Wednesday, July 12, 2023


BAND NAME: Visceral Pizza Enthusiast
GENRE: Grindcore / Noisecore / Crust
STATUS: Active

Lee Catanese - Vocals, Guitars, Lyrics
Jason Saylor - Bass, Drums, Lyrics



Refusing To Eat Anything That Isn't Greasy Or Cheesy? (EP)

July 12, 2023, Independent (Digital)
July 12, 2023, Coleiosis Records (Digital)

1. Mom Knows What Kids Want. Sunny D And Sweaty Pop Tarts. 0:49
Thousands of comatosed zombies litter the streets
From small towns to big cities
Look into their vacant eyes
You will find they're devoid of life
Their diet consist of drugs and fast food
Jesus knows them, he sees how they got where they are
Jesus loves them, he is the one to bring back from the dead
They were once members of society and lived productive lives
A part of loving families, others were sexual abused and beaten

2. Secular Humanism Is Replacing Biblical Doctrine. What Could Go Wrong? 1:03
Now you know I have not live a perfect life.
Usually doing what I see fit, despite knowing what's right.
And what's your way.
Send me to Hell.
But despite this, you love more than I could ever.
Jesus, even if no one can hear me.
Even if no one can understand.
I am here to live for you.
Get behind me, Satan (Ahhhhh)
It doesn't matter how many times you fall.
It doesn't matter how much good you do.
It doesn't freaking matter if you think you're a good person.
You suck. I suck. We all suck.
Jesus is the only pure thing on this Earth.

3. They Say Hell Is Real, I Will Believe When I Get There 0:22
Tell me what else do I need in this world?
The serpent is among us and trying to corrupt our minds.
We don't need honor.
We don't need power.
We don't need a single thing.
Nothing but the blood of Jesus.
Nothing but the blood of Jesus.

4. Remember When Little Caesear's Pizza Didn't Give You Diarrhea? Neither Do I. 0:18
Living a perfect life.
Showing off my cute butt in this bikini.
Using my cleavage for likes on Instagram.
Hahahaha look at me.
Screw saving my body for marriage.
Modern day whores with modern day thinking.

5. Back In My Day, Women Used To Know They Were Women 0:35
His name is Christ the Lord.
And he died for all my transgressions.
For the times I lied.
The times I looked down that girl's shirt.
The times I thought I know what I was doing in my freaking life.
The proud of my youth is the folly of my father.
I have nothing to offer your kingdom.
Jesus, I have nothing to offer.
Take my life, and even thought it's a mess, show me how to show this world you.

6. If You Can't Love Me For My Arm Hair, You Don't Love Me For Real 0:34
Show this song to the Christian who thinks anything but traditional Gospel music is satanic.
Show this to the Christian who thinks I need to cry during their church's worship time in order to be saved.
I'm so sick of being a second class citizen because I don't fit your description.
I'm so sick of having my worship, and quite frankly, the best way I know how to praise the Lord, diminished because I scream.
I'm mad. Call it righteous anger.
"I have followers you do not know".
I'm sick of being on the outside.

7. Throwing Up On Seth Putnam's Hairbun 0:21
I hate my sin.
I hate the fact I hate being in church.
I hate knowing Satan is winning this battle.
Listen here, you fallen angel.
Not by my power, but in the name of Jesus Christ, you will not win.
You will not ruin my life.
Glory. Honor. Power.
Jesus Christ.

8. Jason And Lee Wore Dresses While Recording This Album 1:34


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