusts Have Eaten 1:05
I will repay you for the years the locusts have eaten
And you will praise the name of the Lord your God

The Lord your God
Who has worked
Wonders for you
Never again will my people be shamed

Then you will know that
I am the Lord your God
And that there is no other
Never again will my people be shamed

6. More Than Conquerors 1:57
If God is for us, who can be against us?
Who shall separate us from the love of Christ?
Shall trouble or hardship or persecution or famine
Or nakedness or danger or sword?

As it is written:
"For your sake we face death all day long;
We are considered as sheep to be slaughtered"

No, in all these things we are more than
Conquerors through him who loved us

For I am convinced that neither death nor life
Neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future
Nor any powers, neither height nor depth
Nor anything else in all creation
Will be able to separate us
From the love of God
That is in Christ Jesus
Our Lord

7. The Great And Dreadful Day 2:16
I will pour out my Spirit on all people
Your sons and daughters will prophesy
Your old men will dream dreams
Your young men will see visions

I will pour out
My Spirit in those days

I will pour out my Spirit in those days
Even on my servants, both men and women
I will show wonders
In the heavens and on the earth

Blood and fire
And billows of smoke
The sun will be turned to darkness
And the moon to blood

Before the coming of the great
And dreadful day of the Lord
And everyone who calls on the name of the Lord
Will be saved

8. The Message 0:54
The message of the cross is
Foolishness to those who are perishing
But to us who are being saved
It is the power of God

9. Live By Faith 1:50
The righteous will live by faith

Blessed are those whose transgressions are forgiven
Whose sins are covered
Blessed is the one
Whose sin the Lord will never count against them

Abram believed the Lord
And he credited it to him as righteousness

10. In This Hope 2:10
I consider that our present sufferings
Are not worth comparing
With the glory that will be
Revealed in us

For the creation waits in eager expectation
For the children of God to be revealed
For the creation was subjected to frustration
Not by its own choice, but by the will of the one who subjected it

In hope that the creation itself
Will be liberated from its bondage to decay

We know that the whole creation
Has been groaning
As in the pains of childbirth
Right up to the present time

We ourselves, who have the first fruits of the Spirit
Groan inwardly as we wait eagerly
For our adoption to sonship
The redemption of our bodies

For in this hope we were saved

11. The Shepherd Of The Sheep 2:46
Anyone who does not enter the sheep pen by the gate
Is a thief and a robber
The one who enters by the gate is the shepherd of the sheep
The gatekeeper opens the gate for him and the sheep listen to his voice

He calls his own sheep by name and leads them out
When he has brought out all his own, he goes on ahead of them, and his sheep follow him
Because they know his voice - but they will never follow a stranger; in fact
They will run away from him because they do not recognize a stranger's voice

I did tell you, but you do not believe
The works I do in my Father's name testify about me
But you do not believe because you are not my sheep
My sheep listen to my voice; I know them and they follow me

I give them eternal life, and they shall never perish
No one will snatch them out of my hand
My Father, who has given them to me, is greater than all
No one can snatch them out of my Father's hand

The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy
I have come that they may have life and have it to the full

I and the Father are one

12. The Firstborn 2:16
The Spirit helps us in our weakness
We do not know what we ought to pray for
But the Spirit himself intercedes for us
Through wordless groans

And he who searches our hearts
Knows the mind of the Spirit
Because the Spirit intercedes
For God's people in accordance with the will of God

And we know that in all things
God works for the good of those who love him
Who have been called
According to his purpose

For those God foreknew
He also predestined
To be conformed to the image
Of his Son

That he might be
The firstborn
Among many brothers
And sisters

And those he predestined
He also called
Those he called, he also justified
Those he justified, he also glorified

13. Spirit Of Fear 0:27
For God has not given us the spirit of fear
But of power, and of love
And of a sound mind

14. The Fulfillment Of The Law 1:32
Let no debt remain outstanding
Except the continuing debt to love one another
For whoever loves others
Has fulfilled the law

Love does no harm to a neighbor
Therefore love is the fulfillment of the law

The commandments are summed up in this one command
"Love your neighbor as yourself"

15. All Understanding 0:36
Do not be anxious about anything
But in every situation
By prayer and petition
With thanksgiving
Present your requests to God
And the peace of God
Which transcends all understanding
Will guard your hearts and your minds
In Christ Jesus

16. Seasoned With Salt 0:34
Let your conversation
Be always full of grace
Seasoned with salt
So that you may know
How to answer everyone

17. Neither Height Nor Depth 1:30
18. Reeking Impurities (Oblation cover) 3:46

Tapeography Vol. 1 (compilation)

December 23, 2020, Abran Records (Digital)
February 17, 2021, Abran Records (CD-R)

A compilation of material previously only released on tape and a couple of new songs (tracks 39 and 40).
Tracks 1-22 are from "Divided".
Tracks 23-30 are from "Redefining Everything".
Tracks 31-33 are from "Blind Guides".
Tracks 34-38 are from "It Is Finished".

1. Siren Call Of Wealth 1:35
2. On Shaky Ground 2:05
3. Unfollow 0:14
4. Divided 1:17
5. The Least Of These 2:13
6. To Be Saved 0:38
7. Certain Disaster 1:13
8. Believe 0:08
9. Your Own Design 1:28
10. Practice What You Preach 0:10
11. A Small Spark 2:12
12. Devil's Advocate 1:42
13. Resist 0:14
14. Stand Your Ground 1:50
15. Mercy Triumphs 0:27
16. In Reverent Fear 2:25
17. In Your Anger 0:07
18. Wisdom 2:02
19. To The Humble 0:19
20. Turn From Evil 1:45
21. Slow To Speak 0:35
22. Your Commandments 2:09
23. As Yourself 0:20
24. High Horse 2:30
25. In The Dark 1:30
26. Good Intentions 1:50
27. Redefining Everything 1:04
28. The Echo 1:51
29. Doomsday Prophet 2:32
30. To Others 0:34
31. Blind Guides (Alternate Mix) 3:30
32. The Word (Alternate Mix) 1:15
33. Labyrinth (Sacrificium cover) 4:35
34. What They Do 0:15
35. Lukewarm 0:49
36. The Gift Of God 0:37
37. It Is Finished 0:25
38. Pool Of Blood (Cast In Stone cover) 2:00
39. Masquerade 0:48
Satan himself masquerades
As an angel of light
It is not surprising, then
If his servants also masquerade

As servants of righteousness

Their end will be
What their actions deserve

40. No Reward 0:34
Be careful not to practice your righteousness
In front of others to be seen by them

If you do
You will have no reward
From your Father
In heaven

Tapeography Vol. 2 (compilation)

December 23, 2020, Abran Records (Digital)
February 17, 2021, Abran Records (CD-R)

A compilation of material previously only released on tape and a new song (track 19).

Tracks 1-18 are from "Neither Height Nor Depth".
Tracks 20-55 are from "A Smoldering Wick".

1. In The Realm Of The Spirit 2:58
2. A Trustworthy Saying 2:12
3. Children Of God 2:25
4. For Which Of These 0:22
5. The Years The Locusts Have Eaten 1:05
6. More Than Conquerors 1:57
7. The Great And Dreadful Day 2:16
8. The Message 0:54
9. Live By Faith 1:50
10. In This Hope 2:10
11. The Shepherd Of The Sheep 2:46
12. The Firstborn 2:16
13. Spirit Of Fear 0:27
14. The Fulfillment Of The Law 1:32
15. All Understanding 0:36
16. Seasoned With Salt 0:34
17. Neither Height Nor Depth 1:30
18. Reeking Impurities (Oblation cover) 3:46
19. Remember 1:37
The time is coming
When anyone who kills you
Will think they are offering
A service to God

They will do such things because
They have not known
The Father
Or me

I have told you this
So that when their time comes
You will remember
That I warned you about them

20. Ferocious Wolves 0:36
21. Ask 0:30
22. Go Now 0:32
23. My Servant 0:54
24. A Smoldering Wick 1:00
25. The Narrow Gate 1:35
26. Your Treasure 0:37
27. The Wages Of Sin 0:01
28. In Their Own Sight 0:46
29. The First Commandment 1:14
30. With You 0:38
31. In Human Likeness 1:27
32. Under Condemnation 0:51
33. Firm And Steadfast 1:28
34. The Wisdom Of This World 1:02
35. Their Life For Me 0:21
36. To Our Own Way 1:12
37. Hate Evil 1:10
38. Higher Than The Earth 1:14
39. Be Perfect 0:35
40. Always 0:49
41. The Light Within You 0:31
42. Those Who Exalt 0:50
43. Come To Me 0:59
44. The Day Or The Hour 0:18
45. Choose Life 0:46
46. While He Is Near 0:50
47. Under A Bowl 0:49
48. To The Pure 0:49
49. The One Who Boasts 1:12
50. Prayer 0:20
51. The Foolishness Of God 0:44
52. Be On Your Guard 0:12
53. The Whole World 0:45
54. What No Eye Has Seen 0:42
55. Scrolls Of The Megilloth (Mortification cover) 3:16

Not My Own (single, May 12, 2022, Abran Records) (5" Vinyl, Digital)

1. New Earth 1:06
Then I saw a new heaven and a new earth
For the first heaven and the first earth had passed away

And I heard
A loud voice
From the throne

"Look! God's dwelling place is now among the people
And he will dwell with them"

He will wipe
Every tear
From their

There will be no more death or mourning or crying or pain
For the old order of things has passed away
"I am making everything new!"

2. Not My Own 1:15
I am not my own
I have been bought
Redeemed with the precious blood
Of the lamb

The lamb that was slaughtered at the place of the Skull
Innocent, no sin of his own, no crime committed
Still took up the cross paying the ultimate price
For our transgressions

The wages of sin is death
But the gift of God is eternal life
In Christ Jesus our Lord

Mesmerized (album)

August 1, 2022, Abran Records (Digital)
September 18, 2022, Abran Records (CD-R)
2023, Lament Records (CD)

1. Enchanted 1:09
2. Bound In Chains 5:19
Your life was in ruins
One wrong turn after the other
The end was already in sight
And that end was dead

The miracle happened
You were presented a second chance
You could start with a clean plate
You accepted the helping hand

Why is it then that your current state
Is worse than the old one was
Why did you leave the straight and narrow
And return to your folly

You exchanged the worship of God
With the worship of a man
You sing about freedom but it's easy to see
That you are bound in heavy chains

After a period of flying high
You abruptly landed
You have lost your wings
You cannot take off anymore

You have lost sight of the clouds above
Your eyes are fixated on your wallet
But no amount of money can buy
What you have lost in the process

"When an impure spirit comes out of a person
It goes through arid places seeking rest and does not find it
Then it says, 'I will return to the house I left'
When it arrives, it finds the house swept clean and put in order
Then it goes and takes seven other spirits more wicked than itself
And they go in and live there
And the final condition of that person is worse than the first"

3. Playing The Victim 4:46
Desperately trying to justify the hatred
You show towards others

Your self-righteous arrogance
Makes it hard to relate to your case

You keep playing the victim
Even when you are the oppressing party
You see yourself as a martyr
Even when you execute the other with your words

Your judgement is not righteous
You don't even base it on your own moral standard

You use religion as a basis
To feel yourself superior to others

You don't show compassion to the lost
Just want them to disappear from your sight

You keep playing the victim
Even when you are the oppressing party
You see yourself as a martyr
Even when you execute the other with your words

You only condemn the act if it was
Committed by a member of "the other team"

The Lord detests dishonest scales
We are all at His mercy

He gave His life for us to be saved
Not to imitate His killers

Don't do the job of the Accuser
He who is without sin, let him cast the first stone

4. Darkness Cannot Devour 3:21
You're not a child of hell
You're not destined to perishing
The Kingdom is already
There within your heart

Every day you can bring
More and more of Heaven down to earth
As you walk around
God is walking with you

His light is shining through you
The darkness cannot devour you
You may go through trials
But you're never alone

Even when you don't feel it
He is with you, He never lies
Even if you stumble
His angels are there to lift you up

At the end of the road
The light awaits you
No dark dungeon
No fiery furnace is reserved for you

Trust Him and believe in Him
His words are true
His power is more than enough
To save you

5. Holy Is His Name 4:03
My soul glorifies the Lord
And my spirit rejoices in God my Savior
For he has been mindful
Of the humble state of his servant

The Mighty One has done great things for me
Holy is his name
His mercy extends to those who fear him
From generation to generation

He has performed mighty deeds with his arm
He has scattered those who are proud in their inmost thoughts

My soul glorifies the Lord
And my spirit rejoices in God my Savior
For he has been mindful
Of the humble state of his servant

The Mighty One has done great things for me
Holy is his name
He has filled the hungry with good things
But has sent the rich away empty

He has performed mighty deeds with his arm
He has brought down rulers from their thrones but has lifted up the humble

6. The Path Of Peace 2:41
Praise be to the Lord
Because he has come
To his people
And redeemed them

He has raised up a horn of salvation for us
Salvation from our enemies and from the hand of all who hate us
To remember his holy covenant
The oath he swore to our father Abraham

To rescue us from the hand of our enemies
And to enable us to serve him without fear
In holiness and righteousness
Before him all our days

And you, my child, will be called a prophet of the Most High
For you will go on before the Lord to prepare the way for him
To give his people the knowledge of salvation
Through the forgiveness of their sins

Because of the tender mercy of our God
By which the rising sun
Will come to us
From heaven

To shine on those living in darkness
And in the shadow of death
To guide our feet
Into the path of peace

7. Mesmerized 3:47
Your lips are dripping with venom
Your audience venerates you
Enchanted, mesmerized
Unable to see the obvious

Itching ears swallowing
Your message in whole
With no filter applied
No sanity check

Neck muscles get tired
Of the heavy nodding
Whatever you say
They will consume

The venom spreads through the lives
Paralyzing their conscience
They become like zombies
Barely living dead

Contaminating the source
Poisoning the well
Advancing the deception
Mixing a little truth with lots of lies

It's all written on your face
Yet they don't seem to notice
With priorities shifting
From the everlasting God to mere mortal men

Itching ears swallowing
Your message in whole
With no filter applied
No sanity check

Neck muscles get tired
Of the heavy nodding
Whatever you say
They will consume

The venom spreads through the lives
Paralyzing their conscience
They become like zombies
Barely living dead

We gotta return to the source
To the clean life-giving well
Renounce the deception
And leave hellish lies behind

8. With Splendor And Majesty 2:46
Lord my God, you are very great
You are clothed in splendor and majesty
The Lord wraps himself in light as with a garment
He stretches out the heavens like a tent
And lays the beams of his upper chambers on their waters
He makes the clouds his chariot
And rides on the wings of the wind
He makes winds his messengers
Flames of fire his servants
He set the earth on its foundations
It can never be moved

You covered it with the watery depths as with a garment
The waters stood above the mountains
But at your rebuke the waters fled
At the sound of your thunder they took to flight

They flowed over the mountains
They went down into the valleys, to the place you assigned for them

He makes springs pour water into the ravines
It flows between the mountains
He waters the mountains from his upper chambers
The land is satisfied by the fruit of his work
He made the moon to mark the seasons
And the sun knows when to go down
You bring darkness, it becomes night
And all the beasts of the forest prowl
How many are your works, Lord
In wisdom you made them all
The earth is full of your creatures

When you hide your face, they are terrified
When you take away their breath, they die and return to the dust
When you send your Spirit, they are created
And you renew the face of the ground

May the glory of the Lord endure forever; may the Lord rejoice in his works
I will sing to the Lord all my life; I will sing praise to my God as long as I live

May my meditation be pleasing to him
As I rejoice in the Lord
Praise the Lord, my soul
Praise the Lord

9. The Renewing Of Your Mind 3:14
Half-baked ideas
False dogmas
Rooted deep in your mind

Displaying folly
For all to see
Lacking modesty
To be quick to listen and slow to speak

Be transformed by the renewing of your mind
Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is
His good, pleasing
And perfect will

Do not be wise in your own eyes
Fear the Lord and shun evil

Not many of you should become
Because you know what we who teach
Will be judged more strictly

When words are many
Sin is not absent
But he who holds his tongue
Is wise

Be transformed by the renewing of your mind
Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is
His good, pleasing
And perfect will

Blessed are those who find wisdom, those who gain understanding
For she is more profitable than silver and yields better returns than gold

10. Atonia 3:03
Unable to move
Am I dreaming awake?
Or has my worst nightmare
Come to life?

My muscles fail to respond
I am unable to do what I will
I feel betrayed by my body
Even though the culprit is my mind

I feel powerless
A heavy weight
On my chest

Cannot move a muscle
It doesn't feel like I'm awake
What is happening to me
Did I get a glimpse of hell?

My muscles fail to respond
I am unable to do what I will
I feel betrayed by my body
Even though the culprit is my mind

Pray for this nightmare to end
To get back in charge
Of my movement
Of my actions

11. The Barely Living Dead 3:19
12. Let Down (NIV cover) 2:04

13. New Earth 1:06
Then I saw a new heaven and a new earth
For the first heaven and the first earth had passed away

And I heard
A loud voice
From the throne

"Look! God's dwelling place is now among the people
And he will dwell with them"

He will wipe
Every tear
From their

There will be no more death or mourning or crying or pain
For the old order of things has passed away
"I am making everything new!"

14. Not My Own 1:15
I am not my own
I have been bought
Redeemed with the precious blood
Of the lamb

The lamb that was slaughtered at the place of the Skull
Innocent, no sin of his own, no crime committed
Still took up the cross paying the ultimate price
For our transgressions

The wages of sin is death
But the gift of God is eternal life
In Christ Jesus our Lord

Wasting Away (album, May 17, 2024, Abran Records) (CD-R, Digital)

1. Wasting Away 2:30
Hands diligently doing the devil's work
Feet swift for bloodshed
Mouths uttering deception
Words not fitting the dark urges inside

Desecration of the holy
The abomination sitting in the temple
Exalted high

The darkness has
Taken away your sight
You are no longer able
To see the light

You feel at home when it's
All pitch-black around you
Not wanting the rays of light
To penetrate this darkness

You feel cozy closed in a box
Where the light outside does not disturb you

Deadly intentions arise
Emerging from blackened hearts
Poisoned arrows aimed at everyone
Moving around in shooting range

It's all upside down
Pure chaos inside
This dark cloud has started
Devouring your mind

The darkness has
Taken away your sight
You are no longer able
To see the light

You feel at home when it's
All pitch-black around you
Not wanting the rays of light
To penetrate this darkness

Wasting away in a makeshift coffin
Buried alive - or maybe already dead

2. Food Not For Thought 4:36
Ignorant minds
Don't want to know
Don't want to learn
To explore
To discover
To examine
Or dive deep

They want food not for thought
But for easing the mind of the burden of brainwork
They require processed food, not wanting to chew
Picky eaters, spitting out the bits that are hard to swallow

Making arrogant claims
While missing out on the basics
Constructing intricate buildings
On shabby foundations

Lazily accepting
Whatever is presented
By shamelessly
Loud frauds
Living in
Blissful ignorance
Expressing yourself
In confidence

Repeating well-rehearsed lines
When questions and concerns are raised
Your so-called research misses integrity
You are not looking for the truth but straws you can cling to
(To "prove" your preconceptions)

Making arrogant claims
While missing out on the basics
Constructing intricate buildings
On shabby foundations

3. Looking Downward 4:10
You're king of rubbish
Soon your bubble will burst
Leaving you with nothing
In the end

Puffed up
Detached from the earth
A washed-up star
In a congregation of the dead

One-eyed man
With a darkened sight
Looking downward
Where your future is

Building hell around you
And that exactly is what awaits
At the end of the road
You have set your feet on

Death and destruction follow
Your glorious reign
You have navigated yourself
Into a corner

Your only company is monsters
Even bigger than you

Obsessed with yourself
Delusions of grandeur
You don't hesitate
To sacrifice everything

Detached from reality
A long time ago
Not seeing
The obvious anymore

Make no mistake
The price will have to be paid
Your days are numbered
No one can escape fate

All you have built
By the sweat and tears of others
Will be lost, you cannot take it with you
When the time comes

I mourn for your victims
But also for your soul
It is sad to see
The destiny you chose

4. Illusion Contest 3:46
Projecting false imagery
Inducing anxiety
Thoughts engaged

Endlessly competing
With lives presented as real

Don't ever lift the rug
Lest you see the garbage underneath

Going down as deep
As the very surface
Lack of substance
And real values
Don't get caught up
In this rat race
This illusion contest
Is of no use

A room of mirrors
So easy to get lost
Hold fast
To who you are

No real building, just a facade
A movie set instead of a real city

All of it is fake
Looks impressive but is rotten under the surface

Going down as deep
As the very surface
Lack of substance
And real values
Don't get caught up
In this rat race
This illusion contest
Is of no use

You only see pretty faces
Not realizing what lies beneath the heavy makeup

5. Permanently Degrading 3:08
Being in maintenance mode
Shutting down your mind
Refusing to learn and improve
Permanently degrading

The soul decomposing slowly
You have grown used to the putrid stench of death and decay
Slamming the door in the face of life
The breeze with its fresh scents from outside

Dead inside
A rotting mind
Absence of life
A dying light

Having lost interest
In the wonders of the real world
Indulging in complacency
Lost in a dark chamber

The soul decomposing slowly
You ahve grown used to the putrid stench of death and decay
Slamming the door in the face of life
The breeze with its fresh scents from outside

Wake up inside
Use your mind
Return to life
Turn on the light

6. Surrounded By Lies 3:18
You start to speak, the waters rise
We are getting drowned in a river of your lies
The tide is swallowing us up alive

Being used to existing
Surrounded by lies
A cloud of false evidence

Despite this embarrassment
The truth is not mocked
It doesn't shatter
It will remain till the end

You need to pick your side
The truth or petty lies
While you still have time
To make up your mind

A river of words flowing out of your mouth
It reeks of dishonesty
The murky water is swirling out of control

Being used to existing
Surrounded by lies
A cloud of false evidence

Despite this embarrassment
The truth is not mocked
It doesn't shatter
It will remain till the end

You need to pick your side
The truth or petty lies
While you still have time
To make up your mind

7. Blood Money 3:03
Sacrificing the Saviour
Again and again

Whitewashed tombs
Rotten on the inside

Betraying the sacred cause
Just to get a slice of the poisoned cake

The house of prayer
Became a den of robbers
Mocking the tradition
Of the holy martyrs
Joining their executors

Following the trails
Of the traitor Judas

Betrayal by
Showing fake love

Betraying the sacred cause
Just to get a slice of the poisoned cake
Getting your thirty pieces of silver
You greedily adore your blood money

The house of prayer
Became a den of robbers
Mocking the tradition
Of the holy martyrs

Instead, you are joining
Their executors
Earning your place
In the outer darkness

8. Hopeful Despair 4:01
The light is fading
The path ahead is getting blurred
A dark mist descending
Obscuring my vision

I am still certain
Of where I want to get
I must reach my goal
Fighting my way through the darkness

I must press forward
Till the very end
I need to grab
The guiding hands

Though I feel lost
And cannot see what's ahead
I am still moving forward
Taking one step at a time

And time is on my side
With every second
With every step I take
I get closer to my goal

I must press forward
Till the very end
I need to grab
The guiding hands

Though I'm in despair
I am still hoping
Everything will be fine
In the end

9. Hounds Of Hell 3:28
The hounds of hell are barking
Warmongers are dancing to their tune

Soldiers led to the frontline
Like sheep to be slaughtered

Modern day pharisees
With distorted views
Posing as holy men
But acting as angels of death

Misguided minds heeding the call
Following the chants of false prophets

Tonedeaf ears adhering to the lies
Cheering to the deaths of the innocent

Modern day pharisees
With distorted views
Posing as holy men
But acting as angels of death

10. Conflict Inside 3:47
It's hard to focus
Thoughts rushing wildly in my head
Visions of a bright future
And feelings of utter despair

One moment it's up
The next I feel trapped
In the darkest deepest
Dungeons of hell

This conflict inside
Is tearing me apart

I am feeling stuck
In the middle between two frontlines
Voices from both heaven and hell
Screaming in my ears

This conflict inside
Is tearing me apart
Longing for the end
Of this schizophrenic nightmare

11. The Guiding Hands 3:07


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